London II

Out of context: Reply #81

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  • paraselene0

    this is what you said that i didn't like:

    I think they'll find that the bombs two weeks ago were not from the same people as the ones today. The ones today (because they are so much smaller) are from amature anti-war tree huggers trying to boost the pressure on Blair and the war in Iraq when what they should be doing is pressuring Blair to increase his presence in Iraq 300% and saturate that fucking place to erradicate the extremists.
    (Jul 21 05, 07:36)

    sentence one is obvious.
    sentence two is right about the amateur bit, but implies that it's anti-war protesting rather than participation in the war (which, to whoever perpetrated this, i imagine it is). the other big problem i have with sentence two is that bit that comes after 'should' cos i think it's small-minded and a very u.s.-centric way of looking at a problem that, for people in the u.k., is much more complicated and problematic than people in the states tend to realise.

    so, in my opinion, i didn't say the same thing as you at all. nor did i say it in a self-righteous tone punctuated with bellicose 'face its'.

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