London II

Out of context: Reply #76

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  • iDp0

    Oh how the hypocrisy
    actually, skt, this kid from the heartland of radio free america has a great fucking point. i reckon you'll find after the crime scene investigation forensics (performed in three-inch heels and with plenty o' sexual tension) that all of the materials used to make the bombs were purchased at the selfsame stoke newington fresh and wild and detonated by a disgruntled troupe of jewish lesbian yoga teachers.

    face it.
    (Jul 21 05, 07:57)

    certainly there's a lot of missing information at the moment. my hunch would be that these attacks are similar in style and motivation to the 'shoe bombings' that took place after 9/11. half copycat, half inspired by the previous attacks.

    i think the motivation behind the two mindsets is the same or similar, despite the fact that the methods and tools used were very, very different. also, stem, i think you're closer to the truth than you think with your definition of suicide bombing. it's not like the ira, where the destruction was meant to be costly and inconvenient, nor is it quite like the seventh, when loss of life was clearly an aim. it's highly symbolic, this, and is more about a performance of ideology as death than death as ideology. na'meen?
    (Jul 21 05, 08:25)

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