comic books

Out of context: Reply #49

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  • mr7400

    damn this thread was made for me, I wish I had the time to respond to it thuroughly.

    right now:
    DC has it's countdown to Infinate Crisis, which is going to "rock the DC universe" from what reviews say. I've been reading as many of the side stories as my bank account will allow, but there is a ton of shit going on there.

    Marvel's response to DC is The House of M. Quick summary, Scarlet Which has flown off her rocker and is completely out of her mind insane and actrually altering reality, as well as the Marvel Hero's past.

    both a muct have for any comic book geek, like myself.

    some good shit to pick up if you haven't read them yet:

    Wolverine: Origin
    Earth X, Universe X, Paradise X
    Batman: Hush
    Identity Chrisis
    Daredevil: Decalogue

    also, Frank Miller and Jim Lee have teamed up to start a new Batman and Robin series. Promising to be awesome. :)

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