parents separate:

Out of context: Reply #16

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    my mom spent 19 years trying to change my father, trying to get him to stop selling dope, doing drugs, etc...

    I started to follow in his footsteps when I was 12, I knew everything he did, every bit of slang he used, where he hid the money, when he hid the dope, how much he had, and who he sold it too...

    At that age or any age, no child should ever have to learn or be exposed to those things...

    I followed his footsteps up until they got a divoirce, my mom loved my dad for who he was, not what he did...

    When she finally knew everything I knew he was doing, it broke her heart, and she had to leave him... It sucked, it fucked me up for a good year, and me and my father haven't ever really talked since...

    Is it good they seperated? Yes, was it hard on me? For a bit, but I manned up, and moved on,

    see my fathers problem is he just did what my grandfather did..

    I'm just not trying to repeat those mistakes..

    All in all, my fucked up families relationship has made me a real nut job when it comes to my own relationships, lol...

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