
Out of context: Reply #72

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  • Norman_AD0

    As I see it, religion/worship is many different things to many different people. The one thing that it shares in common is empowerment.

    Some follow religion to lead a better life, or seek the value of good through the commandments. Some to have a sense of purpose in life. Some to pay thanks to the creator for blessing them with life.

    Some worship, as someone mentioned, only seeking a place in heaven in the afterlife, others try to bring goodness down to earth and make a little piece of heaven here.

    Other people use religion to warp and bend nature, enslave man, cast spells and weild power reserved for places other than earth.

    Some people find themselves in religion, some lose themselves.

    What ever helps a person to give and take love is the most important thing I think. True mercy and compassion and appreciation that you have been created. Helping others to lead more full lives.

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