
Out of context: Reply #66

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  • GreedoLives0

    Since there's been all this talk about scientology recently, i've been reading up on it a bit and it's incredibly fascinating. Turns out he harvested some of his ideas from Aleister Crowley and other occultists, started a private fleet called Sea Org which still exists, was a bigamist and big-time alcoholic and pill popper and propaly died from an overdose (his body was very quickly cremated...drugs are against church doctrine). Also, several high-ranking scientologists were indicted and convicted in the late 70s for running an anti-american spy ring.
    If nothing else, read this crazy crap:…

    And imagine the business model:
    you can only move up the ranks by paying large sums of money all the while telling your most intimate secrets to the church, which is not bound by any ethics or oaths to keep it secret or use them against you. Also keeping the central core of your beliefs secret from your adherents seems psychotic to me.
    Screw this cult.

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