
Out of context: Reply #58

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  • scarabin0

    'The relationship that is Christianity, unlike world religions, is historic and evidential. The testimony of Christ's life, death, and resurrection happened to come to us by way of eyewitness accounts (2 Pet. 1:16; 1 John 1:1-4). Christianity therefore is a historical faith, and its truth claims can be evaluated by examining the facts and testimony of history - its a faith based in fact. None of the other religions of the world can claim this kind of historical support.'


    bullshit. just because someone long ago wrote it and claimed it was true, does not make a thing true. i can write a book wherein i claim to be god, make up whatever wacko shit i want, and then stir in a few current events to make it 'historically accurate' and it will still be bullshit. the bible is not an end-all argument to anything, it is not a historical record, it is not some god's creation, it is just a book; although the most popular work of fiction ever written.


    ' it is supported by Christ’s historically verifiable resurrection from the dead (1 Cor. 15:3-8). Other religions like Buddhism and Islam claim miracles in support of their faith, but unlike Christianity, these miracles lack historical verification.'


    again, bullshit. the occurance of a man spontaneously coming back to life has never, ever, been 'historically verified'. the bible is not a verified historical record.


    'An additional feature which sets Christianity apart from religion is that its beliefs system happens to be coherent. Some Christian doctrines may transcend logical categories — and even appear paradoxical — but unlike the religions of the east, they are not irrational or absurd.'


    that's retarded. by definition transcending logic and causing logical paradoxes make it irrational and absurd.


    'Oh, and before I forget, the Christian faith is unique in that it can account for the vast array of phenomena which we encounter in life — things like the laws of science, the universal laws of logic, ethical norms, love, meaning in life, and, of course, the problem of evil.'


    every religion accounts for and explains all these things. that's why religions formed in the first place. to explain natural phenomena. christianity in no way is the first and definitely not the only religion to do this.

    i would hardly call any of these statements good reasons to embrace christianity.

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