If you die today

Out of context: Reply #50

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  • mg330

    I think about this constantly.

    Ever since my only sister died 10 years ago this week in a car wreck, I've tried to look at each day and hope that with each person I interact with, I've shown my true self, that I try to be a good person, and that their memories of me will be good. Nothing impressive, nothing awe-inspiring. Just that I was a good person.

    Your life can be taken so quickly, with no planning and no expectation of it. As quick as you can blink your eyes while reading this, your life could end. It shouldn't be depressing to think about it like that, in fact, I think being that realistic about life and fate is a very healthy perspective to have in your mind. For me, doing that reminds me to appreciate simple things in life, to realize that things like money or status or egos are not the emphasis of a truly happy and fulfilled life. And there's so much more than that.

    Years down the road, of course with my desire to do as much with my band and music as I can, I would hope that I would be seen for doing music that was nothing more than being myself, never be seen for trying to be someone I'm not. There are so many things I want to accomplish with music that have a much larger impact than the music itself. So, I guess in that regard I would hope I'd be seen for contributing to something memorable.

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