we just

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • JazX0

    yeah, so, I meet this Spanish chicken staying with a friend that I see every night I go out drinking but I never knew his name.

    so, she's a teacher from Madrid and she's here for the summer. Her dad works in a Spanish restaurante.

    she was a hottie, she and I hit it off and we were just talkin' BS. So her friend an American gets blown off by her Portuguese boyfriend also working at the same restuarante, her friend gets wasted and starts talking about threesomes. I was like, uhmmmmmmmmmm, yeahhhh, thinking, 'I'm calling off, please God, please God, please God'. It never materialised plus my friend who I dont know well wouldn't have appreciated us ditching him. Apparently he works in neuroscience and had some kind of viewing operation thingie at 7AM. This all happened at about 12;30 AM. I know his head hurtz, 'cause mine does too and he drank even more.

    I tried to get this chick to ditch this dude and I think she told him. Last time he buys me a drink, lol


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