Creationist Lies 666 apologies

Out of context: Reply #47

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  • discipler0

    Are you listening to me? Degradation? The second law of thermodynamics is about the SPREADING OF ENERGY. Not degradation, disorder, "messiness" etc...
    Wrong! The spread of energy leads to the inevitable depletion of the energy and hence breakdown and degridation. Read what both evolutionists AND I.D. proponents teach!
    Again, you are extrapolating the 2nd law to areas where it has no concern being in. The second law is about THERMO-DYNAMICS. THERMO meaning heat, and energy. Not information. That is wholly a different topic.
    Correct. Heat. Energy and tendency toward randomness and degridation. Everything I (scientists!) have said is consistent. You don't understand the definition, evidently.
    No. See, this is your error. This "act" as you call it, developed over millions, if not billions of years, in the insane conditions during the formation of earth. It wasn't a "random act" as you try and misinterpret it. It was the pressure put on by the earths environment on increasingly complex molecules.
    Complete and utter argument from silence that flies in the face of confirmed scientific findings. TIME does not matter. A trillion years would not produce the complexity of a single cell. Random natural forces (which would still require a causal factor) cannot exert selective pressures on something non-functioning in the first place. No factor, NO factor can produce irreducibly complex biological machines. Even if the constituent parts were available (but those need a causal factor as well).

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