Creationist Lies 666 apologies

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • discipler0

    mikotondria! surely they didn't let you get your degree believing that something actually came out of Miller's experiments! It's widely known amongst scientists that his findings were rendered completely useless. He had the atmosphere completely wrong!

    According to origin of life theorists, life somehow spontaneously arose from its basic chemical building blocks. Some scientists and textbooks claim that amino acids, nucleotides, and other “building blocks of life” (pre-biotics) were present on the early earth in a “primordial soup.” However, scientific evidence indicates there was never a “primordial soup.”

    The famous "Miller Experiment", performed by Stanley Miller in 1953, did produce amino acids by sparking gasses, but it did not use the gasses that were present in the earth’s atmosphere. When the correct gasses are used, exceedingly little or no amino acids or other building blocks are created. Some proposed that the building blocks came from space, but later studies showed that organic material would be heated and destroyed upon entering the earth’s atmosphere.

    There is no natural way to even get the building blocks of life on earth, yet even if they did exist, there is no known natural process for how or why they would then form more complex molecules such as polymers, proteins, RNA, or DNA. The laws of thermodynamics, chemistry, and physics, stack huge odds against the origin of life. Even the “simplest” forms of life would be far too complex to arise by chance, for many complex parts exist in even the “simplest” bacteria.

    Miller's experiments are a joke in the scientific community now. It was a controlled experiment shooting electricity into test containers. Even if he had the atmosphere right and even if you try to forget about how controlled the experiment was, do you know how impossible it is to get protiens to form all the components and organize into even a single cell???????

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