Creationist Lies 666 apologies

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • discipler0

    The real issue you are trying to communicate with your qutoes, Kuz, is the notion that irreducibly complex mechanisms were somehow able to spontaneously create themselves from the constituent molecules.

    The most elementary type of cell constitutes a 'mechanism' unimaginably more complex than any machine yet thought up, let alone constructed, by man. That's one cell. One cell.

    There is no natural way to even get the building blocks of life on earth, yet even if they did exist, there is no known natural process for how or why they would then form more complex molecules such as polymers, proteins, RNA, or DNA. The laws of thermodynamics, chemistry, and physics, stack impossible odds against the origin of life. Even the “simplest” forms of life would be far too complex to arise by chance, for many complex parts exist in even the “simplest” bacteria.

    Take, DNA for another example. DNA needs enzymes and proteins to replicate, but enzymes and proteins are created by DNA. The DNA-enzyme package must stay together but DNA creates the "cell membrane". DNA, proteins, and the cell membrane must all be present AT ONCE for life to exist. This irreducibly complex system could not arise by chance.

    For fun, take a limited look at a single Escherichia coli cell. Remove just one tiny component and guess what? Nonfunctioning...

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