Creationist Lies

Out of context: Reply #648

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  • TheTick0

    Discipler it was linked in all my posts above. Or are you really not reading what I write and just copying and pasting from your propgpaganda sites?

    Sure I've been saying that form the beginning...I don't believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis as a part of a scientific curriculum. I did look at whatthe scientists are saying and I stiill call bullshit that they are beginning with the idea that they are trying to PROVE that an ID is behind it. Ipso Facto it's NOT science.

    Oh forget it - go back trying to tell me about all the "gaps" in the fossil record and the "innaccuracies" of the dating methodology. And this is my point - the whole point of a scientific mindset is to always question - ALWAYS. New data is always allowed, new conclusions can always be drawn. If you start by saying well it's obvious an intelligent designer created everything and that's your BELIEF that you won't surrender, how can you claim to using a scientific mindset?

    I know NO real scientist who would discount god. There are different levels of probability they might ascribe to his existence and influence, but the existence of god is NOT a scientific question. Evolution is. It's not a freakin' philosophy.

    God, this is so insane...

    You have the freedom to believe in that all you want and I would fight to the death to support your freedom of worship and teach your children it at home and in your church and publish all the literature you want and promote it all you want in the marketplace of ideas. But you're not putting it in my public school and you're not going to put it into my government...

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