- stewdio
Stina Smith
Stina Smith is an art directer and designer based in Brooklyn, New York.
- stewdio
Charlotte Taylor
Beautiful video for fashion designer Charlotte Taylor's new collection.
- stewdio
(RED) Arrows
Beautifully shot video by HarrimanSteel for Nike's "Tied Together" campaign, raising awareness of (RED) and H.I.V. in Africa.
- stewdio
Grafikonstruct Teaser
Grafikonstruct's teaser page. Interesting.
- stewdio
It's Nice That
British design blog updated frequently with good work, interviews, collected thoughts.
- stewdio
AIGA "Legends" Gala Cards
Beautiful Eames-inspired table cards.
- stewdio
Bad Newstoday ?
all i said was "gross" and now my posts are all being removed?
- stewdio
Buy Nothing Day 2007
Excellent video campaign for Buy Nothing Day.
- stewdio
Awesome Photoshop Levels hack that allows you to hide one image inside another!
- stewdio
Stewdio (New!)
A revised and updated Stewdio portfolio.
- stewdio
Google Showcase
On Thursday the Google Showcase (Beta) program will expire. New portfolio viewer to launch on October 11th / 12th.
- stewdio
Judgement Day (TODAY!)
Ten years after August 29, 1997... I think the terminator would forgo the phonebook and just use Google. Or MySpace. Or this speci…
- stewdio
Akira's Trip
Akira is about to drive a motorcycle from Sweden to Japan! He's got a helmut-cam and a blog. Should be good. Still looking for spo…
- stewdio
this Blows (or not)
WindMaker is an ambient weather widget that applies the current wind conditions to (almost) any website.
- stewdio
Punk rock guitar in 90 seconds.
- stewdio
Contact Ben Haynes !
Boy genius Benjamin Haynes has some projects up on his new website. Definitely worth a look. Worth a collaboration too.
(CBH = C…
- stewdio
Thom Yorke - Black Swan
Here's a video sketch for Thom Yorke's song "Black Swan." It's a motion screen capture of me "performing" live on Apple's Keyboard…
- stewdio
Jed's Other Poem
The video turns 1 year old today. Thanks for all your emails and bloggings. Because of your enthusiasm I got to meet Jason and avo…
- stewdio
That's it. iQuit!
Quit any job or relationship instantly. iQuit generates a formal letter of resignation for you and sends it along. (Inspired by a …