- stewart
Cities & cars
I love developments like this. It's almost incomprehensible to me that there are still city centers being designed and arranged in…
- stewart
Font, work in progress
I have made some progress with the design of the new typeface. It is primarily a display font intended for logos, short headlines …
- stewart
Free quick & dirty font
As promised, the quick & dirty font. For free!
-> Frequent Future Traveller OTF file
- stewart
English copywriter here?
I am looking for a native English speaker/copywrite... who can occasionally rewrite my short jabberwocky texts into beautiful and …
- stewart
Fonts you hate
Sometimes I hate a font for one small detail. Like the t from Futura that looks like a cross.
Which fonts do you not use becaus…
- stewart
Working on new font
Working on a new font after finishing the Ridge project. I want to make all kinds of capital ligatures with it, any suggestions fo…
- stewart
Font feedback
Currently I am working on a font. I wanted to make one with a lot of lines and came up with the idea to make multiple weights with…
- stewart
Archiving Flash website
Is there a way to archive a Flash website, in a way that it can be viewed offline, if possible viewed in a stand-alone-somet... wi…
- stewart
Illustrator CC line gradient bug
In Illustrator CS I have a gradient applied to a line, the gradient is following the line. So far so good.
But when I use this …
- stewart
FM screen pattern
How do I create a halftone pattern like this, based on a (black and white) image? It looks like some sort of FM screening, but I c…
- stewart
What the font
Asking for a friend.
This isn't a standard PC font, is it?…
- stewart
Illustrator effect
Any illustrator here who's using Illustrator for print a lot?
Made a gradient from white to C100/M0/Y0/K100 in Illustrator.
- stewart
Logos with big o
Looking for logos with a bigger o in the middle of it. Like this one:
- stewart
Solar laptop charger
Looking for a solar laptop charger to extend the MacBook Pro's battery when there's no wall plug available. Which one has the best…
- stewart
Overprint Indesign
In Indesign, why would i still use the 'overprint fill' attributes (window>output>at... when i can use the multiply-effect on a st…
- stewart
Making your own screen
Any tips for making your own halftone screen / stochastic screen / etc using Photoshop?
- stewart
Legible London Maps
Are these maps already available?
- stewart
Airplane ID
What type of an airplane is this? It has the props facing backwards, and it made a remarkable high whee sound.
- stewart
interactive pdf from indesign
anyone experienced with interactive tables of content, bookmarks & buttons in InDesign?
i have a table of contents, with the op…
- stewart
what the logo…
good luck, jury!