- sherman
Silent Season
New ambient release for Silent Season by Mind Over Midi
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art and art stuff that other artists might art about
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Silent Season netlabel
Silent Season is a dub influenced ambient and techno netlabel based on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
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The Rabbit Lab
Design your own snowboard graphics to have a truly one of a kind ride
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Boomkat redesign
Redesign for Boomkat, feels a little clunky too me compared with the old one. I'm sure it will grow on me.
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Danny Vermette
My bro Danny is always up to something crafty.
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New Krylon Site
- new site by Happy Cog.
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Digital Dub
Dub is much more then just throwing a load of delays and reverbs on to an instrumental mix of music, its about the ambiance...
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Silent Season netlabel
lent Season is a dub influenced ambient and techno netlabel that distributes free MP3 files.
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Chris Allen
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Wonderful Union
Born out of Asterik Studios
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Mozilla Prism
Personal computing is currently in a state of transition. While traditionally users have interacted mostly with desktop applicatio…
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Go West, young graphic designers
The Prairie provinces are seeking out new logos, saying wheat sheaves and wild roses won't cut it any more
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Drop a quarter, its free!
Virtual coins for Children's Hospital
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Do websites need to look the same in every browser?
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A List Apart
Findings From the Web Design Survey
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Attack of the Weasel Words
Is corporate jargon killing english?