- ninjasavant
Jen Oaks: Illustrator
Excellent illustration work by recent graduate, Jen Oaks. She also has a calendar for sale.
- ninjasavant
new site launched
I finally got around to updating my site with work. More to come.
- ninjasavant
divx pro for free
get some.
- ninjasavant
Do you ever have to disable your screensaver and or energy saver settings to prevent your mac from screwing up your render and/or …
- ninjasavant
a repost for some good
- ninjasavant
Kid Beowulf has new publisher
This is a friend of mine I've known since college. He's been developing this comic series for years and now has himself a publishe…
- ninjasavant
Happy Loyalty Day, Citizen
ten hut, bitches.
- ninjasavant
i think this was a neat idea.
- ninjasavant
Radiation kills, run like hell
"The International Atomic Energy Agency and the International Organization for Standardization want you to know when it's time to …
- ninjasavant
300 image gallery
cant wait.
- ninjasavant
Fun video about usability
For all y'all usability type peeps.
- ninjasavant
Adobe Premiere is back
For the mac that is.
- ninjasavant
Like turntablists?
- ninjasavant
CNet refreshes their site design
Its subtle. Less eyesore, more difficult to read.
- ninjasavant
World Famous Audio Hacker arrested
Portland, OR - At 2:30 this morning, local DJ "World Famous Audio Hacker" was taken into custody by police after a performance at …
- ninjasavant
K10K redesigns
Kaliber10000 redesigns. Subtle but nice.
- ninjasavant
Vista skin for XP
For all y'all windows users out there. You can make XP look like Vista for free.
- ninjasavant
ha ha ha, Tomkitten. That's cute.
- ninjasavant
Adobe Project Lightroom
suck on that aperture.