- karj
Technology from the Sky
Imagine creating an imitation landingstrip, airplane, and control tower, in hopes that it would bring back gifts from the heavens.
- karj
Decision Fatigue
What if the problem is in having too much choice?
- karj
Seeking Passion
Lots of people look far and wide for something they love doing. What if it's closer to home?
- karj
What's Your Escape Plan?
Imagine the excitement and thrill of realizing that they were OK—and that they had a world of opportunities unfolding before them.
- karj
Mens' Wardrobe Essentials
I have seen Hell, and it is a shopping mall.
- karj
What to Wear
By treating clothing simply for what it is, you are closer to eliminating a substantial chunk of mundanity from your life.
- karj
Forget Self-Improvement
Might achievement, as a goal unto itself, be pointless?
- karj
Life is a Laughing Matter
The joy of mixing VNC software and unsuspecting coworkers.
- karj
Solving Puzzles
Brad talks about the things that lead him to lose track of time at smashLAB.
- karj
How You Will Die
In obsessing over the wrong things, we forget to do the right things
- karj
Does Fear Rule You’re much more likely to just stay put in your little bungalow and watch benign-seeming sitcoms.
- karj
The Lesson of 9/11
“The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.”
- karj
The New American Dream
Thinking about how we swung from conservation to consumption, and the associated costs.
- karj
Single Sentence Email
Perhaps it's time for us to take our lives back from email.
- karj
Five Things
How much crap will you burden your loved ones with, upon passing?
- karj
Not Like Steve
I wonder if he missed the whole point, becoming the John Henry of our time.
- karj
The Hamster Wheel
Jobs, careers, businesses, or something other?
- karj
Do You Love This Thing?
Buy less, experience more, and know the joy of good things.
- karj
My new blog. (If you like ideasonideas, it might be your cup of tea.) No design for now—just words.