- jellyneck
Art Show: Wootini
Art show this Friday at Wootini Gallery, NC. Featuring work by Brendan Danielsson, Meagan Ridley, Katie Ridley & Jason Murphy.
- jellyneck
These shirts make great chest warmers. Available again in limited supply. Buy one, buy two... buy them all.
- jellyneck
Travis Louie
new website
- jellyneck
Art Dorks on Vimby
Vimby covers the Art Dorks show at Thinkspace, LA. Here's the video.
- jellyneck
Art Dorks Updates
New site, slightly different. All around better.
- jellyneck
Art Dorks Contest
Enter to win an original painting by Brendan Danielsson valued at over $5.
(image probably not work safe)
- jellyneck
Art Dorks SMASH!
Group show by the Art Dorks Collective.
January 7th, 7-11pm
Youngblood Gallery, Atlanta
- jellyneck
{ art } Brendan Danielsson
I finally put a website together for myself.
- jellyneck
Art Dorks
New version of is up.