- ipissexcellence
Concentric rip
What was the site that ripped concentric's website and how did that whole thing turn out?
- ipissexcellence
Crit my site
How did I do?
- ipissexcellence
for some reason…
I find her attractive, am I alone here?
- ipissexcellence
I'm writing a new about me.
Looking for someone who's money hungry and won't give you any lip about all of your bad design choices... well you're in luck…
- ipissexcellence
Sex with an ex
seems like a great idea,
but when her husband finds out
things go south.
- ipissexcellence
American Roadtrip
Going from Tampa, FL to Seattle, WA in May. Probably spend about a month wandering around the states. Suggestions?
- ipissexcellence
Porn made better...
when the women are clearly not enjoying it?
In my opinion, yes.
- ipissexcellence
Childrens Toy Packaging…
Anyone have any good examples?
- ipissexcellence
Douche Bag Hats.
Why do people wear them?
- ipissexcellence
Make your own plastic stuff
I want to make some toys (not adult) out of plastic. Do any of you have any suggestions on how to best mold single piece things in…