- i_monk
New Shyamalan trailer
The Happening:…
- i_monk
freelance t-shirt illo
I've been asked to come up with a design/character illustration for a shirt that will be produced (I don't know how many, or how m…
- i_monk
InDesign and grey scale
I need to be able to quickly turn CMYK line art and stuff into their grey scale equivalents in InDesign.
Am I missing something…
- i_monk
The F Word
I've been offered my first freelance gig, but I've never done (paid) freelance work before. How do I figure out my rate, or other …
- i_monk
Indesign tutorials?
I've decided to join you in the year 2006. Now where can I get some free good free tutorials that are free for InDesign?
- i_monk
Virgin Mobile Canada...
... wants me to buy a new phone if I want to go pay-as-you-go with them, but my old phone is CDMA (I think I just have to unlock i…
- i_monk
Deadlines for clients
What sort of deadline standards does your agency, studio, whatever, try to hold its clients to? If Johnny Client calls you up and …
- i_monk
home studio
I finally have a place with room for a home studio. It's something I've wanted for years, but never had the space for. Drawing tab…
- i_monk
The End of Beardvember
Scary title thread, I know. Beardvember will be over in a week, and I'm starting to think about what I should do with my beard. Cl…
- i_monk
black book vol 1
what happened to it?…
- i_monk
back from seoul
What did I miss in 8 months?
- i_monk
got my macbook...
now where can I get stuff for free?
- i_monk
Children of Men
Just go see it (if it's playing anywhere near you).
- i_monk
macbook refurbs?
I've heard good things from a couple of people about Apple's refurbished macbooks/pros. I mentioned this to our IT guy (yeah I cav…
- i_monk
OSX/XP notebook
I'm moving to Seoul in a few months and I'm intent on getting a notebook computer to bring with me to the Land of the Morning Calm…
- i_monk
QBN Cinema
Nobody making show reels anymore? That Coke spot's been there forever.
- i_monk
Taxi for Flow 935
Anyone have links to Taxi's new print campaign for Flow 93.5? I saw it on the subway this morning but can't find anything online. …