- hydro74
Legacy of Defeat
Here is the soft launch of my book project.
- hydro74
Robot Invasion Show
This past weekend, Blackout-Creation... in Tampa held a gallery show called 'Robot Invasion'. I had a few pieces and attended. I…
- hydro74
Hydro74. Updated
finally got around to updating the site. about 50+ new pieces added.
- hydro74
One up Mushroom (Mario Bros)
this is pretty dang cool. This is a real one up mushroom from Super Mario Bros. going to buy some!!
- hydro74
YWFT | New set
This is from my private collection. it's a vector set that i feel will be a great resource for apparel. It was designed with tha…
- hydro74
Prismgirl (japan)
Prismgirl updates her site with some colorful flash.
- hydro74
Qee .. Designers Addiction
For Qee Collectors, ..Let the enabling begin.
- hydro74
Hydro74 Redesign
Here is the redesign with edits. new work and a slick new logo!
- hydro74
Bijou At Work
This guy get's my vote for Artist of the year..
- hydro74
Hydro74 Ape SHIrT
i had a few request for this a while back and it's finally printed. Comes with Stickers, a Poster and some other goodies.
- hydro74
Hydro74 Updates
Couple updates: posted new work from NBC, Coke, Microsoft and a few others.
- hydro74
YWFT = New flourish set
YWFT just added a new Flourish set that i developed. This collection is from my own private stash that i drew up over the past y…
- hydro74
Hydro74 Update
Updated new type treatments, apparel and a couple small print things.
- hydro74
Random Inspiration Find (from a forum)
Just doing random surfing, ran across this thread that had a good mix of different design collections. It's nice to see people di…
- hydro74
Best Design Blog Ever
I pretty much visit daily and get a lot of inspiration from the artist he collects, links and talks about.
- hydro74
Phantom Research Foundation
some great updates there and work to die for
- hydro74
This Belongs to Steve (Apparel)
Great new apparel brand