- grunttt
USSR Anti-Alcohol Posters
Wonderful collection of Anti-Alcohol posters from the Soviet propaganda era.
Thanks goes to zombiewolf for this link (from the …
- grunttt
screen capture for print?
anyone know of a way to get a decent high-res screen capture for use in a printed brochure?
- grunttt
friday Beer Thread 4.12.06
in 30 minutes i will toast you, the good folks of NewsToday. I wish you all good, fun, safe weekends.
"Work is the curse of the…
- grunttt
Web Color to Pantone?
seems ass backwards to me but a client of ours wants us to match a pantone to a web color that they have provided. the web color i…
- grunttt
font: amazone italic?
anybody happen to have Amazone Italic - mac version? I just need one letter of it for a quick spec.
- grunttt
Friday Beer Thread 4.21.06
been awhile since i posted a FBT.
in 18 minutes I will crack open a cold beer and toast you, the good folks of NT.
- grunttt
freelance work taxed by client?
a friend of mine recently did a freelance project for a local agency for an agreed upon price. when it was time to pay up the agen…