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digital video question
A friend of a friend had a guy shoot their wedding. They asked for all the footage and no editing. Guy said fine.
What they got…
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small JS tidbit
Have some scrolling images contained inside divs with the same class.
Need a bit of JS that executes one command if the image i…
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back up yer blog
It's a no brainer to backup all your important files, but it never would have been a priority to back up my blog.
This sucks:
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win7 boot drive swap
My computer needs a major upgrade.
I have win7 x64 installed on a SSD boot drive.
If I build a new i7 system, (mobo, proces…
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glaser spot on
surprised i have not seen this here. man this dude is spot on.
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un-opened 7D refurb for sale
Brand new with receipt and warranty. Never opened, canon factory refurb sticker is unbroken.
An employee of a company I was doi…
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indesign cs5 scale image
It was always a no-no to scale an image in indesign, and I was told to scale it in photoshop.
Has this changed? Is cs5 better a…
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used power supply
we all have random, functional things sitting around, that we'll never use. I offered up an old flashmeter up here that someone to…
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replace image w/ video
is there a simple way to replace an image with a video (flash, mpeg, whatever) when the image is clicked? Oh yeah, then display th…
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Philly/NYC digital printers
So after WAY too long searching for exactly the right photo book to offer clients, I have determined it doesn't exist and I will h…
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Do you have any questions?
I swear people just ask this because they read online that they are supposed to.
I actively invest myself in the interview and …
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free wein wp500b
anyone want it? cleaning out the closet. Perfectly functional, but been through the war. Send me an email and it's yours =)
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erase all EXIF
I want to erase ALL the EXIF data from a few jpgs I'm about to deliver. Is there a utillity to do this, and how do I check to make…
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cool-ish youtube thing
Didn't know you could put this at the end of a link to a youtube vid and have it start at a specific time.
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tangible images
Sure there are lots of discussions on the topic, but I'm curious what everyone thinks.
The vast majority of photographic image…
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pet names you call ur kids
What pet names do you call your kids? I just realized I call my son "little man" a whole lot, which is basically the way I see him…
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photo gear for sale
I just updated my rig to FF and am going to put the stuff on ebay. Figured I see if anyone was interested first.
ef-s 17-55 2.8…
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what is going on here?
This has been happening a lot lately. What is going on behind the scenes here?…
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embarrassing things your kids say
I'll start with:
Me and my 3 year old were in line at cold stone creamery behind a VERY large woman. My daughter daughter asks lo…