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RESIZE.THATSH.IT is a responsively designed jigsaw puzzle.
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A series of illustrations of different bicycle types from Cyclemon. You are what you ride...
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Hot Malm
Hot Malm on Malm Action!
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Windows of New York
As illustrated by José Guízar.
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Subtle Patterns
A plethora of tilable textured patterns, free to use. Can download individually or all as a PS .pat file.
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Bunraku Opening Sequence
Opening animation for Guy Moshe's film 'Bunraku', narrated by Mike Patton.
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Chris Parks
Ridiculous skate deck totem installation by illustrator, Chris Parks AKA Pale Horse.
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You and Neru
Recent work of Illustrator Jon Ocasio.
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Pablo Galeano
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Andrei Robu
Lettering and illustration.
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Danny Jones
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Marta Cerdà Alimbau
New typographic/illus... pieces.
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New site.
New work.
Same ol' jen.
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Jackson Armstrong
Amazing illustrations.