- caterpus
New PC for Audio and Gaming
I'm a freelance sound designer/composer... for shorts, docs, and ads and I've been working in Logic Pro (which i love, even for fi…
- caterpus
Paul killed John.
Think about it...
- caterpus
Devotional Candle Border Reference Help
Looking for quick help with a few flattened images out there of borders similar to these... I could go buy one at a dollar store a…
- caterpus
Good Bossa Nova Records
Looking for some recommendations on classic, chill, or even weird bossa nova comps or artists. Looking for to buy some vinyl.
- caterpus
European Trip Help
Planning a 7-9 day trip from NYC to either Warsaw or Amsterdam. I'm dead set on traveling to Berlin where I'm planning to head bac…
- caterpus
QBN Coffee Mugs 2018
Share your favorite coffee or tea mugs.
- caterpus
NHL Playoffs 2017
I know there isn't a lot of QBNer hockey fans but figured I'd start a thread because it's been pretty wild so far. Anyone have bra…
- caterpus
This kinda blew my mind
I had no idea...
- caterpus
New Bike for Commuting
Looking to get a new road bike for commuting in NYC. Single speed or fixed, lightweight.
Any suggestions?
Looking at State…
- caterpus
12.12.12 12:12 PM of the day
it's here!
- caterpus
What would you call this...
Trying to put a name to this style of design. I see it often on dated books and such. Not the best example, usually a little more …