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2Advanced for this world
Eric Jordan, Then & Now...
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Blackberry Users
Tapping away on their tiny fucking keys.
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Indesign 5?!?
I can no longer scale an image from a corner; if I do it scales it from the centre point.
If I use the scaling tool, it doesn't…
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Boston, Mass. places to stay.
Anyone know good, reasonable place to stay in the city? Appreciate any help.
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Carson Mag
I just saw a copy of the new mag. Except it looks like an old mag scanned in and reprinted on shit paper.
It's a poor imitation…
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posterous or wordpress
which is best?
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The A-Team Review
I loved watching this. The CGI is ridiculous in places and everything's over the top, but, just switch off your mind and enjoy it…
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CD / DVD Packaging
Anyone got links to places that sell cool, off-the-shelf packaging for CDs?
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Limmy in IT Crowd
Did anyone see Limmy's appearance on Friday night's episode? Stole the scene...
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Copywriter Needed
I need a very good, interesting, creative copywriter. Anyone got someone they can recommend?
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Watercolour Illustrator
Hi all. I'm looking for a contemporary illustrator that uses watercolour paint. Any suggestions please?
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Ein Weekend At Bernhardt's
Police have arrested two women after they tried to take the body of a dead relative onto a plane at Liverpool John Lennon Airport…
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Agency Sites - Fancy or Simple?
Which is better, fancy site or simple to let the work do the talking? There seems to be a trend for the latter these days, what do…
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Vote for Limmy
Best Up and Coming Scottish Comedian (at bottom of page)
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interior design
looking for some great interior design studios that do retail interiors and stuff like that.
any help much appreciated!