
  • bentzen

    barcode software help

    any recommendations for mac software for barcode creation?

    i've found too many options and have no idea what's best (everyone …

    Aug 12, 083 replies
  • bentzen

    help me find a font

    so i'm trying to decide what font to use for a current project. quick rundown: a book about rights of youth in care, published by …

    Mar 21, 060 replies
  • bentzen

    art/design europe

    i'm going to europe may 17-jul27 (from vancouver, ca) and i'd like some suggestions for art/design to check out. flying into londo…

    Apr 13, 047 replies
  • bentzen

    RSS Media

    any good resources for setting up a RSS video blog?

    maybe something stepbystep.

    found some using google but want more.

    Jul 7, 051 replies
  • bentzen

    pricing help

    how much would you charge to include use of the digital files you create for a print project?

    this means once i've finished th…

    Jun 27, 051 replies
  • bentzen

    what would you do?

    what would you do if design was rendered obsolete?

    in this hypothetical situation, for whatever reason, if design is no longer…

    Jan 18, 0536 replies
  • bentzen

    diaper instructions

    anyone with a baby that could email me a copy of the instructions that come with diapers? i know, odd request, but it's for refere…

    Jan 12, 056 replies
  • bentzen


    it's funny that all those political threads were just removed. if i didn't like the links that i find here i would find somehwhere…

    Oct 29, 042 replies