- TheMagicSheep
MIT New Logo Has 40,000 Permutations
An algorithm can create 40,000 logo shapes in 12 different color combinations.
- TheMagicSheep
the art of Lukas Brezak
A lot of great work by Lukas Brezak.
- TheMagicSheep
Super Mario Crossover
Play Super Mario Bros. as Link, Samus, Bill R., Simon, Mega Man, or Samus.
- TheMagicSheep
if Star Wars was directed by Akira Kurosawa
A line of custom figures that imagines what a Star Wars movie directed by Akira Kurosawa would look like.
- TheMagicSheep
Remember playing this game on Windows 3.1? Well now you can relive those days on your iPhone!
- TheMagicSheep
cool stuff from meindbender
Meindbender in Sweden reproduced stop motion-like animation with a real clay feeling—but with all the advantages of CG.
- TheMagicSheep
"We Were Once A Fairytale"
I know there is a lot of hate for kanye, but, this is pretty sweet.
- TheMagicSheep
It's like a listening to music RPG...I guess...
- TheMagicSheep
In bFlat
play these together, some or all, start them at any time, in any order
- TheMagicSheep
Star Wars ABCs
The ABCs of star wars