- SoulFly
Chinese character question
Question for my dear Chinese friends or fluent Chinese speakers. (mainland China)
I need to confirm that this character is the e…
- SoulFly
Font help - playfulness handwritten
Hey all,
Anyone has some good tips on a font that shows playfulness in a script style. Not really toys or children style, but sti…
- SoulFly
Cuban Cafe
Co-worker suggests we check-out some Cuban place for lunch.
What to expect? These guys have their website in FLASH! Yeah, authe…
- SoulFly
iPad for portfolio
I have heard from someone that people are using iPads instead of printed portfolio cases. Including to show printed materials.
- SoulFly
Great Flash of Past
Great Flash websites of the past.
Heavy animation, awesome splash screens, fance pre-loaders.Remember here some great Flash s…
- SoulFly
photo licesing for article material
Dear friends,
I am putting together some sports articles together. Not sure where they will be published yet, possibly magazine…
- SoulFly
AfterEffects Plug-ins
Hi All,
Is anyone aware of plug-ins that can be used for AfterEffects. e.g. kinetic animation, type treatments, effects, title …
- SoulFly
Logo- title sequences
Someone a while ago offered everyone to create logo title sequences in after effects of final cut.
Then recently within a…
- SoulFly
100dpi Gif- howto
Hi all,
I've been asked to convert some images to 100dpi GIF, but every time I save for web, the gifs turn out to 72dpi. I gues…
- SoulFly
What's an "custom job application site"?
Guy, agency principal writes on his twitter:
"Impressed with a good number of applicants for our open UI design job. Lo…
- SoulFly
Who pays for QBN
Nothing is free.
Who pays for this site? Hosting and maintenance, etc?
- SoulFly
Whats that beer ad?
Hi what is that beer ad, Bud or Coors where the cans are lined up in a football field playing each other. It was a recurring super…
- SoulFly
AIR & Flex
What is the difference between AIR and FLEX in plain English?
- SoulFly
full Flassh on iPad
ya all know don't mess around
HTML5 is just fo sho
- SoulFly
image morphing AE
Hello all,
Is there a way in EA to create a simple artwork morphing effect, similar to the shape-tween in Flash?
Please let …
- SoulFly
Amazing soccer skills
Hey I just checked out this church league soccer match... LOL
I feel so much better about my soccer skills, I don't know why I ha…
- SoulFly
idea public announcement
Hey all,
What would you say would be an important public announcement message, something that hasn't been well covered.
- SoulFly
Aftereffects - .ai files?
Greetings Earthlings,
Why is it that when I import an .ai or .eps vector file into AfterEffects, it looks lo-res?
I tried m…
- SoulFly
Graphic Design from Canada
I need some great examples of DUTCH design, but made in Canada, by Turkish desginers, born in Greece.
I know I saw a thread on …