
  • Mudbone


    I am looking to contact the main advertisers for big corps like Target and Cingular but it's next to impossible to find out who is…

    Oct 14, 037 replies
  • Mudbone

    proposal intros

    I have been looking through PV-AN and I was wondering if anyone has and good intro letters for proposals. I dont need sample contr…

    Oct 10, 030 replies
  • Mudbone

    Flash video capture

    How is it that you can capture and turn an swf the has algorithmic properties into an mpeg or mov file?

    Apr 10, 033 replies
  • Mudbone

    I have to rant.

    Just finalized a site for a client that is pretty good in my own opinion. When I showed it to the client, they didn't like it. Ins…

    Feb 25, 0320 replies