- Higglesbee
Grabba Beast Prints
Hey QBN's! You can now buy a print of any and every Beast on http://www.grabba...
- Higglesbee
Grabba Beast
We (Tangible Worldwide) just launched Grabba Beast, a site where you can browse, rate, download, print and share your favorite Gra…
- Higglesbee
They've Been Unleashed!
We (Tangible Worldwide) just launched Grabba Beast, a site where you can browse, rate, download, print and share your favorite Gra…
- Higglesbee
Zine & art show Friday Portland OR
Hey QBNers
We (Jolby) have a new solo show opening in Portland, Oregon on Friday August 7th at Artful Goods. The show is a zine…
- Higglesbee
Tangible Giveaway Day
Giveaway day!
Portland peeps: Follow or tweet us @tangibleww to enter a drawing for a free Portland Poster.
See it at: http…
- Higglesbee
Vote for Josh Kenyon's T-Shirt at
If you have a second go to… and vote for Josh Kenyon's design and help him…
- Higglesbee
Jolby art show opening in San Diego
Hey QBN,
I've got an art show opening with my buddy Josh Kenyon and we are collabing on every piece under the name of 'Jolby.' …
- Higglesbee
Frame Seeking
I'm looking for these thin, light-wood frames. Any hints on where to go would be much appreciated.
- Higglesbee
Tangible Worldwide Update
Hey everyone,
We recently posted new work at… and we will be opening a new office in Portland, …
- Higglesbee
Portland Designers
Hey, Portland Designers. I am a Senior Designer relocating to the Portland area at the start of September. I have been sending sam…
- Higglesbee
Font-making software
Any recommendations?
- Higglesbee
Dallas Creative
Hey QBN. I'm currently a print designer in San Diego, CA and my fiance is exporting us to Dallas, TX for her PhD at UT Southwester…