
  • DavidFelt

    Fine Art

    Gotta do a poster for a Fine Art show, what, in your opinion should be the theme/look....

    Something dirty and hand rendered or …

    May 12, 0411 replies
  • DavidFelt


    I heard today that a guy from Worcester (UK) is sueing a biscuit company because one of their products, Blue Ribband, isnt in fact…

    May 11, 0418 replies
  • DavidFelt

    A3+ Printers

    Just about to purchase an A3+ printer, anyone out there know which is the best one to get.

    Ill probably be running it from a ma…

    May 10, 0415 replies
  • DavidFelt

    National Flags

    Which contry has the coolest flag???

    I say Switzerland / maybe Sweden

    May 6, 043 replies
  • DavidFelt

    Grid Systems

    Just about to buy a book on grid systems, (I know I should have one already!!!). Just wondering which is the best, shall I go with…

    May 6, 0413 replies