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February London
Some tidy work at February London
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Chris Pilkington
Waiting to cut his teeth. Some great work from the fellow ex-Northumbi-ite. Real maturity in his work for a starter. Nice job
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Magpie Studio
Launch their site. Or was it a while ago...? anyway nice work !!
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Section Seven
Long load time but a nice site for sure, worth the wait IMO
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Jeffrey Docherty
A New Zealand born art director currently living in New York.
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This is Studio
I think it's a new site... some great work
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Xavier Encinas
is a french Art Director living and working in Vancouver
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Wire Design
The ever impressive Wire Design have redesigned their site and have some beautiful work to show. Love it!!
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Richard Holt
Don't know much about him, but he has some very nice work and a good ramble
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Sumo design
Have updated their website since I last looked and always has some sturdy and fine work to look at!!
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Socio Design
Farringdon Studio with a really smooth site and some fine work
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Bullet Proof Design
10 years old and still working for top brands across the world. London