Portfolio examples (?)

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  • 72339

    Hey folks, been nearly a decade since I have had an online site for myself. Feel like back then I just had to show some nice images but now probably need something more thought out. Does anyone have good examples? Mostly looking for ideas how to frame the story. ;) Many thanks!

  • Continuity2

    As a general guideline — along with any executions of a campaign I've worked on — I'll include the client's name, my role in the whole thing, the agency's name where I was when I worked on it, and a write-up.

    For the write-up, I try to keep it as brief as humanly possible (doesn't always happen, though), I include elements of the creative brief (speficially, challenge, insight, and objective), then I go on to describe the actual idea, and detail in which medium or media the campaign lived.

    This is also the information I look for when I'm screening candidate CVs and portfolios.

    • I'd also like to add: don't overthink it too much beyond that.Continuity
    • Oh, I should also say that when I describe my idea, I make sure to clearly tie it back to the strategy (challenge/insight/o... and say why I feel thatContinuity
    • ... particular idea works, and why it answers the brief.Continuity
    • Thanks.. this helps.72339
  • duckseason0

    I'd say what you include, how much, and what you say about it depends on the type of work you do and/or the type of work you're trying to attract.

    Take a look at siteinspire.com or awwwards.com to get an idea of what the kids are doing these days.

    • Yeah. Thanks. You guys helped me clear some cobwebs. I def think I’m going to have to include more writing/strategy... but should be a way to do concisely.72339
    • That’s just websites.monospaced
  • 723390

    When you are screening, what has been your experience with NDAed work? Wouldn’t be too hard to do a pw site... or do people usually wait and show that in person?

    • i only showed these in person.
      my old pdf had just the brand names and a line saying contact for more details on these projects.
  • Continuity0

    I've seen a couple of ways of doing it — some candidates will PW the whole site (probably for the sake of simplicity), other will PW the individual page for the NDAed project.

    In either case, I've always received the PW with their covering notes.

    There are some out there that still cling to the stupid idea that a portfolio with a password is a barrier to entry, and that anyone looking to hire would pass you over as a result, but that's bullshit. I've never prejudiced against a candidate for that, and neither has any other CD I know.