Donald Trump

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  • Salarrue2

  • Ramanisky20

  • Ramanisky21


    • lol indeed. never tire of these.fadein11
    • Sassy McConnell is amazing as wellRamanisky2
    • The buzzing fly ... hahahahahaha ...Continuity
    • "THBtthbt.mmmpthkaay...
      the mouth effects are hilarious
    • and then you realize that when asstards like omg hear these, they hear an intelligent man. just let that sink in ... yeah, it's fucking insanemonospaced
    • Intelligent camp dotard = omg self destruct procedurefadein11
  • Ramanisky20

    Lyin' Don exploits John Kelly’s dead son to back up his Obama falsehoods

    @9:00 ...

  • Ramanisky21

    Another big win for Dotard Don.…...

    A Judge Blocked The Trump Administration From Enforcing The Latest Travel Ban

    The judge wrote that the new set of travel restrictions "plainly discriminates based on nationality."

    • Moot point Ram, we don't need tax cattle anymore, we'll have robots at Shake Shack now. Seriously, what are the EU doing with so many unemployed!?robotron3k
    • are you calling people tax cattle? you are such a sensitive person. really loving and caring.capn_ron
    • #MAGAwinningRamanisky2
  • Ramanisky21

    LOL ... what a fucking DOTARD!!!!!

    • "You mean you drink water that doesn't come out of a gold tap?"BusterBoy
  • Ramanisky21

    NFL won't force players to stand during national anthem
    Another win for the Dotard in Chief.

    Somebody wake me when the winning begins…

    • "Kaepernick is out of the league while teams with needs at the quarterback position continue to pass him over because he dared to kneel."PonyBoy
    • lol... such bullshit. He has nothing to offer which is why he rode the bench to finish out his contract.PonyBoy
    • right Pony, riiiiiightRamanisky2
    • Good. can this horrible reality show be over now?dbloc
    • Look at his stats, ram... dude's washed-up.PonyBoy
    • Better QB rating than many through 6 weeks of play.Ramanisky2
    • and besides, the post was intended on calling out the fucktard in Chief and all his winning ways.Ramanisky2
    • Which is exactly what all the NFL players are protesting over... TRUMP... not shit cops etc. The majority of players got butthurt when they were called SOBs...PonyBoy
    • ... which is when the majority of them started in (along w/their owners) w/this 'take a knee' shit. They're protesting being called SOBs - not shit cops. :/PonyBoy
    • the whole thing is fucking annoying... I wish it'd go away...along w/Trump blah blah... but ffs... these kids do need to grow up as they're protesting 'nothing'PonyBoy
    • back to my point about Kaepernick—he's nothing compared to the fresh options that were available this year...he could ride another bench but why bother w/the $?PonyBoy
    • No. They are protesting police racism, not trump or anything else. Sorry.monospaced
    • Wrongggg... 99% of those kids taking a knee could give two fucks about police racism, mono... nearly NONE of them took a knee till they were called SOBs.PonyBoy
    • Bunch of overpaid butthurt babies... that's USUALLY what the left press refers to these kids as. For years and years the NFL is too violent...NFL players are...PonyBoy
    • ... portrayed as vicious overpaid spoiled 'above the law' babies by the media... that is until the narrative fits!PonyBoy
    • Meh it's not even real football.pango
    • lol pangoPonyBoy
    • You're still wrong. Rant and get triggered for the wrong reasons all you want it's still about racism and police. Sorry.monospaced
    • No... you're wrong. :) And I'm not trying to push buttons... these kids / owners take knees to middle finger the preezy... none of them cared cept Colin...PonyBoy
    • ... and a very very few others all up until Trump called them SOBs.... then this bullshit show took off.PonyBoy
    • If the NFL gave a shit to let these kids have their 'free speech' the Dallas team would've been allowed to honor the fallen cops last year.PonyBoy
    • If the NFL truly cared about 'free speech' they'd of let players wear tiny 9/11 tributes on the 15th anniv. of the attack... but neither were allowed.PonyBoy
    • We're witnessing a 'farce' at 'unity' based on one angry orange dude calling a bunch of overpaid children 'SOBs'... end of story.PonyBoy
    • I'd agree w/you, mono IF the majority of players / owners were taking that knee w/Colin last year... but they weren't... they're full of shit. :)PonyBoy
    • ask any one of them why they're kneeling, and they'll say it's out of solidarity in bringing awareness to the racial issues blacks face every daymonospaced
    • you can't just make up their reasons for them, that's not how it works ... I'm sorry, but your'e 100% wrong if you think it's for any other reasonmonospaced
    • it's an individual thing, btw, so it has nothing to do with owners and other players ... it's a personal choice, and RIGHT, to kneel, at will whenevermonospaced
    • they do not need the support of the team or owners to do this ... and being offended because some numbnuts says it's disrespecting military is just stupidmonospaced
    • Again, mono—what % gave a fuck to drop to that knee before being called "SOBs" by the oompa looma in chief? It's pure bullshit. Solidarity w/teammates... maybe.PonyBoy
    • You're still wrong. 100% are doing it for the reasons they state. You can't just make up their minds for them, it makes you sound like an asshole.monospaced
    • with all due respect, my friend :)monospaced
    • I can't read their minds...but I can do the math. Before SOB comment: MINIMAL players took a knee...After SOB comment: lol...c'mon dude—not even comparable :)PonyBoy
    • Go flip through allll the articles AFTER the comment, mono..."He ain' my president..." blah blah... it's a battle against ONE man... nothing more.PonyBoy
    • nope, you're still 100% wrong ... the kneeling is still about police racism and nothing else, NO MATTER how big of a tantrum you throw ... sorry!monospaced
    • ask any of them, they'll say the same ... you can't tell them they're wrong, because they're right ... it's why they do it ... and it's working to bring awarenemonospaced
    • dude—nobody gave a fuck before being called SOBs—this is no tantrum (just mere history)—keep up, mono—you sound as silly as all those overpaid babies in uniformPonyBoy
    • (you know... the ones that didn't give a shit about their current 'protest' until Trump called them SOBs)
      *poke *poke *runs :D
  • utopian-1
    • they haven't got a case...IF Trump started new biz's or was making money directly due to influence as preezy then they'd have something... but there's zilch...PonyBoy
    • If foreign leaders wish to patronize Resorts in his existing holdings(now in the Trust) they have every right to. Bunch of butthurt losers will try anything. :/PonyBoy
    • THIS IS THE KIND OF SHIT I hate about the left... there isn't a fucking thing wrong w/the man being loaded before becoming preezy... nor is there anything...PonyBoy
    • ...wrong w/his businesses CONTINUING to make money while he's President as long as he's not running that show... which he's not. There's nothing to see here. :/PonyBoy
    • Does that thing under his chin need to testify?BusterBoy
    • PonyBoy has spoken. Case closed.monospaced
    • lol busterGuyFawkes
    • ponyboy should have filed an amicus brief in support of the defendant. the "butthurt losers" defense is definitely convincing.dorf
    • well.. so far Russia didn't work... going after him as some white supremacist isn't working... going after him for the 'grab 'em by the...' isn't working...PonyBoy
    • ... now go after him for having legit biz's long before ever being President... you know: way back when he had a top rated TV show that everyone watched.PonyBoy
    • Look... can't argue you w/you that he's a buffoon of a spokeman for the USofA and that someone should disable his thumbs so he can't tweet...PonyBoy
    • ... but he DID WIN the Presidency and you see who his voters are every fucking day (via all the redneck shit you guys post etc)— his win was legit—get OVER IT!PonyBoy
    • Work on finding a candidate to get rid of the orange twat... there is no case here... he was legit before he came in office and packed his biz in a trust...PonyBoy
    • ... if some foreign dignitary wants to stay at his gaudy hotel w/the fuck is wrong w/that?PonyBoy
    • This case isn't about his businesses being 'legit' or not. His business is international. He has deals pending in other countries. The simple fact is..mathinc
    • He did NOT put his businesses in a blind trust. He should not know what's going on with his businesses while he's president. Not only to keep him from doing...mathinc
    • something to benefit himself, but also to keep him from LOOKING like he made a decision to benefit himself.mathinc
    • Get it? If Dotard Donnie wanted to be pres, then blind trust. If he wanted to just do business, don't run for president.mathinc
    • He's a flaming cunt in a hat. I have a hard time GETTING OVER that. But I agree with you, Dems need to get their asses in gear for 18.mathinc
    • Where do you see in any news story or any daily activity that he's still RUNNING his businesses, tommy? You might hear in the news non-stop who's staying at...PonyBoy
    • These customs are in place so that America can stand as a shining democracy without the impropriety of graft other countries deal with. By shrugging them off..mathinc
    • ... his hotel in some country but you don't hear any commentary out of his mouth nor see the guy (or hear of the guy) sitting and doing company business.PonyBoy
    • he's just illustrating his lack of fucks in how important this aspect of our democracy actually is. It's bigly importante bad hombre.mathinc
    • ANY Judge will tell you that if you think Trump International Hotels or his other biz's should disappear from 'The News' that you're mad (and some...PonyBoy
    • .. as pundits have already states this pretty clearly if your ears are open)... there's nothing here... this is a waste of time / money.PonyBoy
    • Also... if you're paying attention you'll notice that Flump took a MASSIVE hit this last year and a half falling 92 spots on Forbes list, LOSING (lol)... hard.PonyBoy
    • that is the OPPOSITE OF PROOF that he's paying attention to his businessesPonyBoy
    • I agree, it's hard to hide business dealings. But deals go to the press once they've reached a point. He should at least not know about a deal before that pointmathinc
    • The rule isn't to punish a president.. it's to protect the authority of the office of president. Look at fucking Brazil. Point delivered.mathinc
    • Losing $600 Mill and dropping 92 spots on the Forbes list seems to be proof that the man is NOT paying attention to his biz's (in case I wasn't making sense)PonyBoy
    • He's most likely way lower on Forbes list than he is anyways. Truth will come out. Always does.mathinc
    • You reckon that drop has to do with him not paying attention to his biz, or that his brand has taken a huge hit because he's come out as a moron, among other...mathinc
    • things - racist, senile, dotard. It's the brand drop Pony.. not him 'not paying attention' to the businesses.mathinc
    • Could be, math... but the fact is he's def. not paying attention to the welfare of his company if it's taken such a hit regardless of the reasoning.PonyBoy
    • *regardless of the reason he's losing moneyPonyBoy
    • They just do educated guesses, his shit isn't public. They're guessing that his brand is cratering. Aight, sleepy time, stupid kids wake up early. <3 ya.mathinc
    • <3 ya back... when you coming down here next?PonyBoy
    • This actually isn't the left or Democrats's an anti-corruption watchdog group.yuekit
    • I'd say it's a great thing they are bringing the case exactly because no one knows if what he's doing is illegal or not.yuekit
    • The Constitution says the president is not allowed to take payments from foreign sources...but a case like this has never actually been litigated before.yuekit
    • Eh... the watchdog group has painfully left leanings, yuekit. :) And yeah—this is an odd case because Trump's an existing Int'l bizman b4 his presidency...PonyBoy
    • ... those biz's are still going to make money (and there is nothing wrong with that as long as Trump's not using his Presidency to beef them up)...PonyBoy
    • .. and arguably, given the 92 placement drop on that Forbes list, he's not doing shit to better his biz.PonyBoy
    • Not true...same group has gone after Democrats before as well including Hillary Clinton.djmix
    • Ponyboy just because Trump is a shitty businessman doesn’t mean he’s also not corrupt :)yuekit
    • Agreed. :) Though there is this little burden of 'proving' it first. Guess we have to wait and see what they have and if it'll be made public up front.PonyBoy
    • FEC: March04—Sept17, CREW filed 53 complaints, 80+ percent targeting 'pubs. IRS: Oct03—Sept17, CREW filed 50 req.'s for investigations, 49@pubsPonyBoy
    • Congress: March04—Sept17, 54 complaints or requests for action with the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, 80% @ pubs, 10+ @ demsPonyBoy
    • CREW seems to lean left...yes?PonyBoy
    • There are also a lot more Republicans than Dems in Congress during that time, and as the majority party running things more to investigate.yuekit
    • Just because he's being investigated by the FBI and other groups doesn't mean the Dems aren't also looking for new candidates. It's not one or the other.monospaced
  • Ramanisky21


    President Trump told the widow of a Green Beret who died in Niger that the soldier “knew what he signed up for ...but when it happens it hurts anyway” during a phone call on Tuesday…

    • Maybe we shouldn't have made such a big deal about him calling the families. We should have known he couldn't even do that right.mathinc
    • Wasn’t he out golfing when their bodies were returned?face_melter
    • comfortingCygnusZero4
    • it's like he's competing with himself to be even more of a disgrace each day. He truly is a child.formed
    • ass ...monospaced
    • ... hole.monospaced
  • detritus2

    Probably a timeline, but I've just seen someone refer to him as 'Twitler' which made me smile.

  • Ramanisky21

    He's about to lie ... can you tell??

  • chukkaphob2

  • Ramanisky21

    Chris Baldridge, the father of Army Cpl. Dillon Baldridge, told The Post that President Trump called him at home and offered him $25,000 out of his personal account a few weeks after his son and two fellow soldiers were killed in Afghanistan in June. He also directed his staff to establish an online fundraiser for the family, the father said. Neither happened.…

    • lol what a mother fuckermoldero
    • what a steaming pile of shit. first off, what asshole thinks offering any amount of $ will replace a lost loved one. people are nothing more than things to himkona
    • It's as if he opens his mouth and is completely unable to control the stream of shite an piss that flows out of it. I wonder if it annoys his fanbase this stuffPhanLo
  • utopian1

    Mother of dead soldier confirms Trump 'disrespected' widow in phone call.

    “President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband,” Jones-Johnson said.…

  • utopian1

  • utopian-1

    "I met Trump once, and all he talked about was destroying people who wouldn't help his bankrupt firm." - Richard Branson…

  • Ramanisky21

    • Pace yourself Ramalamadingdong, things won't change until Jan 20, 2024...robotron3k
    • Sure Dotard3KKK, suuuuureRamanisky2
    • robo so excited for another 7 years of a shit administration getting jack shit done while being bigoted asshats the whole timemonospaced
    • soonmoldero
  • Ramanisky22

  • Bindegal0

  • utopian-1

    A Trump Golf Course Said It Gave Millions To Charity.
    Here's What The Numbers Say

    "We are proud to have provided $5 million to the following charitable causes since our opening."

    That reporting suggests the club's donations have fallen well short of $5 million and are much closer to approximately $800,000.…