to Wordpress

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  • 25 Responses
  • ArmandoEstrada0

    Wordpress runs 20% of the Internet or something like that. Not a bad market. We use it for most of the sites we do because it's the easiest cms for our clients. We customise it via custom post types etc etc.

    But, don't lose track of where things are headed. Angular, Ember and Meteor are starting to become popular too.

  • fate0

    Fuck Drupal, don't pay attention to it.

  • fadein110

    Sounds like a good plan - it isn't going anywhere and always being improved - plus the more you know about it the more you can customise it - it will do anything you need nowadays and suits 90% of projects.
    Ignore the chat about all sites looking the same - thats just lazy designers / developers - a Wordpress theme can look like anything on the web and be fully content managed.
    Good luck with your learning - if you have some coding experience you won't find it hard - I still have a lot to learn but have really enjoyed learning it so far - v.logical and makes sense to my non programmer brain.

  • nocomply0

    Specializing and narrowing your services is a good thing. I've more or less restricted all of my development work to WordPress over the past couple of years.

    Don't let the people who tell you a WordPress site costs $300 scare you. There's plenty of money to be made, but you gotta have the skills, the confidence, and the right clients.

    I've been working with WordPress for literally 7 or 8 years now and I'm still working on it.

    Lot's of what you'll learn through WordPress will be applicable to other languages, CMS's, and frameworks as well. If you're interested in technology and programming, it'll be easy to shift your focus from WordPress to something else if and when the time comes. Just stay hungry and keep learning.

    As mentioned above, WordPress currently powers over 20% of the web. Whatever is going to replace it will need to have an easy way to migrate WordPress installations over to this new system.

  • nb0

    HTML powers 100% of the web.

    Electricity powers 100% of the earth, and some stuff in space.
    I say start learning electricity.