The Healthy Thread

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  • ohhhhhsnap0

    14 Cancer Causing Foods You Probably Eat Every Day

  • ohhhhhsnap0
  • mg330

    i need to try and do some kind of sugar detox. I'm so hooked on sweet stuff.

  • mg330

    My wife and I are starting a nutrition and workout program with a trainer at our gym. Had us fill out a huge survey about our health and diet, and did BMI testing at the gym. Damn... I need to make some changes. Should be a good program and I'm excited about having someone good to work with.

    The one thing he said I should start doing immediately is blending a whole lime with warm water in the morning, and having that when I wake up. I did it today and already felt like it was a good appetite suppression, but there are other benefits:……

    Anyone else done this?

    • do you want to eat less? thanks for these articles.ohhhhhsnap
    • I want to eat healthier and be in much better shape. If that means eating less, cool. Long as I feel full !mg33
    • you mean juicing the lime then adding it to water? or blending the whole peeled lime?HijoDMaite
    • So a Sprite?ArmandoEstrada
    • lol Amando. good luck mg33, make sure your meals are balanced. i feel you on overeating.ohhhhhsnap
    • or just load up in Vitamin C?ok_not_ok
    • I started doing this 3 weeks ago. Pressing the juice of lemon in warm waterbenfal99
    • so is it a lime or a lemon? :psine
  • autoflavour0

    just rode out to potsdam and back.. 60km round trip..
    super nice

  • HijoDMaite0

    Anyone doing the bulletproof coffee regularly?

    • Just about every day, although replaced coffee with tea, still delicious.IRNlun6
    • Maca tea, coconut oil, butter, vanilla extract, ground nutmeg and cinnamon... mmmmIRNlun6
    • are you using a hand blender or a regular blender?HijoDMaite
    • also, cacao powder and honey... never blended, just used a spoon.IRNlun6
  • ohhhhhsnap0

    Health heads.

    I want to kick up my health ten fold.
    Anyone have a regimen of the best way to start?

    My "list":
    • run 1/2 mile 6am (i'm just starting)
    • going to go easy on the dranking (limit 2 glasses of wine, or 1 - 2 beers every other day) < this is going to be fucking hard.
    • 8oz coffee daily
    • Gym: < totally clueless here, any thoughts on how i should start working out no treadmills since i will be running.


  • Hombre_Lobo0

    ^good for you dude! :D

    Running half mile - starting the exercise is always the hardest part, so be sure to get the most from your hard work and keep going until you are tired to a reasonable (no pain or risk of cramping etc, warm up + down thoroughly)

    Gym - kinda depends what you are trying to do..
    Is it general purposes to gain muscle, Lose body fat Etc?
    The standard tried and tested gym routines tend to include the following - bench press, dips, squat, dead lift and pull ups / chin ups.
    The big movements.

    These are all good exercises and known as compound exercises as they use more than 1 muscle at a time. A bicep curl is an isolation exercise as it uses only 1 muscle.

    Compounds are harder, and better for you, they give high hormonal response, which causes your body to produce growth hormones, which help you gain mass and give you lots of energy. They also demand more oxygen making your heart and lungs stronger.

    Squats and deadlifts are particularly difficult as they use a tonne of muscle groups. And as they are so difficult they are great for you. But like all exercises focus on technique is very important, particularly with the big compounds like deadlifts, squats, clean and press. If you squat incorrectly, you're gonna damage your knee, if you dead lift incorrectly, you're gonna permanently damage your back.

    Don't be scared by this, it's really not that hard to do it properly if you don't rush into it like an egotistical bell end. When starting out with these complex movements you should use light weights to minimise the risk of injury.

    It will take time to get the technique spot on before you can put on heavier weight and go to failure (until you can't do a single rep more within a set). But going to failure at the start is a bad idea with these movements.

    Don't throw the weight, move it slowly and controlled to minimise injury AND maximise gains.

    Oops gotta go, I was gonna explain what reps to do in more detail, but here's a link to a hardgainers* 3 day workout -…
    BUT those reps are very low for staring out. Especially where the complex movements are concerned. Stick to higher reps and lower weights, like 20 reps when starting out, so you can forum on form and minimise injury.

    Browse YouTube on how to do perfect form.
    *a hardgainers is a typical person who puts on muscle mass slowly

    • + !!!! damn this is awesome Hombre. Much appreciated. I do need a stronger heart... hasn't been doingohhhhhsnap
    • so hot lately. too young for that (36 in june)ohhhhhsnap
    • youre very welcome mate!!
      if its heart health is priority cardio is more beneficial than weights...
  • autoflavour0

    Running is all in your head.

    I started running again, I wanted to start running for 30 minutes at a time.. 3 times a week.

    then i realised after a few weeks that that was about 4km o(2.5 mile) .. so i ran that little bit further to do 5km..

    i did this for a month..
    then i jumped up to running for 45.. which was about 8km..

    i did this for about 3 weeks.. then one day i was out running at my wifes familys house, and go lost in the forrest.. i ended up running for an hour. i mapped it out and it was about 10km..

    the strangest thing was, doing 10km seemed exactly the same as doing 7, much the same as doing 7 was to 5..

    that was about a month ago.. i now run 10km at least twice a week.. and depending on time, i either run a 5 or 7.5

    im a big guy, and the first half of the run is more just a warm up jog, but the run back is usually peppered with small 100 meter sprints..
    that said, i hadnt run seriously for about a year before this..

    my point is, your body will just keep running if you put your mind to it.. you wont win any races, but the constant increase in your activity level will be achieved.

    then it just comes down to time..

    finding an hour to go running can be tricky..

    i didnt go today, but i road 60km on my bike.. so i am guessing that counts for more.

  • autoflavour0

    also if you are serious.. buy a juicer and do a 1 month just fast.. i did it at the end of last year and lost about 8kg.. which stayed off for the most part.. which enabled me to run a bit easier..

    its a bitch at first tho.. no caffeine, no sugar etc..
    best to try and detox those a week or so before you try..

    but works amazing

    • got a juicer that Martha Stewart LOOOOOVEd and said it was a good thing.ohhhhhsnap
  • benfal990

    I started kung fu self defence lessons last november and i ve never been in such good shape in years! And its a lot of fun!

    • yes! i took wu shu classes for almost 7 yrs & loved it!chuparosa
  • rattail0

    Anyone using chai seeds? I've been making these for my breakfast almost everyday. Pretty tasty and very filling.…

  • Hombre_Lobo0

    you're very welcome mate, sorry i had to rush off.

    If heart health is priority and not gaining muscle, then cardio will be more beneficial for your heart.

    Something like interval training is incredibly hard and good for your heart due to the pace changes. Once thoroughly warmed up, do something like 2 minutes jogging then 1 minute sprinting. Or you could do 3 minutes walking, then 1 minute jogging.

    (this doesnt have to be jogging specific, people do spin classes which is interval training on exercise bikes)

    The level of intensity is personal, just as long as you vary the pace and keep pushing yourself. This type of activity is much better for you than jogging for 2 hours at a steady pace. the changes in pace really tire you out.

    Also, its this type of fitness has more applications.
    EG if you can do running fast intervals for say 4 miles, its likely you could jog steadily 10 miles due it being less demanding (in some ways). However if you can steady jog 10 miles, you might not be able to do 4 miles of intervals.

    If you are wanting to gain a little muscle too, rowing is a great exercise for it. Its a bit of a mix of cardio and big muscle group work. Just be sure to keep your back straight, knees inline with your feet when bending your legs and drive with your heels.

    hope that helps!

    • *taking notes*, created a little journal to keep track of advice received to see what works for me (no bones for a personal trainer at the moment... this is a wealth of info buddy... thanks for taking the time. much appreciated)ohhhhhsnap
    • trainer at the moment... this is a wealth of info buddy... thanks for taking the time. much appreciated)ohhhhhsnap
    • i actually didn't know that spinning would help me. i bike as a mode of transport but should def opt into a spin class if it's the equiv. of jogging (going to look into that) would be great to have low impact on my knees/ankles from prior biking injury. Lowering my blood pressure, making my heart a bit healthier, and avoiding meds for this murmur/palpitation thing that my doc noticed... i'm thinking this regimen daily cardio for 40mins will get me back on track. i eat well (fish, veggies, fruits, legumes; just started juicing). I'm stocky with muscles but...ohhhhhsnap
    • if it's the equiv. of jogging (going to look into that) would be great to have low impact on my knees/ankles from prior biking injury. Lowering my blood pressure, making my heart a bit healthier, and avoiding meds for this murmur/palpitation thing that my doc noticed... i'm thinking this regimen daily cardio for 40mins will get me back on track. i eat well (fish, veggies, fruits, legumes; just started juicing). I'm stocky with muscles but gotta cut out the 6 beers a night routine n' get serious. this week!ohhhhhsnap
    • biking injury. Lowering my blood pressure, making my heart a bit healthier, and avoiding meds for this murmur/palpitation thing that my doc noticed... i'm thinking this regimen daily cardio for 40mins will get me back on track. i eat well (fish, veggies, fruits, legumes; just started juicing). I'm stocky with muscles but gotta cut out the 6 beers a night routine n' get serious. this week!ohhhhhsnap
    • that my doc noticed... i'm thinking this regimen daily cardio for 40mins will get me back on track. i eat well (fish, veggies, fruits, legumes; just started juicing). I'm stocky with muscles but gotta cut out the 6 beers a night routine n' get serious. this week!ohhhhhsnap
    • legumes; just started juicing). I'm stocky with muscles but gotta cut out the 6 beers a night routine n' get serious. this week!ohhhhhsnap
    • week! thanks Hombre!ohhhhhsnap
    • haha you are very welcome dude! that diet sounds ace! and cycling is a no brainer for the low impact! enjoy mate! :DHombre_Lobo
  • ohhhhhsnap0
  • randommail0

    I HIGHLY recommend using an app like MyNetDiary.
    Track everything you eat and drink.
    This is the only way you can know your intake of calories, macro-nutrients, and micro-nutrients!
    This has educated me SO MUCH on daily healthy eating. I was so ignorant before.

  • randommail0

    I can't stress enough the importance of heavy weightlifting. Barbell and dumbell only. As long as your joints are in good health, do it! 5 days a week.
    It is better cardio than any steady-pace cardio, regulates blood sugar, and yes it builds muscle if you lift heavy.

  • Hombre_Lobo0

    ^i think free weight lifting is great, v beneficial for many things.
    but i wouldnt agree with this -
    "[heavy weight lifting] is better cardio than any steady-pace cardio"
    heavy weights and cardio are very different.

    low rep heavy weights involve very little cardio, its much more anabolic.

    if you're talking about something like circuits or crossfit, i can kinda see where youre coming from, but that would be lighter higher rep stuff, not low rep heavy stuff.

    unless i missed your point entirely :/ let me know if so!

  • Hombre_Lobo0

    watched this the other day, doc on icelandic strong men

    one bit that stood out, was what Ari Gunnarsson said -
    "im tired, im heavy, im always tired"
    now that guy is a tank and im sure some people would think, wow i wish i was that stacked, but clearly its not that comfortable.

    But Its nothing new and been known for a while that worlds strongest men arent the healthiest of folks, short lives, major joint issues and no doubt organ problems (kidneys in particular) from the mega high caloric intake.

  • ohhhhhsnap0

  • Hombre_Lobo0

    Went swimming a few times this week, had nothing else to do and was staying in another town. Haven't been swimming for a good ten years and I was never a regular swimmer.

    I learnt pretty quickly swimming is hard. Probably among the hardest 'cardio' exercises I've found. I was doing breaststroke (behave) mostly as I'm a terrible swimmer, and found due to the exertion on my back, I now feel a lot better on wide arm pull ups. Makes sense, same muscle groups, similar movement.

    Think I'm gonna do swimming once a week now.