The Healthy Thread

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  • prophetone0
  • drgs2

    The best sitting position is the next one


  • Continuity2

    Eating *too* 'clean', as it turns out, can be detrimental to your overall fat loss/body recomposition goals, and ultimately unsustainable.

    (Trigger warning for you anti-carbers and Keto 'n' Crossfit Culties: contains actual real science, empirical data, and an abundance of common sense)

    • Shots fired.palimpsest
    • Just for what he says about dieting it's worth the watch.palimpsest
    • Yurp. With only a couple of exceptions with regards to biomechanics on a couple of movements, Jeff Nippard is a solid science communicator.Continuity
  • Continuity0

    So, the whole gelatine-in-burgers thing got me thinking:

    Any of you supplementing with collagen? Having turned 50 thirteen days ago, and realising that my tendons and joints aren't what they used to be, I'm thinking collagen might be a good tactic — especially since I'm a frequent lifter.

    Any anecdotes to share? Also, what's the recommended dose? Google search results are all over the shop.

  • ok_not_ok1

  • NBQ00-3

  • NBQ00-2

  • imbecile0

  • jagara2

    So, I'm a bit of a chubby chub-chub.

    Thinking of doing simple intermittend fasting (eating twice a day, skipping breakfast), so 16 hours no food, and 8 hours with.

    First meal at 12:00, last meal at 8.

    It seems perfectly doable for me. At least skipping breakfast.

    Tried it? Had good results?

    • It depends. You just need to eat less calories than you spend. If this gets you there, great.dmay
    • ^ This. Being in a calorie deficit will make you lose weight.
      Around 500 kcal/day will do you, though I would recommend strength training to go with it.
    • ^ This.
      Intermittent fasting is not a magic pill. Any diet might have side effects that could help towards your goal but the solution is never the diet itself.
    • Technically, intermittent fasting isn't a diet, it's an eating schedule. But yeah, you can't fast and eat junk food and expect weight loss.jagara
    • '[...] you can't fast and eat junk food and expect weight loss.'
      Sure, you can. Provided you're still in a calorie deficit.
    • Any change in your eating habit is a diet regardless of the desired outcome.palimpsest
    • I'm overweight and I know it's not because I'm eating 3 meals.
      Fat storage is created by "excess" calorie intake. As simple as that.
    • I think what dmay, Continuity and myself are really getting to is the reason why you have fat storage and the ways to go around reducing that.palimpsest
    • Either intake less calories in whatever way you're taking them or use them.
      But also do crunches, because that targets abdominal fat.
    • You'll know it's working because you'll feel the calories burning. XDpalimpsest
    • ^ This.Continuity
    • It has worked for me but only because the fasting rule helped be curb my total calorie intakenb
    • I understand the excitement of anyone taking on a diet. Already it makes you think about what you're already eating. Don't miss the forest for the trees.palimpsest
    • Ive been doing intermittent fasting for about a year. Initially drop weight to make it easier on my knees for running. Lost about 7kg over 3 months....thumb_screws
    • ...but then it plateaued. I still do the fasting, I needed to get into some healthier routines and found it stops me from snacking when I don’t need too.thumb_screws
    • i used an app to track my calories several years ago (entering every meal for a couple months) and learned to have a running tally in my head throughout the daykingsteven
    • @kingsteven
      From experience that is a solid option. I did it for a week, I weighed everything. It gives you a clearer understanding of what you're consuming.
    • @thumb_screws
      Another option is strength training which many runners avoid. I think the overall message here is to have an objective view of what really works.
    • it has kept me right. i have a few caveats: fruit can be deceptive on a calorie diet - if you eat a lot of junk you will tend to substitute with too much fruitkingsteven
    • = no weight loss. about 50% of the calories in nuts pass straight through you, so nuts tend to look bad on a calorie diet but actually often a better optionkingsteven
    • as they fill you up. similarly to nuts you will piss away a lot of the calories in liquids. but. overall you need to choose food with high satiety.kingsteven
    • generally food which is sweet + fat won't contribute to the sense of fullness. so drinking a sweet drink with a meal is counter-productive.kingsteven
    • Sounds like essential oils but whatever works for you.palimpsest
    • i just started this. but with different expectations. i know the initial weight loss will plateau. I went to IF for the autophagy. And I will be movingMrAbominable
    • to keto also. Keto helps with the hunger but the few weeks getting there will suck. also, I'm doing Breaky and Lunch, no dinner. Tend to overeat at dinner.MrAbominable
    • #essentialoilspalimpsest
    • 'about 50% of the calories in nuts pass straight through you, so nuts tend to look bad on a calorie diet but actually often a better option'Continuity
    • You're fooling yourself.Continuity
    • Nuts have an astonishing amount of fat and fat — all fats, regardless of source or nature — has 9 kcal per grams, versus 4 kcal per gram in protein and carbs.Continuity
    • i'm talking about the caveats of only counting calories. calorie controlled diets tend to cut out nuts but you don't process all the calories and they have manykingsteven
    • other nutritional benefits if you're constructing a low calorie diet.kingsteven
    • We're not saying nuts are bad. Oreos aren't bad either. We're talking strictly about weight loss. Calories in, calories out.palimpsest
    • "nuts pass straight through you" is a fucking joke. They have some fast-pass road badge or something?palimpsest
    • 'you don't process all the calories'
      Are you having a laugh? If this were true, no-one would be fat.
    • 5% of ingested calories are lost in stools and urine. you loose up to 50% of calories in nuts as they are only partially digested.kingsteven
    • Source, please.Continuity
    • "If you drink your own urine there's no waste"palimpsest
    • Weight loss is all about calories. Get to around 1500-1600/day and pounds will fly off.
      I eat lunch at 10-ish, dinner at 7, and a few snacks.
    • That doesn't make you lose weight, though. Count those calories, short of running marathons it's the only way (and it's super simple/easy).formed
    • ^palm is right. Nuts can be very healthy, but you only need a few almonds a day. They will totally make you gain weight, FAST, if you don't pay attention.formed
    • https://www.forbes.c…kingsteven
    • i can't find the exact study, but it would seem that some products now use lower counts.kingsteven
    • #essentialoilspalimpsest
    • Yeah, I'm not buying this.Continuity
    • I highly recommend not skipping breakfast unless you are not hungry. Your body will crave double time. Ensure you get your proteins and base. You got this.dibec
    • i couldn't find the study that was 50% but there's plenty out there. the one in the forbes article is 32% less for almonds vs FDA measurementkingsteven
    • O! watch that ketosis, some people really jack themselves during fasting diets.dibec
    • i 100% agree that it's all about cutting calories just think it's useful to know how you process food/drink affects how your body processes itkingsteven
    • Nuts pass straight through you.palimpsest
    • This is behind the whole #gorp movement.palimpsest
    • https://www.ncbi.nlm… average 32% discrepancy between FDA calorie count and empirically measured count in almondskingsteven
    • i only mention it as a caveatkingsteven
    • hundreds of studies out there if you care to look.kingsteven
    • Do your own research.palimpsest
    • hah, the forbes article is about why the FDA allow manufacturers of nut products to reduce their calorie counts based on this method, but surekingsteven
    • OK, chief.palimpsest
    • Ignore all the addons, just start doing the fasting now and think about more when you've adjusted to the first step.kalkal
    • Pay attention to PDCAAS, which is how much of your protein you absorb. Eat less, in general. Liquid diet now and then. Caffeine. These things work.maikel
    • The intermittent fasting trick is you eat less. Does not matter if you do it in the eve, morning or intermittently. Beware of overeating cos you feel hungry.maikel
    • Challenge accepted.palimpsest
    • physical exercise, water, sleep, cut the crap food.ApeRobot
    • Caloric restraint, find a healthy lean protein + veg routine that sates your appetite. Pick a new outdoor hobby and start it slow.garbage
    • You don't want to hate your path to change, and it's dangerous to overdo it.garbage
  • palimpsest2

    You have it all wrong.

  • HAL90010

    I started making my own beverage :
    Half Sparkling water + half cold infused green tea+peppermint herbal tea + honey to taste + cardamom to taste

    it's really good. make you tests to find the perfect dosage


    More a post for "Signs your getting old" but, here it stays...

    Looking ahead to summer, I'm going to reduce my schedule starting today and give myself a couple of hours a day to exercise. I spend all day sitting and now, more than ever, I've noticed that I have lost a lot of muscle mass and even coordination when I walk.

    Therefore, to walk and ride my bike + more life outside my studio.

    Overall, no matter how hard I work, I don't think I'll get rich anymore ;)