Shooting of the Day

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  • GM2783

    Here's one way to actually get involved:

    Follow the NRA money and choose to vote out the politicians who are getting in the way of a solution.

  • GM2783

    Three more:

    Coalition to stop Gun Violence:

    Giffords Courage to Fight Gun Violence:

    States United to Prevent Gun Violence:

    • You are that guy that served right?oey
    • ^ I also own firearms and yet I FIRMLY believe in stronger gun control legislation including prohibiting civilians from owning military grade weapons.GM278
    • I'd take a step further and make it illegal to sell military grade weapons to anyone besides the military in the first placemonospaced
    • Mono, that should be the FIRST step...and before anyone rushes to the defense of the AR15 - if you change ONE part (albeit illegal) it's basically an M4/M16.GM278
    • which is why bump stocks were invented to get around that.GM278
    • I know, I remember reading your posts last time there was a big discussion here. I really appreciate your participation and opinion.oey
  • Bennn3

    Whats crazy is that everytime something like this happen, we all say the same thing over and over, everyone from each camp take out the same arguments and quotes. Then, the news fade out after a few days, we go back to normal business and forget. And we'll reapeat the next time.

    • Agreed, which is why I posted the links above. Enough is enough. Choose to get involved.GM278
    • Next side I'll chose the other camp Bennn!oey
    • Sorry, not funny.oey
    • yup, it's part of the cycle.Maaku
  • Maaku11

  • nbq0

    FBI sucks btw

    On Jan. 5, a person close to Nikolas Cruz called an FBI tip line and warned about, among other things, Cruz's gun ownership, desire to kill people, and potential to shoot at a school.…

    • I was going to write something snarky about how they are reporting a red-blooded patriot, but then thought, "that's in bad taste."monospaced
    • I wonder how many calls like the the FBI gets. How many millions of guns are owned by morons?
      (not saying all gun owners are morons, just the moronic ones)
    • They cant stop a 19 y-o kid even with warnings signs. Just imagine how they can stop organized terrorists groups now... They can't do shit.Bennn
    • FBI is shit lately...PonyBoy
  • Gnash1

    How can this duffus say this with a straight face? what a dope.

    Kentucky governor blames violent video games, movies, not guns for school shootings…

    "We need to have an honest conversation as to what should and should not be allowed in the United States as it relates to the things being put in the hands of our young people," Bevin said during a stop in Covington on Thursday.

    What shouldn't be put in the hands of young people? Violent video games and movies, Bevin said.

    • ok, so ban violence in all media, and then what, WAIT 30 years for a new generation to see if anything worked? the level of stupid is overwhelmingmonospaced
    • < add him to the list to vote out!GM278
    • this kind of retard thinking implies that guns are for fun, and not made exclusivily for killing people ... anyone arguing otherwise is certifiablemonospaced
    • it is rather shocking how ignorant this governor is.Gnash
    • I don't think that the case, mono. He knows they're for killing people. He just thinks the people are using them badly -- because games and stuffGnash
    • well, why allow 300,000,000 guns to remain in circulation if you're going to hide their true purpose for existing? Why allow guns but not portrayal of their usemonospaced
    • is he hiding there true purpose? everyone knows what they're forGnash
    • *theirGnash
    • he certainly wants to, that's literally what he's sayingmonospaced
    • i didn't catch thatGnash
    • Violent games are played in countries all over the world, the vast majority of which don’t have regular mass shootings.MrT
    • He wants to censor gun violence. You seem to have forgotten that fact since you posted about it. Lol. Violence IS the true purpose for guns. That’s my point.monospaced
    • oh, i see what you mean. i thought you meant he's trying to say real-life guns are just for funGnash
  • face_melter1

    Thought$ and Prayer$

    • holy shit. that's a lot of moneyGnash
    • Bought and Paid forutopian
    • In Canada there's a limit of what you can give to a political party. ... Geez USA!Bennn
    • cuntsmugwart
  • Ramanisky28

    from artist Pia Guerra.

  • freedom-1

    The students at the school are talking about gun control. It's the 15 year olds that are going to make it actually happen.

    • In a few years these kids will be voting age, I can only hope they take care of the dead wood in elected office.ben_
    • They’ll fire back like the angry and armed before themimbecile
  • freedom1

    Punches for the people who say gun control doesn't work and what we need is metal detectors and security guards at schools.

    Yeah, the solution is to spend a bunch of money on hiring some wannabe TSA agents to wear a uniform and frisk teenagers.

    Try to come up with a better argument.

    Rolls eyes.

    • no money for books and computers but sure, there's a budget for TSA stye security equipmentGnash
  • freedom1

    Does any member of QBN actually own a gun?

    • there are a few. my bro doesGnash
    • Or know how easy it is to make your own from kits and don't even have to register.... Go to a local gun show and see.BabySnakes
    • http://americanshoot…Gnash
    • nah Gnash, you can buy an un drilled lower receiver and then buy a separate template to make it a working firearm. and then all the other parts separately.BabySnakes
    • ouchGnash
    • I own two.hans_glib
    • lol gnash. that image.futurefood
    • I own a pistol and a couple riffles of my late fathers. But, I don't have a gun safe so my mother keeps them. I don't have any city need for them.shellie
    • I bet scarabin know how to make one...pango
    • i own a few including a silencer, they’re all locked up in a safe in the states & im anti gun.moldero
    • ever since sandy hook, ban them all, fuck it.moldero
    • I'm set to inherit about mom married an 'outdoorsman' and moved to Alaska and recently notified my bros and I that we get to split the guns & housePonyBoy
    • ... but currently I don't own any guns... ... well technically I own 'two' and a possible 'third'... but let's not get immature when discussing firearmsPonyBoy
    • we're all going to pony's during zombie apocalypses.pango
    • Nice... you guys can teach me how to shoot these things.PonyBoy
    • I have one. Haven't shot it in ages. I'd gladly hand it over if guns went illegal or bought back.formed
    • I do...see my comments 9 posts up.GM278
    • I grew up with them, own a couple rifles mostly as inheritance. Also live in Canada and I'm personally fine with strict as fuck gun laws.ben_
    • i've fired an assault rifle when i was 9 at a gun range. it was still irresponsible for those adults i was with... i could have done something very stupid.pango
  • freedom0

    So now people are going to say things like this?

  • freedom0

    I don't understand how people think open-carry and seeing people with guns makes them more safe.

    I'd freak out if I were in Texas and everyone had guns around me.

    Do people really think they are in grave danger all the time?

    • freaking out over the site of a gun is pretty silly, Dude... does the site of someone carrying a gun really scare you that much? What should scare you is...PonyBoy
    • ... the asshole sitting next to you on the Bus or wandering through the same Store as you who's concealing their arms... open-carry is the most...PonyBoy
    • ... non-threatening method to legal wander w/your gun. Be glad you know who's carrying.PonyBoy
    • Freedom, There's a thread on open carry in america. I live in Texas and discussed this at length.GM278
    • My comments here:…GM278
    • However, I want to keep that discussion separate to this thread. There is a HUGE difference between lawful responsible gun owners and the ppl that commit theseGM278
    • unthinkable acts. The discussion needs to be how do we keep firearms out of the hands of the latter and how do we enact change within our government to do so.GM278
    • and yes that includes the discussion of eliminating access to these types of weapons to non-military citizens whether responsible or not.GM278
    • It angers me to no end when ppl twist the 2nd amendment to justify owning of these types of weapons. As someone who both served and owns firearms I just cantGM278
    • see any rational justification in owning some of these rifles. Neither good for hunting nor home defense...only time I'd shoulder one is If i was being deployedGM278
    • it's a bit like walking around with your dick out isn't it?shapesalad
  • Gnash0

    • "only talking about this because white kids died"Gnash
    • oh, and white, toxic masculinityGnash
    • what a fucking headache :(PonyBoy
  • bainbridge0

    Why is Trump in the pocket of the NRA? Why is he for sale like that. It's not like he could care about guns and at this point, he won't alienate his voters.

    • Because he’s swampy.monospaced
    • I think is has to do with him not being very popular and need the help of the NRA because they are so attached to his base.eryx
    • If he alienate the NRA he makes a powerful enemy and they would cause him to loose even more support and become even less popular.eryx
    • He is facing controversy on a number of fronts the last thing he wants is to be openly against the NRA. Everyone who wants gun control already dislikes Trumperyx
    • Right. Swampy.monospaced
    • he needs votes from the NRA cult followers. same reason he has a creationist whackjob as vice president.lowimpakt
    • not really, i heard rumour gun sales way way down and Remington is filing for Chapter 11robotron3k
    • Nothing boosts gun sales like a school massacre with an ar15. Came the day after they filed those papers. Perfect timing.monospaced
  • bainbridge1


    • that’s enough money to buy all the kids guns so they can protect themselves from each othermoldero
    • Mental illnessOBBTKN
    • ya, let's not buy books and computers.Gnash
    • I doubt an armed security guard would prevent and/or stop a school shooting.monospaced
    • ^ what's next a fence and razor wire perimeter around the schools? Then some fucktard shoots up the kids when they leave school property.GM278
    • It's not about protecting our kids when they're just at school. It's about protecting our kids PERIOD. Liz you're a moron!GM278
  • utopian3

  • Miguex14

    This gave me chills

  • monospaced5

    Friend of a friend posted this. Felt worth sharing here.


    I almost shot my classmates when I was fourteen years old.

    I was not mentally ill. I had no juvenile criminal record. I'd never been suspended from school. I was a straight-A student.

    I almost shot my classmates, because I experienced a moment of powerlessness and rage—like many teenagers do—and I had access to firearms.

    The problem started when I was in ninth-grade. I took advanced foreign language classes, which meant I attended high school for first period and then took a separate bus from high school to my junior high. I was the youngest kid on the high school bus, and I had no friends in high school. That made me an easy target for a bully named Kyle.

    Ninth grade was already a bad year for me, because my parents were getting divorced. Kyle turned it into a living fucking Hell. He incessantly teased me, slapped the back of my head, shoved me out of my seat, and made me into a spectacle for everyone's amusement and derision.

    One day, I'd finally had enough. I can't remember what Kyle did or said, but I couldn't take it any more. I grabbed him by his throat and lifted him out of his seat and shook him like a rag doll while seething through clenched teeth: "STOP. FUCKING. WITH. ME." Then I tossed him back into his seat.

    I thought that had ended it. I thought he'd stop bullying me after that.

    I was wrong.

    After school, a bunch of older kids who I didn't recognize started boarding my bus. Just before the bus pulled away from my junior high, Kyle waltzed up the steps, grinning. He pointed directly at me and said, "That's him."

    It turns out Kyle and his friends had driven from the high school to the junior high, so they could ride my bus home with me and beat my ass. The entire trip, they laughed and bragged about how they were going to kick the shit out of me when we got to my bus-stop.

    I had a long time to think about what I was going to do, and I decided that even though I was going to get a beatdown, I wasn't going to run, and I wasn't going to cry. I was just going to calmly get off the bus and start walking home. I figured they'd jump me as soon as the bus had pulled around the corner and was out of sight.

    My hands are shaking as I write this. It's been over twenty years, and I still feel a sense of helplessness and rage when I think about that day.

    The bus pulled up to my stop, and I got off. The swarm of high school kids piled off the bus behind me. As the bus pulled away, one of them shoved me from behind. I kept walking. They circled me, yelling and making threats.

    But something strange happened. None of them took a swing at me.

    I got to my house, put my key in the door as they stood behind me laughing, and I walked right in. When they realized there were no adults in the house, they started circling the building, banging on the doors and walls, and yelling at me to come out and fight them.

    So I went upstairs, and I got a shotgun. I checked to make sure it was loaded. Then I released the safety and chambered a shell.

    I walked back downstairs and held the barrel against the front door as some of these kids stood on the porch, pounding and yelling at me to let them in. I began to squeeze the trigger, anticipating the blast would penetrate the door and knock these kids to the ground. Then I'd fling the door open and start shooting everyone as they ran away in terror.

    I wanted them to feel the same fear they'd inflicted on me. I wanted to hurt them like they'd hurt me. But most of all, I wanted them to feel powerless like I’d felt. I wanted to feel control over just one thing in my life.

    As I started to squeeze the trigger, someone yelled that a car was coming, and the kids bolted from the porch and scattered. I was one second away—maybe even less than a second—from shooting my classmates.

    Meanwhile, they've gone about their lives. They're in their late 30s and early 40s now. They probably have kids of their own, and they have no idea they almost died that day. They have no idea that behind that door, a scared and angry fourteen-year-old pointed a gun at them and was only a moment away from pulling the trigger.

    I'm not proud of any of this. I am not typing any of this to glorify my behavior. I'm explaining what I did, so you will understand that the gun problem in America is not a mental health problem. I was not mentally ill. The problem is access to firearms.

    If I'd had access to an AR-15 instead of a shotgun, I would have been quicker to pull the trigger. To my teenage mind, an AR-15 would have felt like the pinnacle of power. I would have felt like a bad-ass; like the characters I envied on TV and in video games. I would have felt like an Old Testament deity.

    And I would have used that power to kill my classmates.

    I have absolutely no doubt about this.

    • that's pretty fucked up, although you can't really blame him, at that point they were intruders and he was protecting himself and his home, not quite the same_niko
    • as shooting up a school, but yeah still pretty crazy. Thank for sharing._niko
    • He wasn’t scared for his life, it was not defense in any way, and those weren’t intruders.monospaced
    • So this story does point out, locked up gun might have deterred him. A person in good metal health could purchase and one bad day use it on someone.BabySnakes
    • Nothing better for defense than having a gun locked up.monospaced
    • Yup.maquito
    • a brave confessionmugwart
    • I was bullied to shit over in the UK. tormented, beaten to the point my mother didn't recognise. When Columbine happened I was given two weeks off bullying.mugwart
    • this sickened me as the best weeks of school is when I was assisted with those murderers. It also sickened me that these bullies know the impact on lives theymugwart
    • are inflicting. For me though these deaths are gun related the situation prior to the break down of minds is what caused thismugwart
    • we live in a time of great injustices. We need to look as much into the WHY as the violence it self. We have to look within not through media.mugwart
  • freedom-2

    People say they NEED a gun to protect themselves from intruders or criminals. Especially people in rural areas who say the police can't get there fast enough if something happens. People say having a gun will keep them safe.

    Is this a real concern? How often do homes in rural areas actually get robbed? Are people's lives in danger or are they worried of someone just stealing their TV?

    • I don't live in rural area. I only have to worry about Carol from accounting stealing my sandwich on the daily bases.pango
    • Id say about 99% people that own guns for protection don't go on rampages. They like having the piece of mind that if they needed it it is there.BabySnakes
    • ... and those who DO want to go on rampages ALSO have that peace of mind. That weird ass, nonsensical statistic you made up is absolutely pointless, BabySnakesmonospaced
    • That argument is as good as my statistic, monospaced.BabySnakes
    • wrong againmonospaced