Proud dads...

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  • palimpsest9

    2 Timothy 3:14

    • 2015
    • Glad to see this in plus votes. Shame on whoever DV'd this initially.Nairn
    • +1 cool shots
      2 sons named Timothy?
    • I ain't even mad, that's how we roll!palimpsest
    • Sweet :)Gnash
    • Some of you might remember the 1st one. It's a repost.
      : )
    • I liked it then, too :)Gnash
    • Recently moved to Prague. I miss the Pyrenees but the amount of trails close by and accessible by public transportation is amazing. We head out every weekend.palimpsest
    • Oh, you cunt. I fucking love Prague. If only I were 15 years younger, and a different person, I'd move there in a heartbeat.Nairn
    • Prague is amazing. Best of luck, thereGnash
    • The funny thing is that we never visited Prague before moving here. We arrived in the middle of the lockdown so I still can't say I know Prague.palimpsest
  • microkorg8


    You don't have to explain anything to kids,they just get it!

    My wife (chinese) talks to the kids (3.5 & 1.5) in Mandarin and I talk to them in Scottish ('Scottlish' according to our eldest). They jump between the two languages naturally and depending who they are talking to. They know to speak chinese when talking to my wifes family and to switch to scottlish when talking to my family or anyone out and about in scotland.

    Over xmas last year my wife and the kids went to china for 6 weeks so she could catch up with family. Our eldest went with a basic knowledge of mandarin but came back fluent. When i met them at the airport she was apprehensive about talking 'scottlish' with me and it took her about a week to relearn or get confident again with the english she knew.

    She knows that my mandaring is negligible and always translates for me :) "mummy told us that we should....."

    Kids are fucking amazing, their brains are little sponges that soak up so, so much!

    • How did you get on with their very earliest years? I feel like I'm confusing her when I state something in English, which she's learned in something in Italian.Nairn
    • Just run with it. Dont try to differentiate between the languages. Talk tothe wee one in both languages and they just get it! theyll know that daddy...microkorg
    • ..doesnt understand italian. and if they want water and are saying it in italian and you dont understand, they'll learn that and workaround and communicate..microkorg
    • ..another way :)microkorg
    • Our youngest comes out with chinese words i dont know and when he realises i dont know he'll try to make me understand. its amazing.microkorg
    • That's exactly my worry, thanks
    • Same experience here. Just go with it, kids figure it outGnash
    • i know couples that live in a country but are both from different countries themselves. 4 yo kids can speak three languages fluent for their age...crazyoey_oey
    • been noticing this with my kids (both teens)
      my wife's Indian, and she's also a french teacher.. so she's always encouraged the kids languages etc...
    • neither kids have gotten very good with Malayalam (my wife's parents language) but they give it their best shot lolexador1
    • but I've noticed in the past few weeks, my kids have gotten AMAZING with french...
      my daughter is in grade 12 and about to graduate highschool, and
    • it's amazing to watch my daughter just have these long involved conversations in french with her mom :) so awesome...exador1
    • and my son, eager to not be outdone lol, is doing great at it too... it's lovely to see :)exador1
  • cruddlebub6

    so, i secretly planned an experience of a lifetime for my little boy for his 8th birthday for the weekend just gone and man, it was incredible!

    he has wanted to go watch Newcastle united play for a few years and i'd told him i'd see if i could get us some tickets!

    he's never been to a proper match and considering we live 386 miles away from Newcastle it wasn't something that can happen every week.

    without him knowing i'd arranged for him to be a mascot for the game, with him getting to meet the whole team and walk out onto the pitch with his heros!

    here's a few videos showing a kind of timeline, the first him reading a fake email i'd asked NUFC to send me stating there were no tickets left for the game.

    second is him getting the tickets at the airport when i'd told him we were going there to go laser shooting with me and my two brothers and the last video is him walking out onto the hallowed turf that is St. James.

    he loved it! other than the result! (we lost 3-1) but i hope he will remember it always

    he has a signed top that i will frame for him!

    i am very proud!

    • +1000000Maaku
    • that is pretty coolautoflavour
    • brilliantBluejam
    • Fuck yeah!

      Love that Toon still play Local Hero before the games start - puts a wee shiver down my spine (and I'm no football fan!)
    • That's fantastic man...Very cool. How are you guys feeling now with Rafa in command?stoplying
    • Rafa the gaffa!! Much happier than with Shhhteve at the helm! if we win on sunday i'll be over the moon!cruddlebub
    • wowd_gitale
    • Good on you man. This was a great video! What a dad!kona
  • Salarrue9

  • maquito9

    Ok. It’s been a month since Vicente was born. I love this little guy. Mom and I are felices.

  • ideaist9

    BONUS photo with aging (internally, mostly) daddy:

  • kona9

    My boys.

    Wearing my shirt from when I was his age.

    The wild one.

    Lil man.

  • mg3310

    My 5 year old daughter finally rode without training wheels today! She has been trying to get up the courage and skills for the past couple of weeks since we took her training wheels off, and after she used her little brothers balance bike she had a much better idea of the balance she need it. All it took was some encouragement and advice from two of her friends and she had it figured out immediately. I did not even have to hold onto her seat and let go of her. She just did it. Such a proud dad moment.

    • WORD! Did the same during this covid shit. Our school has a hill and I sent her down it, and just yelled, "pedal"BonSeff
    • Three times and her training wheels were in my backpack and she rode home. Congrats man.BonSeff
  • valentim6

    I haven't got pictures, but my kid had his hearing aids installed yesterday, and he could ear for the first time...

  • monospaced8

    My son — just three weeks after his first birthday — on his mother’s birthday, started walking and said his first word on the same day. Couldn’t be more proud. Now he won’t stop talking and walking everywhere.

    • was his first word "Fuck" and second... "Trump"?

      :P Happy for you, man.
    • We are saying his first word is “light.” Other words he said were kinda basic but that one impressed.monospaced
    • He says up and down, and dog, but those were not much beyond repeatable grunts. It wasn’t until “light” that it felt legit a word.monospaced
    • Now I feel like he’s learning and saying or trying to say several new words a day.monospaced
    • wow. "light"?... of all the words. probably one of the largest, yet most simplest.notype
    • it's a good, one-syllable word he deemed quite important, and it applies in almost all circumstancesmonospaced
  • aslip5

    The kart build is complete and my little racer starts his first year at the track this spring. He's never been so excited! I'll be honest... I'm living through him a bit on this. Looking forward to this so much :D

    • damn that is some CLEAN concrete!monospaced
    • Ya The concrete is pretty incredible.pango
    • Everything is clean! Like your garage wood. Have funmugwart
    • awesome!GuyFawkes
    • First practice was excellent! Garage wood is printed, btw... Cool new dye-sub tech.aslip
    • I used to race gokarts as a kid, one of my best memories - so much fun. Mine wasn't as cool as that one though ;)ben_
  • microkorg8

    Wee boy (3yo) got up for a piss this morning and the baby seat wasn't on the toilet. Rather than doing the quick task of placing it on, he did his first stand-up 'big boy pee'.

    He came to wake me and tell me quite excitedly.
    The action was completely out of the blue and we've not been trying to prompt him to do this in any way.

    Very proud dad here.

    • Such a great moment. I remember it well.monospaced
    • You’ll be over the moon when he wipes his own bum.shapesalad
  • Nairn5

    Also, we have this stupid thing where whenever she's clearly filled her nappy with shit, we pick her up to go change her and in doing so go "Neee-Naaaw! Neee-Naaaw! Codice Marrone*".

    Now she's at the point where when she shits herself she just bursts out "Neee-Naaaw! Neee-Naaaw! Neee-Naaaw!"

    If we ever get out of lockdown and get her to a nursery, I suspect she's going to be a bit of an odd kid.

    ( * Code Brown )

    • how old is she now?monospaced
    • Two next month, which is both wonderful and terrifying. Need to start potty training!

      She does, I mean - I'm nearly done.
    • Cute! We started potty training our son just after his 2nd, when lockdown started last year. If you want any tips, don't hesitate to reach out.monospaced
    • This book was invaluable for potty training:…monospaced
    • Thanks, I'll have a look!Nairn
    • Good luck with that!stoplying
    • Love that you manage to use an asterisk in thisstoplying
    • codice marrone, love ithans_glib
    • They grow so fast!palimpsest
  • Nairn2

    Got home last week to see a small kids scooter-thing in the kitchen. I was a bit miffed, as I'd wanted to buy one for my daughter, but as I look to my partner, I see her face tells me that she's not happy about this either. Turns out she'd been chatting with a friend a few days prior, saying something like "We're looking forward to getting [NAIRNSPAWN] a scooter", which set off entirely the wrong bulb in the friend's head, so she turned up a couple of days later with one in hand. She'd depackaged it and put it together, and brought it to a socially-distanced meet-up in the park, and I entirely appreciate how she thought that this was a lovely thing to do. But now I can't choose a scooter for my daughter.

    I'd been looking forward to for months - she's just about at that right stage to have one.

    Bunch of fucker.

    It's not a bad scooter, but it's not great either, and certainly not what I'd've chosen for her (it's pink, for a start).

    I thought I'd managed to accientally break it the other night, when re-setting the height, but it turns out I hadn't. I can't forgive purposefully breaking something just to buy another - that's... not Gaia-friendly, man.

    What to do?

    • "Just buy another" is the obvious answer - but then what about friend's feelings? Personally, I just want to say to her "thanks, but you REALLY shouldn't've"Nairn
    • Replace with the one you like and make something up. It's not a puppy, it's a scooter.ben_
    • But partner, who's childhood friend it is, doesn't want to hurt feelings yadda yadda, whilst her own feelings are hurt.
      Humans are such pussies.
    • Donate the pink one to charity and tell your friend your daughter has better taste than they gave her credit for.ben_
    • hahaha @ last noteNairn
    • Ah no hurt feelings, got it. If their feelings are hurt over a fucking scooter, well...ben_
    • ffs stop being so precious - she's not going to hate you because her scooter came from someone other than papa.hans_glib
    • when she grows out of /breaks it you can get her the gold plated one you want.hans_glib
    • Aye, for sure - that's why i'd like to, in my own polite but blunt Northern way just explain things, and then we can have 6 months of 2 scooters beforeNairn
    • We've had some success with donating all the bright pink and flashing toys to local charities... friends and family can't seem to help themselves and we've runben_
    • ...the pink one goes to a charity shop.
      I just don't get why someone would do that. It's like the modern equivalent of a first bike, especially in London.
    • out of excuses that make them feel good. We're spending money on having her in a Montessori school, so they just have to understand, I guess.ben_
    • @hans - not sure why my daughter would hate me for this. you seem to miss the point that I wanted to choose this myself, with my partner. It was A Thing for us.Nairn
    • Presumably that's what my partner told her friend, and which then got misconstrued.Nairn
    • i don't get why someone would do that either, maybe she thinks you're too poor? *trollfacehans_glib
    • worry, not, we had multiple scooters at the same time (still have for youngest). They don't last long, especially the pinks ones :)fadein11
    • Just be honest and explain you're thankful, but had a different one in mind for your kid.aliastime
    • have a cool one, and the 'Disney Princess' one for indoor use lolfadein11
    • But let's cut to the chase... scooters should be banned. Skateboard, Bike, Unicycle, Land Skis, Wiggle Turtles? yep.ben_
    • wtf's a Wiggle Turtle?!Nairn
    • ride or die, bitch.ben_
    •… - sorry, with soundtrack intact.ben_
    • !
      I saw a kid on a variant of this with an electric motor in the back of it. A wee ~7 year old, tearing up the local park. Envy doesn't describe what i felt.
    • This type of thing drives me CRAZY. My in laws are always buying us stuff, but it's stuff I want to buy, and it's never what I would have chosen exactly. :(monospaced
    • Learning to set boundaries with others is a valuable life skill.noRGB
    • Sometimes it isn’t worth the trouble.monospaced
    • A little late to this, but have two scooters. Friends will need one to ride. We have 3 and they all get used.lemmy_k
    • It's been 2 months, what did you do?lemmy_k
    • So far, nothing. Getting the most use out of it 'til I can pop to a very local skate/etc store post lockdown with kid in tow so we can choose together.Nairn
    • tbf, it DOES have wheels that light up when they spin, which kid loves, so .. yeah. Oh well. It's fine enough for now, even if i loathe it.Nairn
    • Yeah, light up wheels are the bees knees for little kids. Kids happy and that's what matters.lemmy_k
  • fooler8

    I took my boys, (Aged 9 & 5) fishing for the first time today.
    Besides spending more time detangling lines, breaking up fights, and telling them not to use the net on your brothers head... we caught 5 Rainbow trout all 11-15". Can't wait to smoke them up for dinner tomorrow.

    • That's awesome! We only get trout here in Mar-Apr after they stock the rivers. Enjoy!stoplying
    • Wow, you caught more on your first trip than my son and I have caught in all of our trips. Lollemmy_k
  • wagshaft2

  • microkorg10

    #2 due in just over 2 weeks
    #1 is 2 in a couple of months

    This is going to be a FUN year! lol

  • kona7

    Proud moment over the weekend. My 7 year old son has taken a liking to soccer and has gotten pretty good at it. He played over the summer and while he did great, didn't score a goal. He was however the fastest on the team (thanks Mom's genetics).

    I worked with him the best I could and just kept telling him it didn't matter if they won or lost or who scored the most goals as long as they all had fun. He was still pretty bummed regardless.

    So we enrolled him in a fall league that plays indoor on regulation fields.

    In his first game after we worked a week or so together he comes into the game 3 minutes in, tears off towards the ball, steals it, flies down the field, left outside foot to the ball in stride right around defender one, right outside foot to the ball in stride around defender two and kicks a rocket into the goal for the first goal of the match.

    I don't know who was happier.

    If that wasn't great enough, later in the match one of the boys on the other team took a hard kick to the shin and went down. My boy immediately drops and takes a knee until he gets up. Damn proud moments right there.

    • Awesome.mg33
    • my 7 yr. old is crazy about football and is pretty good at it. it's a joy to see him play.renderedred
    • i love that my boy loves football/soccer, and love that he knows about whats happening without me telling him. he's 8.cruddlebub
  • Nairn6

    So I can be a miserable luddite cunt, and I particularly hate video calls.

    But I'm at work and my partner just WhatsApped me as she sets off to sledge down a hill with my daughter, videoing me as she does so with my kid yelping with glee.

    It's dark here, but for some reason two miles over yonder where she is, it was much, much brighter.


    Also, super happy to see that the sledge I found on the street, then fixed, is working well.

    • Yeah, I know her camera ISO-or whatever settings are just set high. Leave me be.Nairn
    • it's been lovely watching the young kids round here experiencing their first snow - the wonder in their eyes!hans_glib
    • My daughter just wanted to eat all of itoey_oey
  • Nairn3

    Took the bairn outside for the first time today - in my infinite wisdom, I'd bought a hippy wraparound sling thing rather than a typical and tech baby carrier. Once I'd got over how basic it is I'm actually happier with the choice - when I first pulled it out of the box though, I spent a good two minutes swearing at myself, thinking "this is just a fucking piece of fabric! I should've bought the fucking tech carrier".


    I wish I'd paid more attention to the TV tropes of "man carrying baby" when I was younger - fucking thing's a pussy magnet. I've never had so many women gaze in my direction so adoringly - the hormones were practically visibly weeping from every pore as they gazed at what I can only assume they imagined as some perfect trinity of Providing Caring-Male Father figure.

    Any of you lot still single and are reading this (why are you in this thread? Weirdo) - go out and borrow a baby. Start babysitting, whatever. Go for a walk in some middle class neighbourhood and watch them flock towards you.

    It's fucking magic.

    • True that. Plus the "secret" head node fathers give to one another.pr2
    • They're looking at the babyJaline
    • I used to joke to my wife about when I carried my son around nyc that I was passing up blowjobs left and right. Kids are major pussy magnets.monospaced
    • Nobody tells you either that your arms and back get super ripped being a dad. You have to carry so much crap.monospaced
    • Yes they are looking at baby, but the gazing eye contact is unmistakable. It’s not even as sexual as it is just admiration for the father figure guy maybe.monospaced
    • lols you fucking self-obsessed saddoes. they're looking at the baby not you.hans_glib
    • lol hans!BonSeff
    • ughft. I forget how fucking literal people are on the internet. why do i post this shit?Nairn
    • @hans, my wife noticed it most of the time, it’s nothing to do with ego. Plus it’s also just a fun joke. Relax.monospaced