Standing workstations

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  • Boz0

    I see A LOT of people starting to work standing up.

    SITTING KILLS they say

    • love the crushed blacks in the second pic.Amicus
  • utopian0

    I just started to sleep while standing up, it has really helped with my lower back.

  • Boz

    Sitting was killing me. I'm re-building my office to more efficient as well as healthier standing workstations.

    IKEA has some great stuff (table tops, adjustable legs, bar stools to rest) and I'm switching to working standing up. My whole office (and I think people know what my office looks like from workstation thread) to be replaced with new office stuff costs around $400. This is not that bad at all.

    I swear to god I think I would have died if I continued working as much as I do and sitting down this much.

    I'll say, been working for a few days on improvised standing workstation (I lifted my monitors and keyboard and everything up so I can stand and work) and though you get tired after a while, I can already sense that I'm thinking much more clearly. I'm more mobile because you can just walk away from the computer instead of sitting and hating to get up.

    I'm sure I'll get used to it soon as far as getting tired but I think bar stool will solve those problems too.

    Does anyone else work standing up? Post your photos of the workspace here if you do.