UFO of the day

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  • Nairn1

    @utopian - if you would, i'd dearly love to hear of your experiences.

    I saw a UFO when I was a kid - was even in the local paper afterwards. From afar, when I lived on a farm - a strange scintillation of coloured lights, hanging over the edge of the local town. Not much, but there y'go.

    I'm absolutely not a total sceptic, just that most stuff we see on the net is either unverifiable or explainable.

    That makes any experiences that are verifiable or told first-person hugely valuable!

    • 'dearly love'.

    • yup. I'd love to hear also.fadein11
    • When you see one with your very eyes, you think your nuts.robotron3k
  • utopian4

    I really don't like talking much about this for the obvious reasons, I have had two experiences, one in 1993 and another one in 2016.

    The first experience that I had was while I was driving down the NJ Expressway early in morning going to work in Atlantic City. I recall that the weather was overcast with patchy fog. As I am driving about half way down the shore I noticed bright lights in my passenger rear view mirror, I looked out my rearview mirror to see if someone was "flashing their high beams" at me...no car were behind me at the time. About 30 seconds later, I looked out my passenger window and about 100 yards just over the tree-line, there was a semi-transparent glowing circular orb about the size of automobile mirroring my speed headed east. I then slowed down a bit, rolled down my window to get a better look at, I wanted to make sure what I was seeing was real or just a figment of my imagination. A few seconds later the object abruptly came to a stop and then shot straight up into the clouds at incredible speeds, the object completely vanished within a spit second. A few seconds later a car pulled up next to frantically honking their horn at me and repeatedly pointing up to the sky, I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders acting like I didn't anything and just kept on driving.

    My second sighting was...I viewed multiple lights above my house in the middle of the night in late fall of 2016. At first, I thought they were stars or even possibly drones, but then they lights begun to move, shift as group and then to begun to what looked like choreographed movements with each other across vast distances in the sky...we are taking many miles of sky within the blink of an eye, I never seen anything move so quickly in the life. I told my mom the next day, she laughed at me and called me crazy.

    A couple days later my mom calls me to ask me what direction did those UFOs end up going, because her co-works apparently viewed the same UFO lights, on the same I night I seen them flying over their houses in the city about 15 miles from my house at the time. I then laughed at her and told her she was crazy. BTW - my mom's co-workers are doctors and nurse practitioners.

    • You swear it?
      'Cos your first desc with the second party confirming your interpretation's pretty damn sure something weird was going on
    • As for second - do you live near a metropolis that might have some arena or whatever, that could have a sky laser show?Nairn
    • just putting that out there for contemplation - no offence intended.Nairn
    • mind you, 15 miles difference implies not that. soz. we have them here in LDN and they throw out some massive shit - but over 3km or less, not 15.Nairn
    • 15 mi was just an estimate, if the multiple lights were lasers, drones or swamp gas, I never seen multiple lights move & rearrange themselves in the sky before.utopian
    • were they sharply luminescent points of light, like stars, or blurry blobs of light?Nairn
    • Did it hurt to sit down after either of these ?Gnash
    • I buy it. A friend of mine had a very similar experience to your first one. In EgyptGnash
    • btw, thanks for posting, utopian.
    • lolmonospaced
    • What are the "obvious reasons" you don't talk about this? Is it to avoid ridicule from family and friends, or some secret agency picking you up for testing?monospaced
    • thanks for sharing utopfadein11
    • I had a similar experience when I was a kid. a large craft slowly rose out of the valley lights everywere, hovered still for about 5 minutes. V was on TV at the_niko
    • ...time and it freaked us all out. about 10 of us neighboorhood kids stood there with our mouths opened scared shitless. Then it rose some more and turned and_niko
    • the saucer shaped turned into a cigar shape and we realized it was just a blimp. So i''m conflicted, I 100% believe there are aliens out there, but I also_niko
    • ...believe that there is a rational explanation for all UFO sightings we've seen so far._niko
    • Aliens are trolling you.Melanie
    • my wife had smtng similar to experience one, in her car driving from santa cruz to san francisco at night with a friend. They both saw a bright light right overBeeswax
    • the road and they looked back after they went under and it wasnt there. She says it wasnt a helicopter.Beeswax
    • The multiple lights 3-4 of them, really had no physical definition and I could not even tell you the approx size, they were really high up in the sky...utopian
    • ...other than a randomly pulsating they appeared to look most like stars. But stars don't cluster together and move all over the sky in multiple directions...utopian
    • ...making sharp turns and stops and they were silent. I never seen anything like this before and could not never find any examples on Youtube, even fake vids.utopian
    • Ack Ack Ack Ack Ackpango
    • Lol @pango!!OBBTKN
  • utopian0

  • garbage-3

    I know you guys want to believe, but this breaks down all three videos.

    • https://www.youtube.…grafician
    • I'm aware of the Nimitz Incident, video I posted addresses it around 16:20.garbage
    • I believe the Fermi Paradox. I also believe that if some aliens could reach us with an Alcubierre drive or something of that nature..garbage
    • ..they're not going to travel hundreds of light years to do donuts in the sky here.garbage
    • "They" seem to not be bothered by us, they doing their thing, we're the ones overreactinggrafician
    • also not using "warp" drives, seems the propulsion systems they use resemble the ones described by that guy Bob Lazargrafician
    • from those descriptions, we could maybe build something like that, but we can't really build a warp drive so no star trek ideas for nowgrafician
    • anyway, I'm not in any way interested in anything but the tech in all this ufos stuffgrafician
    • Bob Lazar was a hoaxer. Lied about his education, lied about his work. Everything in this video is not something from space.garbage
    • throws doubt, but it's not exactly convincing either way.inteliboy
    • all more plausible than aliens. Even has evidence for his theories.wagshaft
    • @garbage, not strictly true but yes there are some big holes in his story, why do you think he lied then? I have asked myself this question many times.fadein11
    • He avoided any media attention for years, he had to be begged to talk about it all again. He made zero financial gain from it. He doesn't do the UFO conferencefadein11
    • circuit. I have huge doubts about him, but I do also wonder why bother. Those close to him are very convinced by him and have become close friends.fadein11
    • I think he was most likely a disinformation asset, that is the most plausible explanation. But he is a v.convincing liar.fadein11
    • He made money on his autobiography. I also don't know of many rocket scientists that get arrested for running a prostitution ring.garbage
    • He invested in a brothel in Vegas, no? A bad business decision.
      His biography came out in 2019. 30 years after his first interview.
    • I'm with you though. Like I said, huge doubts. Mental illness perhaps. His whole story is interesting regardless.fadein11
  • fadein110

    • Excellent summary from Richard Dolanfadein11
    • Kind of funny that out of nowhere Trump announced the creation of "Space Force" weeks after the first Navy UFO sighting went public in the NY Times in 2017.utopian
    • absolute nonsense. There are 4 billion high resolution camera phones on this planet and another 100 million secutity and CCTV cameras all over the place_niko
    • and you tell me the best we can do is shitty video from one or two pilots that have been easily explained? That's the proof? fuck off Dolan lol_niko
    • add to that satellites that can capture the date on a nickel and play back millions of hours of footage to corroborate any of this "evidence" yet all we have is_niko
    • the eyewitness accounts of hillbillies and overtired pilots as proof? come on._niko
    • Yet the DoD released them as unexplained. After the US Navy also said they could not be explained. Dolan is just recounting recent events, he is the leastfadein11
    • tinfoil hat researcher in the field. He's just explained what has happened. You obviously didn't watch. And calm down.fadein11
    • To each their own...at least I'm not out protesting with the rest of the Covidiots, runaround like caveman with an M-16 or praying to fairies in the clouds.utopian
    • Are you saying the Pentagon are idiots for releasing these videos and confirming them as real and unexplained?fadein11
    • I like to keep an open mind on this subject, had no experiences myself but always been interested, it doesn't take long to realise there is something to it all.fadein11
    • the video isn't explained tho niko.... thats what makes this whole thing suddenly interesting.inteliboy
    • it's been explained in 3-4 posts in this thread already. Ok Fade, I just finished watching the whole thing, and still, he might make a convincing point on_niko
    • hearsay evidence or eyewitness accounts (not evidence) , or second hand accounts from people supposedly in the pentagon. The whole thing reeks of conspiracy_niko
    • Give us scientific proof. Give us sateltie images, give us high res video or photos, give us chemical traces or sound signatures or any other physical clues._niko
    • otherwise Occam's Razor. This can all be explained by simple explanations, either false accounts, mistaken accounts or foreign military capabilities._niko
    • Why would the Pentagon release them and real and unexplained? The videos are a tiny part of the story by the way. Watch some interviews with pilots. And radarfadein11
    • operators. I am a sceptic despite my enthusiasm for the subject. But why release them as real. Why not just refer everyone to the YT debunkers?fadein11
    • *asfadein11
    • because they're so obvious that they knew people could figure them out fairly easily so they wouldn't have to. More legit coming from civilians than from them?_niko
    • but again, unexplained phenomenon is one thing, chalking it up to aliens is another._niko
    • I'm not aware of anyone mentioning aliens? Most def not the Pentagon or US Navy. This is where people fall over, an unexplained phenomenon does not equal aliensfadein11
    • ok fair enough. He does mention aliens a few times in the clip though_niko
  • _niko1

    Given the situation, here are some possible scenarios

    1) they saw the footage and realised it was misidentified based on the data on the screen and quickly figured out it was a weather balloon, so no need to release it, except someone did. Then they released it anyway since it was harmless and easily explained with a bit of research.

    2) they saw the footage and had no idea what it was, they couldn't make heads or tails of their own instrument panel readings and they released it in hopes of the public (some dude with a youtube channel) cracking it for them?

    3) they knew what it was and it's foreign military so they wanted to keep it under wraps as long as possible as to not show that they're lagging behind the enemy's superior weaponry.

    4) they knew it was alien but they're friendly and not dangerous so they released the footage.

    5) they knew it was alien but they're dangerous so they released the footage to prepare us?

    I think anything's possible but only a couple are probable.
    Occams' Razor.

    • 6) swamp gasutopian
    • 7) distractionfadein11
    • "The grainy videos, which the Pentagon says depict “unexplained aerial phenomena” "fadein11
    • you'd think they'd have better things to do.fadein11
    • possible that they do have better things to than waste resources trying to explain every video that comes across their desks? so they chalk it up to UAP?_niko
    • mmmm, ok.fadein11
    • I'd laugh if all it turned out to be was a speck of bird crap or a really tenacious bug on the camera lens.Continuity
  • Gardener3

  • Maaku2


  • Krassy3

  • Bindegal-1

  • utopian7

    The conversation gets really interesting at 25:30

    • lolmonospaced
    • Always a "lol" from you. Just like our tremendously great president you are a genius and all knowing. Are you two related?utopian
    • ice crystals :)uan
    • it’s funnymonospaced
    • I like the fact he is in line with Greer about they don't pose a threat. And that chilean air force has procedures in place to avoid dangerous human reactions.uan
  • Sellies0
  • NBQ00-3

    • Literally what is the point of watching something like this, which cannot even begin to fathom the depth of the question it can't but fail to answer?Nairn
    • When you see all the precautions, testing, safety and risks taken to get Bob and Doug to the space station, why do we think it's so easy for aliens to cruise byshapesalad
    • Jeez, maybe it‘s just interesting food for thought.NBQ00
    • in an UFO... not to mention they might not be immune to the common cold, Covid-19 or aviation flu, so why would they risk making contact.shapesalad
    • Presuming life on another planet has evolved in a similar way to earth, which means viruses and bacteria's to contend with..shapesalad
    • But sure, let's all believe that weather balloon or weird cloud formation is some sort of alien UFO.....shapesalad
    • ^ Maybe we're not at the top like we want to believe and they are just better than us. Maybe they treat us like we treat animals in zoos.Maaku
    • You know, from a safe distance.Maaku
    • if the tech exists to traverse the stars in any meaningful sense (ie. on human timescales) then there is no way in hell we'd no they were here, less they wantedNairn
  • yuekit1

  • yuekit3

  • ok_not_ok-1

    • how is that not an insect in the giant light they clearly have pointing at the sky?inteliboy
    • why do they think pointing with a high energy laser at a flying object is a good idea? stupid apes.uan
  • PonyBoy2

    No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public


  • yuekit2

    ^ Wow seems like they really buried the lede here..

    "Mr. Reid, the former Democratic senator from Nevada who pushed for funding the earlier U.F.O. program when he was the majority leader, said he believed that crashes of vehicles from other worlds had occurred and that retrieved materials had been studied secretly for decades, often by aerospace companies under government contracts..."

  • NBQ001

    Good theory I’ve often thought about in the past too.

  • yuekit1

    The real science behind SETI’s hunt for intelligent aliens


    • SETI is a waste of resources. It's like buying a new phone then expecting a call from nowhere just after you unboxed it...grafician
    • Might be a good idea to invest in a deep space array of tiny probes sent in an orbit beyond Neptune or something...grafician
    • Yeah who knows...according to this article they did pick up at least one promising signal. But the program was defunded back in the 90s.yuekit