BP oil spill

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  • 649 Responses
  • georgesIII0

  • vaxorcist0

    • Kinda lame.
      They did the same thing in a Polish town called Chelmno.
  • dbloc0

    Shred the gnar

    • nooooooo! :(sea_sea
    • that kinda looks cool. polka dotted water waves. if only it were chocolatewhatsup
  • PonyBoy0

    How many of the folks in this thread have turned off their natural gas to their homes... have stopped driving their cars... ... stopped taking the train or bus?

    In talking w/friends locally and reading the forums online... I'm finding the majority of us are hypocrites in the end (I put myself in front of the line on this one)...

    Sure... you can cover yourself in chocolate sauce and trip out at the next committee hearing or next media event... ... but in the end you're probably as much at fault as BP and anyone else for that matter... we consume: else BP and the like wouldn't be in business.

    The outrage seems a touch 'trendy' more than it does 'real'... creating a silly moratorium where we ban ourselves from finding the energy we need to consume to move on w/everyday life - meanwhile the Vietnamese... the Russians etc... all continue tapping away in the gulf on their own deep water platforms...

    *still confused

    • No one should ever suggest doing anything better.DrBombay
    • i suggest you have something to fall back on before imposing a silly moratorium that locks you out of that which is necessary.PonyBoy
  • whatsup0

    The BP oil spill has me really conserving plastic because its something I can do now. As far as transportation... I'm not going to quit cold turkey just like that. If I did, I would be somehow fixing one problem to create another? That's not smart. However I will change or transition to better energy efficient modes when and if the opportunity arises. I also hope that the people in positions to do something will also go the route of relying and finding better energy sources.

    • nice, dude... ... I do what I can to recycle etc - but there are sooo many plastics we use daily that it's going to take...PonyBoy
    • ... serious effort even for the greenest of the green folks to completely get off them... it would be nice to see us...PonyBoy
    • ... to just completely ween off the 'need' for them.PonyBoy
    • besides recycling, I'll also reuse.whatsup
  • TheBlueOne0

    Real fucking sad man. I guess that's how you sleep at night, denying the facts just because of certain social realities is all the rage with you free market libertarians, huh?

    Just because a doctor smokes doesn't mean his advice to you to quit smoking is invalid.

    Just because our entire industrial/infrastructure system is set up to be dependant on oil doesn't mean that an individual who suggests we should maybe rethink our civilization is a "hypocrite"

    But you just be content in yourself that "Well, I guess we can't even try, and anyone who does is a fucking hypocrite because they drive to work."

    Fuck off, there's a planet to save and we don't need you pointing fingers at who you think is "trendy" or not.

    Seriously dude, you're the fucking problem.


    breaking news:

    BP Kills The Kraken

  • PonyBoy0

    "But you just be content in yourself that "Well, I guess we can't even try, and anyone who does is a fucking hypocrite because they drive to work.""

    If all you're gonna do is point fingers at folks in charge (feds) or the businessman behind the company... ... but make no changes on your end that would actually effect the situation - then yes... you are a hypocrite.

    As for the 'trendy' comment - it IS trendy and 'hip' even to be on the bitching side... ...if you deny that you're intellectually dishonest and lack understanding of the makeup of yourself and your fellow man.

    The 'problem' resides w/ALL of us... ... either get a set of balls and LIVE like you demand others live... ... or get off your fucking high horse... else - you.are.a.hypocrite.

    You RELY on BP and the like to make your lives better - then when they have a major fuck up like this... ... you hate hate and hate 'the man'... blah blah blahhhhh... ... a fucking lame-ass boring presentation of hypocrisy. If you can't accept that YOU are as much the problem as BP and the like... ... then you're living in la la land.

    • Why do you always defend the big guy in the situation? The one who needs no help from you?DrBombay
    • I'm not defending anyone - I'm pointing out that we're as much to blame AS the big guy.PonyBoy
    • I don't remember signing off on deep sea drilling without having a failsafe backup.DrBombay
    • deepsea drilling occurs because we've locked ourselves out exploring pretty much everywhere elsePonyBoy
    • i don't remember saying I was 'cool' with it either, dude... ... I'm on your side on this point... but - hands were kinda tied... yes?PonyBoy
    • Were they? Stop consuming 20 gallons a week to own a car.DrBombay
    • Sorry but when people say they 'need' a car it is bullshit.DrBombay
    • And I am not even talking about you.DrBombay
    • You work from home, you don't even need a car.DrBombay
    • have you ever been to phoenix? do you understand how spread out it is? If I have meetings etc - the bus is not an option - it just isn't.PonyBoy
    • isn't practical - I wouldn't be able to get my work done... ... or be anywhere I'm requested to be on-time.PonyBoy
    • aka - I need to... and WILL consume fuel.. .. as do plenty of the folks here.PonyBoy
    • not all of us live right down the street from where we 'work', rick... ... you have to be reasonable.PonyBoy
    • And I happen to be on an in-house contract (still 1099'ed... not an emp.) and I have a 20 min. drive daily (both ways)PonyBoy
    • Then Phoenix is an unsustainable city.DrBombay
    • You're right. :)PonyBoy
    • Not even going to mention AC being needed 350 days a year.DrBombay
    • For SURE, dobs...
      ... cept it's about half that... ... don't be dramatic.
    • and the majority of us turn the A/C down or off when not home... and regulate the hell out of it when we are home -PonyBoy
    • - simply because of the cost.PonyBoy
    • Get a room you two.sigg
    • I'd even pay for the room... ... but dobs hates me so it would be pointlessPonyBoy
    • Most cities are unsustainable citiesmegE
    • If you're talking about transportation, it's actually easier to get around by walking in a city.juhls
  • bliznutty0

    i realize we all use oil-based fuels and choose so by free will and free markets and thus are all guilty by choice. however when you really break it down and do your history, you will find that the markets around the oil industry aren't 'free' and that we really aren't given much of a choice. here let me explain, Standard Oil - the once oil monopoly run by John D. Rockefeller - who even proclaimed 'Competition is Sin' - was the wealthiest corporation of its time and used dirty business tactics and political influence in order to eliminate competition and create a monopoly dependence around its product. Its funny that the ethanol vehicles are making a comeback today - because some of the first cars ever made ran on ethanol/alcohol and were forced out by business influenced government (corporatism).. In fact cars were even made to run on HEMP around 70 years ago!.. However you'll see during the great boom of the automobile industry (and plastics), all of the dirty insider tactics used to eliminate competition.. its simply the case that if markets were free - an equilibrium would have established due to free market competition around alternative fuels, thus monopolies wouldn't be as powerful as they are - but its too late it already happened..

  • PonyBoy0

    ffs - I've yet to say ANYTHING about 'free markets'...

    ... I'm talking about personal consumption that WE RELY ON to live the lives we live.

    When there's a tragedy - we throw a shitfit at those 'in charge' but don't stop and ask ourselves if we're part to blame... ... which we ARE in this situation - we CONSUME.

  • georgesIII0

    The question Pony is what can we do to save the earth,
    but what can the earth do, to save her/itself from us.

    you know the bp thing is like emanuel Goldstein,
    everyone has it's 2 min of hate but at the end of the day no one does shit or give a shit.
    haters gon' hate

  • PonyBoy0

    ^^i apprecitiate that george... well put...

    ... if we all looked to ourselves and adjusted ourselves / lives... I think we could make a dramatic change in overall consumption of our natural resources...

    ... this is on US though (human beings - not the United States (: ) - not BP or the like... ... they're merely providing us w/that which we desire... they WOULD NOT EXIST if we didn't desire and damn near REQUIRE what they provide.

    • think about that next time you fill up.DrBombay
    • I will... and I do. I use far less than most people, dobs... I'm one guy in a little house - but i still REQUIRE fuel to live.PonyBoy
  • sigg0

    I've gone out of my way to reduce my carbon footprint on this planet. My gas bills are on average $20 a month and my electric bill just topped out at $43 because my new, energy efficient (17 SEER) air conditioner had to run because it got into the 90s. I'm unfortunately stuck with a car that averages 26mpg highway for another year, then it's onto a hybrid so actually, we CAN all do a little something to save the environment. Most of the time it's the little, non-expensive things that make the most difference.

    • I am very serious about getting solar panels on my garage within the next year.DrBombay
    • I would love to if I can swing the expense.DrBombay
    • first thing i do when I buy a house next year - solar panels... ... you'd be a fool to not use them out here in phoenixPonyBoy
    • How well does solar work in a high snow environment? You might be better off with a wind tower.sigg
    • and 'hell yeah' at getting a hybrid... the next time I need to purchase I will go hybrid :)PonyBoy
    • http://news.cnet.com…
      less obtrusive than a turbine.
    • Sigg they work well... ck it http://pvpowered.com… in a 2 or 3 snow zoneIRS
    • it takes alot of energy to create those batteries for those hybrids.dasohr
    • true, dasohr... but they recharge simply when you press on the breaks -- give and take... overtime it's cheaper?PonyBoy
    • *brakesPonyBoy
  • IRS0

    I'm riding my hand forged steel framed bike with natural rubber tires, the chain is lubricated with snot, until I can get a solar powered car made with a palm frond woven frame and body

  • sigg0

    ^That's one of the best posts ever.

    It's saying "STFU" without actually saying "STFU"

  • Ramanisky20

    on CNN

    Federal judge in New Orleans, Louisiana, blocks six-month federal moratorium on deepwater drilling in Gulf.

    • there are an estimated 100,000 jobs in that area dependent on drilling.. life moves on..bliznutty
  • previous0

    PB = BP backwards

    • yes... my real name is actually HaywardPonyBoy
    • peanut butterdasohr
  • i_monk0

    I blame capitalism.

  • FredMcWoozy0

  • lowimpakt0


    Gulf disaster needs divine intervention as man's efforts have been futile. Gulf lawmakers designate today Day of Prayer for solution/miracle


    just remember how close you were to having this lunatic giving you orders...

    • stop giving her what she wants,
      she need to be forgotten,
    • awww ..
      that idiot dummy means well