Resume Critique Deux

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  • 49 Responses
  • d_rek0


    I think your intensions are fine - to have an HTML resume that has a few 2.0-ish features. It says at least something about your ability.

    However, you should really consider the fact that the web is an altogether different arena than print. As was mentioned many times, the tag cloud simply does not translate well to a printed document.

    Aside from that, the typography is just, well, just bad. You are taking a lot of information and making it inaccessible to a lot of people.

    You cannot quickly synthesize much info from your resume, outside of the awkwardly large tag cloud.

    And if you're a developer... why on earth are you worried about exporting your resume to PDF... shouldn't you be setting up styles so that this thing prints beautifully from your browser?

    And lastly... hopefully this is the last bit of advice anyone gives you. Everyone here has gone far beyond what they'd typically do to a normal troll. Either take our advice or leave it.

  • rflctdsilence0

    What the heck is a troll? And your right QBN is not for everyone I should stop coming here -- its like a small group of boys who claim an area on the web for themselves. Good luck hope your site doesn't crash or get hacked or something ;) wink wink

    • Fuck that, I hope this site gets hacked AND crashes.dMullins
    • *shivers in boots*d_rek
  • dMullins0

    It looks basically the same as it did before, but with a better font. Also, I don't care what anyone else says, the tag cloud idea is cool, and I would NOT lose it, since it's the only real personality that's showing through this piece so far.

    • I never said it was a bad idea, just that it didn't translate well when printedd_rek
    • I never said I was talking to you.dMullins
    • LISTEN BITCH.d_rek
    • *smacks*d_rek
  • stewdio0

    Personally I think tag clouds look horrible even when they're functional pieces of a "Web 2.0" website. Great idea, yes. Looks really bad, also yes. I would argue that if they actually looked decent on a website in the first place then they'd stand a greater chance of looking good in print. But it doesn't look good. So I'd strike it. (But just my opinion.)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Quincy, I can understand you feeling a little attacked in this thread, but QBN is not a collection of bullies looking to impose their mind-hive aesthetics on newcomers. If you peek through you'll see we posting-folk are all constantly disagreeing and arguing over what looks good / what works well / and what doesn't. Instead of some unified elitism there's actually quite a bit of good debate amongst us. (You know, before it devolves into dick jokes. 'Tis the interwebs after all.)

    But what you will notice is that despite our wide range of stylistic differences we do all agree that your CV would benefit from some cleanup. Put some tighter constraints on yourself. It's like a game: How much variation can I take out and still communicate a hierarchy? Try using just one font. Maybe two type sizes at most. Loose the bullet points. And this isn't said in condescension, these are the same directives we often give to ourselves. "How could I make this simpler? How can I clean this up? Make it more crisp? Do more with less?"

    And it doesn't end with type sizes and font colors. What sentences can you take out? How does this read aloud? Can it work with less jargon terms? Am I repeating words or phrases? Are you using the same verb tenses across the board? If you vary verb tenses, are you doing that purposely to communicate something in particular?

    Again, I'm not holding this up as some pinnacle of design, but it's something that should illustrate to you what I've written above. Look at your sample:…

    Now look at my interpretation of it:

    Think about what's missing in my interpretation. What pieces of information did I condense or eliminate? What descriptions did I rewrite? I only listed six hyperlinks of sample work. Why might I have chosen those six? Do you really need to list Apache if you've already listed PHP and MySQL? Maybe. But probably not.

    Lastly, It's fine to get frustrated with QBNers and call someone an ass. (And admittedly we'll live up to that label from time to time.) But don't threaten to hack the site. Primarily because it just reflects poorly on you. But secondly, you may be under the impression that because we do visual things programming is somehow a total mystery and we are defenseless—that we're at the whims of "almighty code wielders." The reality is some of us have much more coding experience than you. Particularly when it comes to Web applications. And we either run studios or work for firms that do this sort of thing. Firms that your CV might end up at one day. So play nice. When you come in for an interview it could be one of us sitting across the table from you.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Ok, that's the end of my rant. (And the delayed meeting I was waiting for is starting in 5, 4, 3, 2...) Seriously feel free to copy the sample I posted and tweak that a bit. It's there for you to use.

    • trust us, we ARE trying to helpmonospaced
    • Nicely done stewdio! Clean and professional looking......chuparosa
  • d_rek0


    I fear much time has been wasted on your thread, the most of which has probably been your own. While your intensions - and surely most of the feedback that has been given - was surely honorable it appears that most, if not all of our feedback was in vain.

    To quote:
    "What the heck is a troll? And your right QBN is not for everyone I should stop coming here -- its like a small group of boys who claim an area on the web for themselves. Good luck hope your site doesn't crash or get hacked or something ;) wink wink"

  • stewdio0

    Yea. I swing back and forth between being a perverse optimist and a hopeless pessimist. Hmmm... I just noticed that pendulum usually swings back right around meeting times...

  • 4040

    you listed twice

  • elahon0

    This is what a tag cloud in print will get you:

  • Jimbo820

    Good luck in life rflctdsilence, you sound like a moron.

    –––––––––––––––– END OF THREAD ––––––––––––––––