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  • MrT0

    Prey looking pretty slick...

    • lol except that screenMrT
    • hmm graphics are good. why can't c4d give me such quality in realtime?fruitsalad
  • Al_dizzle3

  • i_monk1

  • face_melter6

    So, yesterday, in a fit of boredom and in a desperate struggle with the league against tedium and Photoshopping average architecture into the Stockholm cityscape, I bought Horizon Zero Crusty. Because if I click a few buttons on a site and remotely download shit to my PS4, it doesn't count. Right?

    First thing. The game looks great, not like Taylor Swift's legs great, but solid and polished - we're talking Katy Perry legs. Not the doughy, lumpy legs she has today, legs from a couple of years ago. Dependable legs. Guerrilla always do good visuals, no matter what else. They are the Katy Perry legs of videogames.

    Anyway. Second thing. The introduction is the one of the most contrived and unnecessary piece of hand-holding videogame schlock of recent times. Made me instantly dislike the whole wretched scene - Noble Tribespeople who talk eloquently about The Past, The Outcast, The Mysterious Child who everyone thinks is some kind of fucking demon. Wait. This has to be said before I forget and fuck all this up - character design. Every rat-bastard in this looks like they are either in a Spiral Tribe travelling rave collective, play bass in Mega City Four, or that one guy at art college who introduced me to weapons-grade tequila and Charles Bukowski. Fucking facial hair and dreadlocks for days. Horizon Crusty Dawn, geddit? GEDDIT!? Christ, you fucking people. Right. Intro. Focus. Maintain. You start as the kid as... a kid and learn your hunting chops from your adopted dad blah blah blah. What takes 30 minutes could have been laid out in a 60 second cutscene and a refined tutorial. But oooh no. Exposition explosion!

    Onward. It appears The World is fucked by mechanical animals - even at this early point in the proceedings my desire to uncover who or what their deal is is desperately low. But. BUT. The encounters are well handled and there is lots to do - even before I reluctantly push on with the story I have had four or five side missions. Ok, they all ended up with me wrecking robot animal ass and collecting something/someone - including some woman's brother who on investigation has extreme schizophrenia leading to homicidal and suicidal tendencies (which, according to the story can be cured with talking and living in a cave). Videogames! There's a bunch of crafting shit in there also - collect shit to make shit. After a couple of hours I had a bag full of rubbish and plants. Some of it looks important? Who knows. Robot Animal Jesus will bring sense to it all. Or maybe i'm some kind of mental hobo with a robot kink.

    Oh. Fuck, hold on. The combat is really good! A nice quickness to the controls and enough leniency to allow you decent shots even if you're not dead-on accurate. Pounding robot animal ass with homemade shafts is invigorating and satisfying. Who knew?

    So far, so okay in a weird Tomb Raider / Far Cry / Zelda / GTA-type way. I mean, you walk around, collect and kill shit. It's not art and neither is it rocket animal science. Nier: Automata continues to give me incredible thrills and kicks so whether I ride this crazy techno-Levellers simulator all the way to the end, I don't know.

    But hey, life can't all be Taylor Swift's legs.

    • quite the change from doing killzone for a decade right? I'm really enjoying the game, looks incredible too.ernexbcn
    • I think my references to anarco-hippy techno sound systems and power-pop indie guitar bands wouldn't fit with IGN's key demographic.face_melter
    • But I enjoy writing these at 6am after four hours sleep.face_melter
    • ^^ I find their visual style quite sterile. Technically impressive, no doubt, but it lacks personality. Faces look like Boglins.face_melter
    • Brilliant. This has made me go and buy it a day earlier than I originally planned.MrT
    • Boglin faced post-apocalyptic ravers with lightning spears and dennis-the-menace slings.ArchitectofFate
    • Think I'll write another screed for Nier: Automata. I swear to God - that game is pure, fucking, art.face_melter
  • inteliboy0

    May be privy to a slice of video game history... this doesn't happen often....…

    • yeah I might get a switch just for this game, I bought a gamecube just for wind waker back in the dayernexbcn
    • Wow...amazing reviews. I was considering getting a Switch - this is really twisting my armdee-dubs
    • I really want to buy this console. I think it will be a hit, despite not having many great titles at lunch.Fabricio
    • got to target this morning about 15 minutes before opening. picked up a switch and zelda. pretty painless.digitdaily
    • Now that I'm viewing the Switch as a capable hand-held rather than an underwhelming console, I'm quite up for one this year.detritus
    • ...I mistakingly picked up my DS and started playing mario Kart a couple of weeks back, which made me totally change my mind about how I felt about the thing :)detritus
    • ugh ... so basically $375 to play it ...monospaced
    • I reckon i'll buy a Wii U to play this. Maybe get a switch in a year or two if it seems worth it. Totally up for a bit of Zelda though...set
    • thats right, I forgot it was available for the Wii Umonospaced
  • ok_not_ok1

    "No Man’s Sky wins GDC Award, but no one was around to accept it"…

    • No Man's AcceptanceSteveJobs
    • "Innovation Award" - An innovating way to trick people out of $60.section_014
  • ernexbcn0

    • I mean, it does look pretty but to me there's something hollow about it. The robots have more personality than the human characters.face_melter
    • And as a result I totally tune out when there's a cutscene or dialogue interaction. Almost no engagement with the story :/face_melter
    • Same thing with Far Cry 4 - characters were arseholes, but the game was great - I played the shit out of it and 100% all the missions and collectables. Weird.face_melter
    • I'm having fun with iternexbcn
    • Yeah, i'm past the Proving shit and on the game proper - the combat and exploring are great. Story is barely registering. Nice when that blonde brat died thoughface_melter
    • The dialogue makes me cringe, and there's something weird with the progression after leaving the embrace... but that shit is beautifulArchitectofFate
    • ^ Oh god, yes. Some of the lines they come out with are wretched. After being nice to Rost, I just use the nasty answer option for everyone. Does fuck all.face_melter
    • "you were saying the shit does shit to the shit?"and why can't you decline bs-quests what if I don't want to fuck around with rocks for squishyface for 3 hours?ArchitectofFate
    • Agree there is a bit too much wooden dialogue, but otherwise, I'm loving every minute. Photo mode is cock-on as well.MrT
  • ok_not_ok1

    10/10 reviews everywhere!

  • CygnusZero42

    Neck deep in breath of the wild on the switch. This game is something else. This must be the biggest game ever made. And not just the size of the open world, but the way the world is crafted, and the content in it.

    There are no run of the mill pointless side quests. Every single thing in the game has a purpose, yielding rewards that you will need in some way or another, and the reason for this is this game is HARD. Unlike every other Zelda game ever made, you will die.... a LOT. And unlike other open world games like skyrim, fallout, witcher, there is a vast array of ways to tackle various situations in the game. Those games all have limits in some way, not this. Its extremely flexible to let the player go crazy and get creative.

    I guess if you had to pick some sort of flaw, it might be that there is only 4 real traditional Zelda dungeons, BUT there is over 100 shrines that you can find that are like little mini-dungeons, many of the puzzles in them being pretty ingenious. And once again, all of them yield rewards youll need if you have any plans of beating this game. So there is incentive left and right, motivation to do everything because youll need to in order to survive and get further in the game.

    The gameplay loop is excellent. Explore like you were a little kid out in the wilderness, kill enemies in any way you can think of, get better weapons, do shrines, earn spirit orbs in them to upgrade your skills, health, stamina, etc... Really, REALLY well made.

    • It really is incredible. It's like playing in a studio gibli world. I'm blown away - and it's scarily taking over my spare time this weekend....inteliboy
    • Fuck. I love Zelda games. But don't have 100+ hours to dedicate to a game these days. So torn.dopepope
    • Is the switch worth it just for this game? It's a big investment to get both, so was curious about your opinion on this moving forward.monospaced
    • This post makes me want to play this even more now. That's why I'm asking. :)monospaced
    • is there a lot of orb grinding or does the character feel fairly powerful?scarabin
    • 'orb grinding'?detritus
    • spending joyless hours killing monsters to obtain orbs to level up. one of my least favorite parts of previous zelda gamesscarabin
    • (zelda 2 anyway)scarabin
    • it doesn't really feel like grinding... Though you don't feel powerful, no, it's hard, the game throws you straight into a world and you need to survive.inteliboy
    • it's like a dark souls game made by Hayao Miyazaki.inteliboy
    • you have all your abilities within the first hour... the grind is more getting cool and powerful enough stuff enough to move to meaner areas.inteliboy
    • Im so glad you said you die a lot, I was beginning to think I was just shit at it!dee-dubs
    • So Link has boxer briefs and a smartphone now?garbage
    • That's not a smart phone...its a nintendo switchdee-dubs
    • Orb grinding is real. But the puzzles are fun and worth discovering. It's just that it's so hard to survive in the world that getting to them is challenging.jtb26
    • Yeah, but 'orb grinding'?detritus
    • https://en.wikipedia…)scarabin
    • I know what grinding is, scarabin — I just think 'orb grindig' is a horribly euphemistic term!detritus
    • lolscarabin
  • CygnusZero41

    To mono, Idk if I would say any console is worth buying for just ONE game, unless its like Halo or something that has multiplayer youll be putting 100s or even 1000s of hours into.

    Im pretty sure if you bought a switch, this wouldnt be the only game you ever buy for it, so yes its worth it. The switch is really nice. Not many games right now but theyre coming. Blaster Master 0 comes out this week, Mario Kart 8 deluxe next month, Splatoon 2 after that, Super Mario Odyssey later this year.

    I bought the switch now bc I buy all consoles, and dont regret it one bit. Zelda is really excellent. I would imagine it would take 200 hours to see and do everything in this game... IF 200 is even enough lmao. I have no idea. The world is ridiculously huge. Makes Skyrim look like a demo.

    • Btw Skyrim is coming out for it too. I like that the switch is both a portable and a home console. Lots of ways to play on it.CygnusZero4
    • Thanks! Blaster Master was one of my favorite NES games!monospaced
    • ...I've owned every wipeout game there is, some i had to buy the console just for that one game... go for it, all in!ArchitectofFate
    • I told the wife that this is going to be a purchase. I haven't owned my own gaming console since the Wii which has been in a box since 2011.monospaced
    • She said as long as there was Mario kart it would be okay ;) and she really isn't into video games. At all.monospaced
    • The last console I bought on day 1 was the Wii, the strength of Zelda reviews alone made me do it again with the Switchdee-dubs
    • If you already have a WiiU and aren't ready to have a new console in your life I'd go that route.jtb26
    • If you're buying a new console then get the Switch. They will likely port all the WiiU stuff over time.jtb26
    • There is no way they are going to port a lot of wii u games. Nintendo never does that.CygnusZero4
    • My old Wii let me buy NES and SNES games online and play them via the virtual console function. I hope those carry over.monospaced
  • ernexbcn1

    Switch already sold twice than the Wii U on its first week (80k units UK).

    The lack of games is appalling but Zelda is easily worth 4 games hah.

  • antonyjwhite-1

    Man, many terrible issues. Some of them are shocking, like the sliding thing on the controller.

    • Xbox 360 read ring, PS1 only works upside down, OG PS3 four-minute lifespan, MegaDrive cart port, Spectrum rubber key rot...face_melter
    • PS2 green DVD playback, PS2 flimsy drive tray, Dreamcast GD drive read fail... Shit happens when you produce mass units.face_melter
    • All the hype just to play that one zelda game which runs way better on the wii u.mekk
    • ah man. that shit looks dope too. Give it a couple months, like the new macbook pro before buying. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD?!?!? lolsofakingback
    • Thanks, I dont want it anymore.Bennn
    • i wonder how many issues there actually have been and how much of it is social media harping on a few disparate malfunctions to have something to bitch aboutdigitdaily
    • If you believe The Internet, the Switch is a ticking timebomb that will not only kill everyone but fuck your dog and shit in your fridge before it does.face_melter
    • ha, yeah. i'm very happy with mine so far. no issues.digitdaily
  • Nutter-2

    "Nintendo tells Switch users dead pixels are their problem

    Gamers distracted by display issues told that their consoles are not defective, as well as being told not to play near microwaves, laptops, phones – or aquariums"…

    • A friend also tweeted this:…
    • see belowfadein11
    • hah should have seen thatNutter
    • had a couple of dead pixels in the center of my 3ds - not that big a dealdigitdaily
    • My OG PSP had one - ran a flickering colour movie file on it for 20 minutes. Sorted.face_melter
    • Well, that works for stuck pixels not dead ones. obvs.face_melter
    • My DS has got a single red always-on pixel. It's ok .. until I notice it, after which it drives me nuts.detritus
  • CygnusZero42

    I dont have any of these issues with my switch. No de-synching problems, no dead pixels, Zelda runs perfectly, so idk where all this crap is coming from. Must be a few isolated issues being blown up. Probably my favorite console Ive purchased since the PS2.

    • does the dock really scratch the screen?mekk
    • ^ No. Maybe it does for some idiots that try to jam it in there or if they have some defective dock.CygnusZero4
    • On my dock its impossible to scratch it. A good half in separates themCygnusZero4
    • It's Nintendo. If it's not designed with the expectation that children will do stupid things to it, then they dun fucked up.detritus
    • no issues here eitherinteliboy
    • Things are fine with it. Theres a couple isolated incidents that get blown up on the internet. It would be hard for kids to break this.CygnusZero4
    • Theres a youtube vid where a guy dropped it on concrete 11 times before it finally started having problems.CygnusZero4
    • Its more durable than the DS or 3DS.CygnusZero4
  • ernexbcn2

    If you get a Switch with those symptoms you return it immediately. Every console launch has some lemon units, but people like to make a big deal of out nothing.

  • MrT0

    They're really trying, anyone going to bother?
    In space, no one gives a crap etc etc.

    • I dunno... I gave up before any of the major updates. I might give it a whirl again. I actually really enjoyed it for a time.elahon
    • I'm bothering, still one of my favourites despite the faults. The exploring and space travel still grabs me and tooling about in buggies is going to be ace.face_melter
    • Definitely not going to bother. Maybe when it's $9.99. But, they can still kiss my ass at $35.99section_014
    • I intend to get this after a few more updates.i_monk
    • hey, I'm playing this again, and it is great, the 2 updates they released are awesome, just got my first roverfeel
  • face_melter0

    The new system update for PS4 allows for external storage.…

    Hooked up a new 2TB drive and i'm moving some of my lesser-played games onto it, then i'll choose some titles from my purchase library and download them onto it as well. Sorted.

    • can you play games from it?scarabin
    • Yes, you can play via the drive, from what I've read. I wonder if there's any speed difference, though, being hooked up via USB cable.elahon
    • sweet!scarabin
    • Yup, you can set it as the install destination. It runs USB 3, so speeds are ok. I've never been one to get pissy at load times so if it's slower then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯face_melter
    • As an aside, having a USB drive plugged in draws excess power from the ports, stopping the Official PS Headset dongle from working correctly. Yay!face_melter
    • Xbox had this forever blah blah blah....ArmandoEstrada
  • scarabin2

    the first ragequit

  • sted2

    • Hyper-interesting, always onto a winner with Alan Watts but now my mind is full of fuck.face_melter
  • dee-dubs2

    Haven't seen this posted before - Youtube series - Boundary Break - This guy goes moving the camera beyond normal view ports of games to see how scenes are constructed and stuff hidden by developers etc
    Find this fascinating!

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