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  • 218 Responses
  • must_dash0

    Hope you sort it all out, the journey down is a lot tougher than the journey up, as you adjust so much easier on the way up.

  • must_dash0

    Hope you sort it all out, the journey down is a lot tougher than the journey up, as you adjust so much easier on the way up.

  • raf0

    "im not asking for handouts, im just venting... and looking for advice..."

    – e-pill

    Boy, you've come to the right place! Free (as in worthless) advice is all we have!

    If you ask me, when you have zero income you go to defcon 1 and cut all spending down. No Starbucks, no iTunes, no dining out. You prepare your own food, make the coffee, "taste" music on rapidshare, buy your sneakers and jeans every couple of months not every week and in TKMaxx (or TJMaxx depending on state/country) not on the 5th Avenue.

    $30K is a lot of money to burn, with $1200/mo unemployment it should be able to keep you going for a few years.

    • *cough* 33k *cough*Khurram
    • you buy sneaker and jeans every couple of months!!!! rich kidDancer
    • what states have TKMAX instead of TJMAx?fooler2
    • European countries it seems http://en.wikipedia.…raf
    • i think i wear the cheapest sneakers possible.. at $19.99 that i buy 1 a year.e-pill
  • Folgers_Crystals0

    I didn't ask anyone to give me any fucking money.

    I was simply using that as an example of just how ridiculous it is to have people lining up to give money to someone who created his own problems.

    • him having an accident and his company making a tax mistake are him creating his own problems?ephix
    • how can you not notice not having any taxes taken out? that means you're not paying attention.Greedo
    • which is why he's where he is in the first place, not paying attention to his money.Greedo
    • Don't you all have to pay for medical insurance over there? Genuine question, not joinging in the cricifction hereHorp
    • the accident is a genuine tragedy, but it sounds like that wasn't his biggest problem.Greedo
    • Instead of buying medical insurance and paying taxes he bought JEANS... and comics...Khurram
    • it's still the companies responsibilityephix
    • yes, we have to pay for medical insurance, and it's pretty expensive, too.Greedo
    • And his girlfriend, who charges him by the hour..Khurram
    • it's your responsibility to look at your check every now and fucking then to see if it's rightGreedo
    • lol, sorry, cheap shot.Khurram
    • oh shit, everyone should stop buying comics and jeansephix
    • if you're unemployed, yes! stop wasting your money on nonessentials, otherwise you end up here whiningGreedo
    • And pay your medical insurance before you spend the money on jeans!!!Khurram
    • Mmmmm, shall i buy insurance, or those jeans. Well, those jeans give immediate gratification so....Khurram
    • for the record i haven't bought any jeans or non essentials since i lost my job.e-pill
    • all this talk is as if i was spending it that way...e-pill
  • Khurram0

    You learn a lot about people on QBN

  • e-pill0

    i cant write this in a note...

    Greedo... i sat down with the companies accountants to make sure i was over paying on my taxes so that per every check i would give more b4 the money was taxed out to the government so when april 15th comes around i would have money coming back to me instead of vice versa... so its not that i wasnt paying attention its that i was told i was doing it the right way and that the money in my checks per week was accurate.

    so... where do you stand now??

    • i stand that i should shut the fuck up, i don't know what i'm talking about and it's your problem, not mine.Greedo
    • I already calculated this, his taxes and medical bills was the least of his problems...Khurram
  • lukus_W0

    Best thing you can probably do, is get over feeling like you're a victim as soon as possible. Even though fate has played it's part in getting you to this point -> you were ultimately responsible, because the choices you made brought you to this point.

    I'm not saying this to be harsh - I'm saying it because I reckon it's genuinely the best way to begin sorting a situation like this out.

    • i dont see myself as a victum, i only read here by you guys saying.. thanks though!!e-pill
    • thanks for any thoughts you have good bad or indifferent. thanks for not holding back!!!e-pill
  • Khurram0

    You know what eddie, crying about it on here and making it out that all this was due to a series of uncontrollable tragedies was not the best idea.

    But whatever, that's done. At the end of the day, this will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you. I promise!


    • yay!!! thanks!! and i aint crying!!but yes from this i can only become better!! cheers!!e-pill
    • *weeps of joyful reliefraf
  • bedc0
  • killthefish0

    i then explain how this isnt Gap or Levis or Diesel where you can talk to the consumers the way she has and treated me in tthe lack of respect she did that i wanted her either fired on the spot or given a leave of absence on the spot as i do not stand for such lack of respect and commitment towards the brand and the consumers that put food on their tables... i fucking spend close to 40K every year on my denim purchases from G-Star.

    so as i am talking this over with the reginal manager, the woman that had helped me yesterday decides to not only interupt my conversation, she even decided to call me a fuck face...

    well she doesnt work there anymore... and i am a happier camper.

    i fucking hate stupid cunts!!!


    Maybe you should ask that girl for some sympathy, too.

    • 40k what why? where? fail?jimzyk
    • wow you must have dug really hard for that one..or did you book mark it waiting for today?e-pill
    • you make me happy!!!
      i needed that!!!
    • looks like my original perception of you WAS right. you ARE a dick.dewilde
    • good luck buying $400 jeans on unemployment.dewilde
  • Khurram0

    eddie, was your jeans as badass as this?

    Cos that would make all this totally worth it!!!

  • juhls0

    I like how quickly some people judge others for their material possessions. Have you not bought anything out of wanting it and not needing it? Fair enough, Eddie should have been more careful with his finances (especially with the taxes) and I'm sure most people never made the same amount of money he did and don't splurge in the way he has, but this is not really going anywhere.

    He also should not have spoken about getting someone else fired (not nice, period) and paying lots of money for jeans. (this is not an excuse for him, but maybe because he works in the fashion industry, it's normal for people to spend that much money on clothes in order to be seen in a certain light).

    Yes, he created his own problems and he should be getting out of it himself (that means no Paypal), and there are many other members here who have their own financial and personal problems and do not look for sympathy, but it's a personal choice whether or not one wants to divulge that information, and others are just looking to vent. Any way you look at it, there are better ways to get a positive outcome without kicking him while he's down.

    Every other post says, "sell your comics." I'm sure you can give me an accurate chart of every comic he has, why he bought them, how much he spent, how many times a year he gets them, etc. Did you remember his story about giving comics to little kids who look at the covers intently while he's reading them on the subway, etc.?

    I don't think most of us know him well enough to claim that all of his problems stem from comic books and jeans. I'm sure the primary issues did not come from medical bills and the taxes, but more from not budgeting correctly and being assertive, but perhaps some constructive criticism can help him change his lifestyle while he picks himself up.

    • +1
      to be fair: everyone vents on here
    • true. he still sounds like a dick.dewilde
  • Etype0

    his problem is that he in living too expensive of a life and just needs to cut his losses... this happens in life. A 2k rent could be cut in 3 if he had a few roomates... i mean really... this thread is crazy if you think about it. he is surely better off than most people living in nyc!

    • hmm i recall you saying your salary was triple mine and you have everything i have...e-pill
    • you live in my neighborhood, and you even have a fixie... a nice view and a 9-5...e-pill
    • your life seems nice too!!!! yay!!!e-pill
    • i do... but i am not a freelancer... i have a secure job, that i have been at for 2 years. I also have great health insurance (something you should have had)Etype
    • but i also have roomates unlike you

    • im not a freelancer either, i had a 9-5 for 12 years... and i had health insurance...e-pill
    • i used to be married the last 10 years and now im single trying to find life happen...e-pill
    • im happy you have roomates, i myself couldnt deal with any asi just signed a divorce...e-pill
    • etype i tought you could be cool but you sound like everyone other asshole!!!e-pill
    • i hope you never have to go thru this....e-pill
    • you said you didnt have health when everything happened... that was pretty dumb of youEtype
    • i dont feel bad for people that haave more than most people and wine about it on the internet doucheEtype
    • then dont feel bad no one is asking you to feel bad.e-pill
    • and i didnt have health insurance... it was getting to expensive at the time..e-pill
    • lucky you had insurance when you broke your hand and had 4 surguries on it...so lucky!!e-pill
    • maybe your rent was you dumb ass!Etype
    • what more do i have when i have nothing as it all paid out in bills... explain that one..e-pill
    • my rent was affordable when i was working so why does that play into it?e-pill
    • shortly after i lose my job i get injured. then all the cash disappears towards bills.e-pill
    • so to live a life style that is comfortable and affordaable towards my means is wrong??e-pill
    • you dont make sense... please clarify...e-pill
    • ok here is a list spelled out...
      1. your health (insurance)
      2. rent
      3. play money

    • if you cant pay for one... you need to cut down another... its that simpleEtype
    • but actually i didnt have any "play money" n' rent is constant, and bills need payin'e-pill
    • and believe me i cut down to the bare minimum in the last 5 months, no tv, no going out..e-pill
    • got rid of the girl, dont shop on anything cept food and pay bills and look for work.e-pill
    • 2k rent... is not cutting it down buddyEtype
    • wow is that all you see?? fine.
      i would really like to meet you...
    • i think "play money" would be considered $400 jeans.dewilde
  • Khurram0

    He has a girlfriend too dammit! She must know he's a $$$P.I.M.P$$$ or she will leave him.

  • Horp0

    This thread is like daytime TV.

    • Full of commercials for dish soap?dropdown
    • rubbish, or what do you meandigdre
    • Well, maybe not that part of daytime TV then.Horp
    • Sorry, I meant, wanking to the hot soap stars.dropdown
  • killthefish0

    I don't care how much money he makes, spent, or lost. My point is that he's a dick. Getting people fired: dick. Period. Full stop.

    • ru khurram the same person?
      just under different aliases??
      its funny to read your posts!!
  • dyspl0

    I bought a motorcycle instead of keeping the money to the taxes i'll have to pay in spetember. 8000euros.

    now I have to sell it, otherwise I'll have big troubles.....

    I'M WITH YOU E-PILL!!! :)

    • and several month before, I bought one another, 3 weeks after having quit my job....dyspl
    • sometimes you just "needs" to get what makes you happy, despite the fact it's not clever a that time.dyspl
    • and if you live by that motto, when you get fucked, you reap what you sow.dewilde
  • bedc0

    haven't read a reply from e-pill...hopefully he's looking for a job now to remedy his situation.

    • no hes just commenting as much as he can haha

    • he's chatting it up on another thread!bedc
  • Khurram0

  • capn_ron0

    e-pill, I see this all as one big opportunity. You may be down now, but that also means that you can only go up from here. I hate to hear these stories, but i hear more of them everyday now with this crappy economy. I would say it is time to look deep and see what you really want to do and see how you can do it. This is the time, go for it.

    Seems a little afterschool special, but I mean it.

    • +1000. I quit my job in 2007. I make less money now but I get by and am way happier.theredmasque
    • Point is, think about what you really need in life and what is really important.theredmasque
    • Anyway, I think you are have a positive attitude so you'll be back up in time. Things go in cycles.theredmasque