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  • allthethings3

    This is just an unending shitshow


    Leading Trump Census pick causes alarm

    The 2020 count might be put in the hands of an inexperienced professor who wrote that 'Competitive Elections are Bad for America.'

  • R_Kercz1

    "FCC will also order states to scrap plans for their own net neutrality laws"


  • MrT0

    Have a Trump break, here's some Australian politics.

    For context, there's just been a same-sex marriage survey here, and the majority said yes. Next year, I hope we get cash machines and DVD players.

  • sureshot0

    • The comments on this video...ben_
    • "Diversity is our strength..."robotron3k
    • That's Toronto's motto.i_monk
  • Bluejam2

    "There is no room for nuance or compromise or even just not talking politics—either you’re with Trump, or fuck you. And now his supporters are bringing this philosophy into their own lives."


  • kona5

    Trump makes the World's dumbest feud even dumber.

    The President of the Free World ladies and gentlemen... the fuckin President of the Free World.

    We're here ladies and gentlemen, we're here.


    • and to think there are idiots out there that read this and think, "now that's a man I call an intelligent leader."monospaced
    • What the fuck does "Dong King, but without the hair" even mean? Does Trump judge black people by afro size?monospaced
    • https://78.media.tum…Bluejam
    • It's going to be a very one-sided convo today as robomgyuri with all his profiles must be out for Thanksgiving.kona
    • This guy is so base and boring, What a waste of the nations time.R_Kercz
    • This is how he wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. He has the biggest heart. Everyone knows it too.capn_ron
    • He should be impeached on the grounds that he is simply too childish.monospaced
    • patheticinteliboy
    • I keep on thinking we've reached #peakstupid...and then there's more!BusterBoy
    • Why is it people can't be grateful when the President keeps their son's ass out of of a Chinese prison.omg
    • Because the president is a moron and an asshole and only moronic assholes support him.monospaced
  • IRNlun6-3

    Escape and shooting of North Korean defector

    Check out the drones at 6:50. They're small, but you can see them zipping away after they get the North Korean defector.

    • lol. is this a Trump golf resort? looks well posh.fadein11
    • beautiful colors in those trees though.capn_ron
    • Yeah, those trees are something else. Wonder what species they are.face_melter
    • I wonder if the border guards have all been executedGnash
    • Where are his intestinal parasites??robotron3k
    • it's not real by the wayfadein11
    • what’s not real? video or the tree?IRNlun6
  • R_Kercz1

    Open letter from New York State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman to FCC regarding investigation of mass identity theft in effort to corrupt public comment process.


    "Successfully investigating this sort of illegal conduct requires the participation of the agency whose system was attacked. So in June 2017, we contacted the FCC to request certain records related to its public comment system that were necessary to investigate which bad actor or actors were behind the misconduct. We made our request for logs and other records at least 9 times over 5 months: in June, July, August, September, October (three times), and November.

    We reached out for assistance to multiple top FCC officials, including you, three successive acting FCC General Counsels, and the FCC’s Inspector General. We offered to keep the requested records confidential, as we had done when my office and the FCC shared information and documents as part of past investigative work.

    Yet we have received no substantive response to our investigative requests. None."

  • FNP14-3

    For both sides of the aisle, this is worth scrolling through. Especially for those of you traveling home this holiday season who expect to get in more than a few heated political discussions with the family.

    (Full comic here)


    • bullshitzaq
    • Bullshit, indeedFNP14
    • retardation for beginners (omg advanced level)fadein11
  • PhanLo5

    Gobble gobble gobble

  • omg-12

    • where's his lil 45?PonyBoy
    • Aww, he likes the big boy in the cowboy hat.garbage
    • Garrison is such a stickler for detail, i'm surprised he missed drawing Moore's hands in a prepubescent girl's pants.face_melter
    • Or maybe you could draw that from memory, omg?face_melter
    • when heroes are portrayed as midgets lolfadein11
    • a paedophile protected by a sex pest president. how wonderfullowimpakt
    • does anyone still rock the cowboy boot/hat combo in America? ditching that shit would be a good foundation for better things methinks.fadein11
    • we get it, you only have a few centuries of history, time to let it go... that's what museums are for.fadein11
    • People forget where the sex scandals first started...not Weinstein but Fox News. Ailes, O'Reilly and many others.yuekit
    • JFK?omg
    • This isn't the swamp.monospaced
    • The guys a pedo. Nothing cool about that. Just fucking weird.PhanLo
    • this is so bizarre/stupid - gotta be a troll. A pedo prances above cherry picked liberal-only creeps. Yes, what about Ailes, Oreilly, Trump etc?inteliboy
    • also sad that someone who visits a site like this can be so stupid.inteliboy
  • Gnash4

  • omg-15

    • Trump has no love for the USA u daft idiot.
      He only loves himself.
    • hahahahhahahahascruffics
    • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAscruffics
    • I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that omg’s mommy still dresses him every morning, and ties his shoes for him.Continuity
    • I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that this cartoonist has, and never will, look either of them in the eye.monospaced
    • grammar fail, but you know what I meanmonospaced
  • omg-14

    "Some Podesta & Co Pedo Art . The First Piece Decorates John & Tony’s Fave Pizza Place"

  • Gnash0

    • gotta get your shit out to the large number of young Israeli people who despise that regime. So fairplay. It's a v.simple issue. Not sure he would have playedfadein11
    • aphartheid S.Africa in the 80's though ;)
      More dollar to be earned in Israel.
    • Cave's not in it for $ anymoreGnash
    • (not sure he ever really was)Gnash
    • lol, he's not Madonna. Of course he is in it for money partly, he couldn't live off streaming royalties of his niche albums. Or not to the level he's used tofadein11
    • anyway.fadein11
    • whatevsGnash
  • bliznutty1

  • CygnusZero46

    hahaha trump is fucking nuts. he literally exists in some shitty twilight zone episode. said this morning he is everyones favorite president. jesus the narcissism on this guy is like wayyyy beyond normal narcissists. he actually thinks he is beloved. i dont think he just says it, he legit believes his own lies. he is a sick individual.

    • lol, guess he's ignoring the millions of people who protested against him, worldwidemonospaced
    • The first move of any despot and fascist is to discredit the press.kona
    • Yet, if "nobody cares about the mainstream media," why does the Cheeto spend so much time attacking and discrediting it?kona
    • Only his 36% approvers believe his nonsense and that's all he cares aboutkona
    • Trump pushes crazy website promoting satanic cults and conspiracy theoriesutopian
    • 100% of the 36% love him.dorf
    • guess who... “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.”IRNlun6
    • https://www.washingt…IRNlun6
    • pundits and talking heads claiming it's somehow the first move of despots and fascist are fucking morons.IRNlun6
    • sorry IRN, but what exactly is not to be believed?monospaced
    • The media, CNN et al... it’s not outrageous for anyone to say news can be fake. This isn’t any different to whomever is an American president.IRNlun6
    • people have to be in complete denial that CNN hasn’t been biased to or at times even slanderous towards the president.IRNlun6
    • it would be the ultimate contradiction for a sitting president to NOT be allowed to speak freely of the press, and a hostile one at that...IRNlun6
    • no ... what EXACTLY are you saying is fake? You're still generalizing.monospaced
    • the claim is that Trump is not, in fact, loved to the point he thinks ... is that fake?monospaced
    • it's not a disputable fact that Trump is delusional about his levels of support ... he really is lying to himself and believing it ... that's not fake newsmonospaced
    • if anyone should believe CNN is giving an accurate assessment of support for Trump, then yes, they are relying on fake news.IRNlun6
    • put down the crackpipe IRNlun6Ramanisky2
    • lol IRN, are you saying YOU think even the majority of citizens likes trump? Why?monospaced
    • Typical Trump supporter....detache... from reality, intellectually dishonestyuekit
    • If you cared about truth and accuracy you would support Trump, end of story.yuekit
    • would *not support Trumpyuekit
    • CNN perhaps is guilty of being sensationalistic, Trump on the other hand spews blatant lies on a daily basis.yuekit
    • Trump supports news like Fox, Breitbart and Infowars that is 100x worse than CNNyuekit
    • Please don't pretend you have a single leg to stand on here...fucking laughableyuekit
    • Non so far has disagreed with me on CNN being partisan/biased/sens... Trump is more popular than CNN would like you to believe.IRNlun6
    • FFS you should know about salesmanship. Saying "I'm popular, but you know, not that popular" doesn't work as well.IRNlun6
    • You are a massive hypocrite or just lack any kind of critical thinking if you whine about bias and accuracy while supporting Trump.yuekit
    • Ah but when Trump does it it's "salesmanship" lol...can you not see what a joke you sound like?yuekit
    • What the latest horse shit Russia story? Getting close, any day now... Nothing the left claims will happen has panned out, yet you still believe.IRNlun6
    • We should be well on our way to a destroyed economy, WW3, Russia and the KKK taking over, gays outlawed, Muslims rounded up... what happened?IRNlun6
    • Well now you are deflecting, exaggerating and trying to change the subject. Typical dishonest Trump supporter.yuekit
    • Now answer the question...do you really believe Trump over the media? You think the guy who started his political career claiming Obama was an African illegalyuekit
    • immigrant and just a few days ago said it wasn't him on the pussy grabbing tape is more trustworthy than the NY Times, WA Post and CNN?yuekit
    • Trump says he's the most popular President... STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES!! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!IRNlun6
    • None of those media outlets BTW, predicted any of the ridiculous things you claimed above. But it is pretty clear that without the checks of the Constitutionyuekit
    • and the courts, things would be a lot worse. Certainly people like yourself, who believe everything Trump says no matter how idiotic, would not be the ones toyuekit
    • hold him in check.yuekit
    • Not one of those outlets says Russia, supremacists, racist, islamophobic hordes of red-hat wearing nazis? Not one?IRNlun6
    • But hey, you're the one preaching about accuracy and presuming what people like myself believe.IRNlun6
    • I mean...they report on the Russia investigation which is a real thing. Are they not supposed to report on it?yuekit
    • Did you miss the fact that Trump's campaign manager got indicted just last month? Or that his former National Security Advisor just cut a deal with the feds?yuekit
    • But no, none of these organizations came to any sweeping conclusion about what happened. That is something you made up.yuekit
    • Now once again, do you think Trump tells the truth or not? Should be pretty simple to answer, no? :)yuekit
    • Even I've been accused of spreading Russian propaganda here, but right, no sweeping conclusions. Way more important that Trump be truthful about his popularity.IRNlun6
    • We were talking about the media such as NY Times or CNN reaching sweeping conclusions. You seem to have a hard time focusing and staying on topic.yuekit
    • And of course Trump doesn't just lie about his popularity but about an endless number of things on an almost daily basis.yuekit
    • But we're meant to believe that you and other Trump supporters care about accuracy...sorry but it's a complete joke.yuekit
    • It's amazing how quickly the Trump supporter worldview collapses when you just ask a few basic questions.yuekit
    • Who's changing topic? CNN, distorts news, people overseas get a distorted perspective. I provided examples. Trump exaggerates his popularity speaking about CNN.IRNlun6
    • You think Trump lies everyday.IRNlun6
    • Er...yes Trump lies constantly. This is news to you?yuekit
    • Just yesterday Trump suggested Fox News would be a better representative of America overseas than CNN International. That's laughable.yuekit
    • Also yesterday White House said it doesn't matter if the anti-Muslim video he retweeted from a neo-fascist group is real or not (it was fake).yuekit
    • The day before that it was reported that Trump questions whether the Access Hollywood tape, which features his own voice, is real.yuekit
    • Those are just three examples...I could list hundreds if I wanted. So stop pretending you care about truth and accuracy.yuekit
    • According to a Harvard study, Fox news is the least biased channel. 2 of the 3 videos where very real, 1 a mistake. Comments about AH tape where from 'sources'.IRNlun6
    • truth and accuracy is not so black and whiteIRNlun6
    • Especially with postmodernism being so prevalent today.IRNlun6
    • haha are you serious? Post modernism is an artistic and philosophical movement.yuekit
    • Just because post-modernism exists doesn't mean truth suddenly becomes meaningless and you can claim whatever you want is true.yuekit
    • Saying truth doesn't matter is a dangerous road to go down, and it's also in direct contradiction with your supposed concern about the media.yuekit
    • By the way, here's a much longer list of Trump's lies. Over 150 times he lied about something.
    • Or this link rather
    • Can you excuse and justify all of these? Is it all post modernism and salesmanship? lolyuekit
    • If you are honest I think you'd have to admit Trump is a pretty constant and shameless liar even by the standards of politicians.yuekit
    • One line statements extracted from conversations completely strips any nuance or speaking style. An obsession with what is said rather than what is meant.IRNlun6
    • Trump is a showman, and as such makes exaggerated claims. That changes the meaning and motivation of those statements.IRNlun6
    • Anyway, this conversation is getting in the weeds now. Until the next thread...IRNlun6
    • "Obama was born in Kenya" or "China made up global warming" aren't exaggerations, they are just straight up lies.yuekit
    • Anyway I didn't mean to go on endlessly. I'm just genuinely curious how Trump followers explain this massive contradiction of criticizing the media whileyuekit
    • supporting a much bigger liar in the form of Trump. Wondered if there was any rational justification there...turns out the answer is no apparently.yuekit
    • USA is has fallen so right that bland, boring centrist CNN is considered far left.inteliboy
  • allthethings-6

    A woman approached The Post with dramatic — and false — tale about Roy Moore. She appears to be part of undercover sting operation.


    A woman who falsely claimed to The Washington Post that Roy Moore, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Alabama, impregnated her as a teenager appears to work with an organization that uses deceptive tactics to secretly record conversations in an effort to embarrass its targets.

    In a series of interviews over two weeks, the woman shared a dramatic story about an alleged sexual relationship with Moore in 1992 that led to an abortion when she was 15. During the interviews, she repeatedly pressed Post reporters to give their opinions on the effects that her claims could have on Moore’s candidacy if she went public.

    The Post did not publish an article based on her unsubstantiated account. When Post reporters confronted her with inconsistencies in her story and an Internet posting that raised doubts about her motivations, she insisted that she was not working with any organization that targets journalists.

    But on Monday morning, Post reporters saw her walking into the New York offices of Project Veritas, an organization that targets the mainstream news media and left-leaning groups. The organization sets up undercover “stings” that involve using false cover stories and covert video recordings meant to expose what the group says is media bias.

    James O’Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas who was convicted of a misdemeanor in 2010 for using a fake identity to enter a federal building during a previous sting, declined to answer questions about the woman outside the Project Veritas office, a storefront in Mamaroneck, N.Y., on Monday morning shortly after the woman walked inside.

    “I am not doing an interview right now, so I’m not going to say a word,” O’Keefe said.

    In a follow-up interview, O’Keefe declined to answer repeated questions about whether the woman was employed at Project Veritas. He also did not respond when asked if he was working with Moore, former White House adviser and Moore supporter Stephen K. Bannon, or Republican strategists.

    The group’s efforts illustrate the lengths to which activists have gone to try to discredit media outlets for reporting on allegations from multiple women that Moore pursued them when they were teenagers and he was in his early 30s. Moore has denied that he did anything improper.

    A spokesman for Moore’s campaign did not immediately respond to a message for comment.

    The woman who approached Post reporters, Jaime T. Phillips, did not respond to calls to her cellphone Monday morning. Her car remained in the Project Veritas parking lot for more than an hour.

    After Phillips was seen entering the Project Veritas office, The Post made the unusual decision to report her previous off-the-record comments.

    “We always honor ‘off-the-record’ agreements when they’re entered into in good faith,” said Martin Baron, The Post’s executive editor. “But this so-called off-the-record conversation was the essence of a scheme to deceive and embarrass us. The intent by Project Veritas clearly was to publicize the conversation if we fell for the trap. Because of our customary journalistic rigor, we weren’t fooled, and we can’t honor an ‘off-the-record’ agreement that was solicited in maliciously bad faith.”

    Phillips’s arrival at the Project Veritas office capped a weeks-long effort that began only hours after The Post published an article on Nov. 9 that included allegations that Moore once initiated a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old named Leigh Corfman.

    Post reporter Beth Reinhard, who co-wrote the article about Corfman, received a cryptic email early the next morning.

    “Roy Moore in Alabama . . . I might know something but I need to keep myself safe. How do we do this?” the apparent tipster wrote under an account with the name “Lindsay James.”

    The email’s subject line was “Roy Moore in AL.” The sender’s email address included “rolltide,” the rallying cry of the University of Alabama’s sports teams, which are nicknamed the Crimson Tide.

    Reinhard sent an email asking if the person was willing to talk off the record.

    “Not sure if I trust the phone,” came the reply. “Can we just stick to email?”

    “I need to be confident that you can protect me before I will tell all,” the person wrote in a subsequent email. “I have stuff I’ve been hiding for a long time but maybe it should stay that way.”

    The tipster’s email came amid counterattacks by Moore supporters aimed at The Post and its reporters.

    That same day, Gateway Pundit, a conservative site, spread a false story from a Twitter account, @umpire43, that said, “A family friend in Alabama just told my wife that a WAPO reporter named Beth offer her 1000$ to accuse Roy Moore.” The Twitter account, which has a history of spreading misinformation, has since been deleted.

    The Post, like many other news organizations, has a strict policy against paying people for information and did not do so in its coverage of Moore.

    On Nov. 14, a pastor in Alabama said he received a voice mail from a man falsely claiming to be a Post reporter and seeking women “willing to make damaging remarks” about Moore for money. No one associated with The Post made any such call.

    In the days that followed the purported tipster’s initial emails, Reinhard communicated with the woman through an encrypted text messaging service and spoke by phone with the person to set up a meeting. When the woman suggested a meeting in New York, Reinhard told her she would have to know more about her story and her background. The woman offered that her real name was Jaime Phillips.

    Phillips said she lived in New York but would be in the D.C. area during Thanksgiving week and suggested meeting Tuesday in a shopping mall in Tysons Corner, Va. “I’m planning to do some shopping there so I’ll find a good place to meet before you get there,” Phillips wrote in a message sent via Signal, the encrypted messaging service.

    When Reinhard suggested bringing another reporter, Phillips wrote, “I’m not really comfortable with anyone else being there this time.”

    Reinhard arrived to find Phillips, wearing a brown leather jacket and with long red hair, already seated in a booth in the restaurant.

    The 41-year-old said she had been abused as a child, Reinhard said. Her family had moved often. She said she moved in with an aunt in the Talladega area of Alabama and started attending a church youth group when she met Moore in 1992, the year he became a county judge. She said she was 15. She said they started a “secret” sexual relationship.

    “I knew it wasn’t right, but I didn’t care,” she said.

    She said that she got pregnant, that Moore talked her into an abortion, and that he drove her to Mississippi to get it.

    In the interview, she told Reinhard that she was so upset she couldn’t finish her salad.

    Phillips said she had started thinking about coming forward after the allegations about Hollywood film producer Harvey Weinstein surfaced. Then she said she saw the news about Moore flashing across the television screen while in a break room at her job at a company called NFM Lending in Westchester County, N.Y., Reinhard said.

    Phillips also repeatedly asked the reporter to guarantee her that Moore would lose the election if she came forward. Reinhard told her in a subsequent text message that she could not predict what the impact would be. Reinhard said she also explained to Phillips that her claims would have to be fact-checked. Additionally, Reinhard asked her for documents that would corroborate or support her story.

    Later that day, Phillips told Reinhard that she felt “anxiety & negative energy after our meeting,” text messages show. “You just didn’t convince me that I should come forward,” she wrote.

    Reinhard replied, “I’m so sorry but I want to be straight with you about the fact-checking process and the fact that we can’t guarantee what will happen as a result of another story.”

    Phillips was not satisfied. On Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, she suggested meeting with another Post reporter, Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote the initial article about Corfman. “I’d rather go to another paper than talk to you again,” Phillips told Reinhard.

    Back at the newsroom, Reinhard became concerned about elements of Phillips’s story. Phillips had said she lived in Alabama only for a summer while a teenager; but the cellphone number Phillips provided had an Alabama area code. Reinhard called NFM Lending in Westchester County, but they said a person named Jaime Phillips did not work there.

    Alice Crites, a Post researcher who was looking into Phillips’s background, found the document that strongly reinforced the reporters’ suspicions: a Web page for a fundraising campaign by someone with the same name. It was on the website GoFundMe.com under the name Jaime Phillips.

    “I’m moving to New York!” the May 29 appeal said. “I’ve accepted a job to work in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and deceipt of the liberal MSM. I’ll be using my skills as a researcher and fact-checker to help our movement. I was laid off from my mortgage job a few months ago and came across the opportunity to change my career path.”

    In a March posting on its Facebook page, Project Veritas said it was seeking 12 new “undercover reporters,” though the organization’s operatives use methods that are eschewed by mainstream journalists, such as misrepresenting themselves.

    A posting for the “journalist” job on the Project Veritas website that month warned that the job “is not a role for the faint of heart.”

    The job’s listed goal: “To adopt an alias persona, gain access to an identified person of interest and persuade that person to reveal information.”

    It also listed tasks that the job applicant should be able to master, including: “Learning a script,” “Preparing a background story to support your role,” “Gaining an appointment or access to the target of the investigation,” and “Operating concealed recording equipment.”

    Jaime Phillips is a relatively common name, but there was another telling detail. One of two donations listed on the site was from a name that matched her daughter’s, according to public records.

    McCrummen agreed to meet Phillips that afternoon.

    Phillips suggested meeting somewhere in Alexandria, Va., saying she was shopping in the area. Post videographers accompanied McCrummen, who brought a printout of the fundraising page to the interview.

    Again, Phillips had arrived early and was waiting for McCrummen, her purse resting on the table. When McCrummen put her purse near Phillips’s purse to block a possible camera, Phillips moved hers.

    The Post videographers sat separately, unnoticed, at an adjacent table.

    Phillips said she didn’t want to get into the details of what she had said happened between her and Moore.

    She said she wanted McCrummen to assure her that the article would result in Moore’s defeat, according to a recording. McCrummen instead asked her about her story regarding Moore.

    Phillips complained that President Trump had endorsed Moore.

    “So my whole things is, like, I want him to be completely taken out of the race . . . ” she said. “And I really expected that was going to happen, and now it’s not. So, I don’t know what you think about that.”

    McCrummen asked Phillips to verify her identity with a photo identification. Phillips provided a Georgia driver’s license.

    McCrummen then asked her about the GoFundMe page.

    “We have a process of doing background, checking backgrounds and this kind of thing, so I wanted to ask you about one thing,” McCrummen said, pulling out a copy of the page and reading from it. “So I just wanted to ask you if you could explain this, and I also wanted to let you know, Jaime, that this is being recorded and video recorded.”

    “Okay,” Phillips said. “Um, yeah, I was looking to take a job last summer in New York, but it fell through,” Phillips said. “Yeah, it was going to be with the Daily Caller, but it ended up falling through, so I wasn’t able to do it.”

    When asked who at the Daily Caller interviewed her, Phillips said, “Kathy,” pausing before adding the last name, “Johnson.”

    Paul Conner, executive editor of the Daily Caller, said Monday that no one with the name Kathy Johnson works for the publication and that he has no record of having personally interviewed Phillips. Conner later said in email that he had asked other top editors at the Daily Caller and the affiliated Daily Caller News Foundation about Phillips.

    “None of us has interviewed a woman by the name Jaime Phillips,” Conner wrote.

    At the Alexandria restaurant on Wednesday, Phillips also told The Post that she had not been in contact with the Moore campaign. As the interview ended, Phillips told McCrummen she was not recording the conversation.

    “I think I probably just want to cancel and not go through with it at this point,” Phillips said at Souvlaki Bar shortly before ending the interview.

    “I’m not going to answer any more questions,” she said. “I think I’m just going to go.”

    She picked up her coat and bag, returned her drink to the front counter and left the restaurant.

    By 7 p.m. the message on the GoFundMe page was gone, replaced by a new one.

    “Campaign is complete and no longer active,” it read.

    Thomas LeGro and Dalton Bennett contributed to this report.

    • tldr much?jaylarson
    • This is like the embarrassing planned parenthood video conservatives fell for. But hey, you fall for a reality tv star con man, you'll fall for anything.kona
    • This isn't like it, this was Project Veritas again. The same people were behind it.garbage
    • OK fine, nobody likes the length, but it's a convoluted story and WaPo has a paywall. So sue meallthethings
    • ^ Opening in Private / Incognito skips the paywall.garbage
  • utopian2



    • this will motivate them to stop being poor /sdorf
    • lol, such fucking bullshit, written for the loony lefties....robotron3k
    • part of those benefits went to bullshit companies like PBS and NPR to run their businesses, and buy $50000 smokey the bear hot air balloons. The poor are pissedomg
    • ^ You two are a fucking joke.face_melter
    • Like a special version of Laurel and Hardy, trying to get that fucking piano up the stairs.face_melter
    • Truth no longer matters.monoboy
    • lol @ facefadein11
    • Robo, omg, wouldn't you guys feel more at home at Brietbart's message board?
      I'll make it easy for you: http://bit.ly/2i0XWr…
    • listen to all the folks wanting to raise taxes here.omg
    • I'd feel more at home if mg33's mom was massaging my feet right now. My bunions needs some soothing.omg
    • how the hell are you still a member here?monospaced
    • Idk how anyone is still a member to poor aching feet when right now the talents of great foot massage go ignored.omg
    • *yawnmonospaced
  • monoboy1

    Looks like neo-con Satans have got tired of calling uncomfortable truths in the media 'Fake News' so decided to buy it instead.

    Be afraid. Be very afraid.

    Soon, the uninformed will be going street to street looking for Pizza restaurants to strafe with automatic rifles on a weekly basis.


    • War is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.monoboy
    • "but mainstream media"fadein11