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  • yuekit2

    Markets tumble as impatience mounts over Trump's policies


    There are fears that the Trump administration won’t have enough votes to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act when it goes to Congress tomorrow.

    There are thought to be around 26 Republican representatives who oppose their party’s new health care bill. This in turn could jeopardise Trump’s tax plan and this has worried investors who have watched equities soar on the promise of fiscal stimulus.

    • damnit ... my health care positions lost all of the last 6 weeks of gains :(monospaced
  • Bluejam2

    • From Trumps point of view, a building full of these guys makes him look presidentialBluejam
    • Trump supporters are so smartmoldero
    • Robos peepsmoldero
    • Really hope this is staged!mugwart
  • Beeswax-3

    I know you guys are pissed because it's politically incorrect to have talks with another country before getting elected BUT I really like that finally US and Russia is not fighting for over a territory somewhere that does not belong to them.
    I'd prefer this, compared to Obama's proxy war in Syria that led to massive death and destruction.

    Of course there's Israel who doesn't like peace between countries or cultures and I'm sure they have a finger in this FBI Investigation.

    • Syria IS a proxy war between Russia and the US at this point, has been for a while. Ukraine is basically the West vs Russia proxy war.BuddhaHat
    • Where's the evidence that Obama or the U.S. is responsible for the civil war in Syria?yuekit
    • Russian activity in Syria has only reduced since the end of December, and they still have troops there. Putin declared 'mission semi-accomplished'BuddhaHat
    • Obviously U.S. did interfere once the conflict started, along with dozens of other countries. But it started with people rising up against their government.yuekit
    • This love of US "bringing democracy" is the new(old) name for invasion and replacing puppets. In this sense Obama is not different than Bush with the end resultBeeswax
    • Obama poured gasoline over a spark. Please don't defend a politician, millions are suffered here.Beeswax
    • I agree about Syria, it really made me dislike O's agenda. But Russia? You would prefer a puppet and election manipulation to...?formed
    • I can't see anything worse for America than a conclusion that Russia determined our President. I don't know how we'd recover from it.formed
    • There was no defence of O's agenda from me, he was a very hawkish Democratic president. The US still has troops there though, and are sending more.BuddhaHat
    • https://www.nytimes.…BuddhaHat
    • @Beeswax I'm just asking where is the evidence that the U.S. is driving force behind the conflict. They supported rebels but how much?yuekit
    • AFAIK the U.S. is just one of literally dozens of countries that interfered, including Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey of course.yuekit
    • the us has been actively trying to take out assad for decades.Gnash
    • True which is why they supported rebels, but I don't think they created the civil war or were the main force behind it.yuekit
    • I have no evidence of this but I still find it implausible that the Arab Spring was some organic movement. Way to organized and to many countries involved.IRNlun6
    • I doubt the people of Ukraine share your enthusiasm.allthethings
  • R_Kercz1


    Donald Trump’s lawyers are reportedly going after a 17-year-old who created a website where users click on the president’s face to punch him with tiny kitten paws.

  • mugwart1

  • yuekit2

    President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago and proposed an ambitious political strategy to undermine anti-Russian opposition across former Soviet republics, The Associated Press has learned. The work appears to contradict assertions by the Trump administration and Manafort himself that he never worked for Russian interests.

    Manafort proposed in a confidential strategy plan as early as June 2005 that he would influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and the former Soviet republics to benefit the Putin government, even as U.S.-Russia relations under Republican President George W. Bush grew worse.

    Manafort pitched the plans to Russian aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska, a close Putin ally with whom Manafort eventually signed a $10 million annual contract beginning in 2006, according to interviews with several people familiar with payments to Manafort and business records obtained by the AP. Manafort and Deripaska maintained a business relationship until at least 2009, according to one person familiar with the work.

    "We are now of the belief that this model can greatly benefit the Putin Government if employed at the correct levels with the appropriate commitment to success," Manafort wrote in the 2005 memo to Deripaska. The effort, Manafort wrote, "will be offering a great service that can re-focus, both internally and externally, the policies of the Putin government."


    • http://www.reactiong…Ramanisky2
    • meh, this is boring considering what's going on with the crazy "middle-age man" in London right now...robotron3k
    • Is boring the new fake news?yuekit
    • it's boring to anyone who doesn't like it ... he says the same thing about any criticism of Trump, even if it's SNL or other comediansmonospaced
    • Keep in mind Manafort refused a salary for his services to the Trump campaign. Because he was being paid by Someone Else.face_melter
  • yuekit1

    • Well, that's because Sean Spicer is a stone cold liar who is paid to lie for liars.mg33
    • His hostility... I cannot wait to this crew of idiots is out of there.mg33
    • he's already aged 5 years.severian
    • Now the Trump Administration barely knew the guy, lol. Fucking Shit Show!utopian
  • allthethings0


    Nunes: Trump transition members were under surveillance during Obama administration

    • beating a dead horse. its impossible for nunes to know more than the fbi. they found nothing.CygnusZero4
    • "its impossible..." LOL!chukkaphob
    • https://twitter.com/…allthethings
    • Sputnik News has picked up on Devin Nunes' claims. And they're spinning them wildly out of context to discredit the FBI.allthethings
    • ^ fake newschukkaphob
    • Just incidentally surveilled and leaked to the press... no big deal :|IRNlun6
    • They're using this to "prove" Trump's allegations of being 'tappped' to his idiot supportersallthethings
    • so, is it possible Comey let this go unsaid in order to catch as many of these traitors in a rico case? lol how torpedo one side while keep this vile shit hid?dorkKn1ght
    • We'll see soon enough, but Trump may have known more about being 'tapped' than people think.IRNlun6
    • He certainly didn't know it was this, because he and everybody around him involved completely failed to mention any of it the last 2 weeks.monospaced
    • I can only imagine the drooling idiots who would think this justifies the Twitter stunt that man-bitch child in chief pulled.monospaced
  • chukkaphob4

    Trump robot

  • Beeswax1

    Somebody hung a banner that reads "Erdogan, take your Turks out" on the Turkish Embassy in Vienna.

    I'd actually love to see those Turks getting kicked out. Most of them are pro-akp.
    Come back to your country, let's live the hell together.

    • in retaliation for the turk flag on the dutch embassy?Gnash
    • do you think erdo will get his constitution reforms passed?Gnash
    • Looking like Erdogan is getting cornered. Russians now training the Kurds in the south, turkish allied tribes getting more marginalized.IRNlun6
    • Very tense. I'd imagine countries would want to start preparing for more massive migration or other retaliatory measures, without aggravating the situation.IRNlun6
    • http://www.voanews.c…IRNlun6
    • thanks for the link ^Gnash
    • https://gdb.voanews.…Gnash
    • ^ from the article. that truck has seen some shitGnash
  • R_Kercz2


    Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners, the Koch network's big-budget grassroots activism and advertising groups, are teaming up to create a "seven-figure" reserve fund to support lawmakers who buck President Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan on the health care vote, as the threat of primaries looms over some opponents of the bill.

  • Krassy8

  • Bluejam2


    Don't know what London you're talking about.
    Fox news. Fuck Off. And sort out your 'experts'.

    • Ridiculous. They will never top "much of UK an Islamic no go zone" though.fadein11
    • yeah, that was indeed a high water mark. they're trying to better it though ...Bluejam
    • as people have been pointing out, the only thing capable of completely shutting down London is a light covering of snow.Fax_Benson
    • He's on Fox. To their water-headed viewers, London is a village with a big clock and some old houses.face_melter
    • And that episode of Friends was an in-depth documentary.face_melter
    • hahafadein11
    • Tucker also had the Double Cunt Comedy Duo - Farage and Hopkins on his show, both talking utter cuntshittery. Why are these people on tv?Bluejam
    • The only news that the president watches.monospaced
    • Hopkins, Farage, Morgan - the axis of media evil.fadein11
    • Morgan is a foul, pus-filled, blister of a cunt and should always be reminded of that time he was fired for fabricating news while editor at The Mirror.face_melter
    • Just for the next time he starts waving his emaciated peanut-penis about, squawking about facts and reporting.face_melter
  • BusterBoy3

    This CUNT obviously gets his 'intel' from the same sources as his father.

    • cuntfadein11
    • That's what happens when you only read your dad's books...listen to your dad's rhetoric...live in a big cock shaped tower....see_thru
    • This from a guy who thinks sharing pictures of himself sitting on a fucking tree stump is something meaningful...see_thru
    • Terror should not be considered 'part and parcel' of living in a big city. They can knee jerk react all they want, that statement is deserving of criticism.IRNlun6
    • Mayor actually said 'the threat of a terror attack' is part and parcel. Not actual.
    • Anyway, this prick liked a tweet about the Quebec mosque shooting having a 'tremendous spike in political capital' for Trump.monoboy
    • Mayor of London: "Terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city."

      Tokyo: biggest city in the world.. NO ISLAMIC TERRORISM.
    • yes omg, we know Trump's children are as insensitive, idiotic and self-centered as their father and his dumb fuck supporters are ... thanks for clarifyingmonospaced
    • omg must be too young to remember the tokyo subway attack, or the stabbing attacks that have occurred more recently.kona
    • Go Kona! Sounds like you're trying to justify Islamic Terrorism.omg
    • Meanwhile The Trump Family offers prayers and condolences to victims and their families in London. How does Mono figure that is insensitive?omg
    • Khan actually said threats of terrorist attacks are part & parcel you ignorant cunt...has anyone made threats against New York? Washington? Fuck me.BusterBoy
    • only a fucking asshole and piece of shit troll would think THIS tweet was a "condolence." GO fuck yourself, you dumb fuck.monospaced
    • and go fuck yourself to death, going around telling these good people here that they are condoning terrorism, you backward trump apologistmonospaced
    • this isn't the kind of terroristm that Trump is addressing either and if you think it is, your'e retarded toomonospaced
    • Yeah, people concerned with the risk of terror and violence, and his response is threats are part and parcel. Oh, ok Mr. Mayor. So understanding.IRNlun6
    • Nearly all of these incidents are home grown, second/third generation immigrants attacking their countries of birth because of 'attacks on Muslim homelands'.monoboy
    • They're all fucking idiots. Not jihadis, soldiers or prophets. Idiots.monoboy
    • We on the other hand are their facilitators. Why? Because it suits the agendas of hawkish cunts hell bent on making a profit above all else to stoke fears.monoboy

    So I'm currently in a heated debate in a Whatsapp Group with a load of old mates. This morning, one of them sent a video of the aftermath on Westminster bridge with no warning before hand. People laying around in agony, someone under a bus, absolute carnage in graphic detail.

    I responded angrily that nobody needed to see that and that videos like that add nothing to the debate. All that was visible was the suffering and trauma of the victims in incredibly upsetting scenes. It's insensitive to the victims and it's insensitive to post without a warning. We learnt nothing about the motive of the attacker or who he was or anything.

    I have since been told that in order to get the whole truth we need to see everything for ourselves and ignore mainstream media 'spoon feeding' us. And that I'm being 'precious' and advocating censorship. You need to 'dispute everything until you see evidence'.

    One of the guys said that he learned from the video that it wasn't 20 people injured on the bridge and that it was in fact 'More like 7'.

    Listen, I get it, nowadays you can't rely on just one source, in order to get a balanced view, you have to look around and take in multiple sources. But to pretend that this was an informative video, that it shed light on the bigger picture I think is just plain wrong. I read across multiple sources that x number of people were run over, I don't need to see a crushed skull, lifeless body and traumatised onlookers to believe it.

    'Truth has no filter' – My friend after posting a video without warning of a woman under a bus.

    TLDR – Some of my old friends are fucking morons.

    •End of rant•

    • tell him that, as much as you try to filter it, the truth is he's a twatFax_Benson
    • Haha that's spot on. I might say that, drop the mic, change the group title to 'Gore Porn is Kool' and leave.TOMMYxGUNN
    • It's a cheap rhetorical trick to get someone emotionally invested. It's like saying "what if it was one of your kids or family."IRNlun6
    • hang on, is someone who made a 'More like 7' decision based on one video telling you that you need to check more sources?lowimpakt
    • Send your friend this famous ad for the Guardian. I agree with you. Footage (no matter how graphic) is not necessarily 'the truth', perspective & context matterBaskerviIle
    • https://www.youtube.…BaskerviIle
    • Great advert. They don't make em like they used to.TOMMYxGUNN
    • Exactly Lowimpact, that's the level of intelligence I am dealing with here. He's recently become a conspiracy nut...TOMMYxGUNN
    • ... and posts some of the most offensive bullshit on Facebook. I try my best to ignore it but he overstepped the mark in the Whatsapp Group.TOMMYxGUNN
  • BonSeff1

    Who among us hasn't written something the night before it's due despite having 8 years notice and millions of lives hanging in the balance.


  • R_Kercz1

    • Caption: "The knotty problem of Capital Hill. Finding a way to raise taxes without losing a single vote" - Dr. SeussR_Kercz
  • monoboy2

    This guy was going to testify against Paul Manafort's client and possibly the man himself.


    • that makes 9 now, right?severian
    • A lawyer fell from a top floor window last week. He represented a Russian fund manager with ties to US that was beaten to death in custody.monoboy
    • Shady as fuck. Goes right to the front door of the White House and the Kremlin.monoboy
    • i wouldn't even characterize it as shady anymore, i'd be more inclined to say it's screamingly fucking obvious that Putin is offing his political opponentsBuddhaHat
  • BonSeff3

  • Barton1

    Chat live with Drumpf: https://faketown.com/