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  • Fax_Benson0

    Seems to me that this voter fraud thing is what people should be really worried. Nothing actually wrong with him writing EOs. Nothing actually wrong with following through with them, however loopy they may be. All the other stuff is just kids and weirdos mucking about on reddit.

    Insisting there was voter fraud with no verified evidence suggests that he either knows it to be true somehow else (he's complicit) or wants to fix the imaginary problem by diddling the voting / registration process.

    Why else is he banging on about the flaw that got him elected?

    • agreed. it's not as if he's going to disprove of the fraudulent votes (now), but he really should investigate it all (whatever that means, at this point).vero_vandal
    • I don't need to, because I won, but because I'm so honest, I'm going to fix the voter fraud problem. People, we're going to fix the voting system.Fax_Benson
  • vero_vandal-4

    Happy Wall Day!

    Mexico will pay for the "wall" (more like a promotion of the current fence), one way or another. It's leadership is absolutely deluded.

    "Elections have consequences" - BHO

    • itsvero_vandal
    • Breitbart. Lollity Lol and The Lollettes lolling in Lol-town. That kid with the self-scrawled protest placard makes more sense that those fuckholes.face_melter
  • Fax_Benson0

    He is really very good at all this. Not sure who has less of a clue - Trump fans or Trump haters. The media are totally clueless.

    He's probably not as smart as Putin but you can see why they get along.

    • lol they get along because trump isn't black and/or a woman just an impressionable narcissist billionaire who has no idea about politics.sted
    • the media is clueless (look at their flawed poll data) and he is a master of communication, call him what you will.vero_vandal
    • on the job training, much like Obama (freshman senator, no?) http://www.nytimes.c…vero_vandal
    • lol @ "master of communication"monospaced
    • remember, he's reaching out to the masses with those speaking techniques. the liberal crowd is always going to be cynical.vero_vandal
    • The media is making a mint on this guy. A problem will come when they need to manufacture the next one to maintain quarterly profits.R_Kercz
    • techniques ... wow ... that's not the liberal crowd being cynical, it's the educated crowd who knows Trump is a horrible communicatormonospaced
    • have you said 'rust belt dems voted him in' yet today, vero?Fax_Benson
    • but if you mean "speaking like an angry child" and blatant lying is a technique, then yeah, it's working, and I'm cynical as fuck ;)monospaced
    • well, I think there is a truth to his slimy tactics and he knows exactly how to get the wingnuts excited, but those wingnuts get out and vote. ;-)vero_vandal
    • if "speaking like an angry 3rd grader, through fibs" works for him, hey... politics is ugly. he doesvero_vandal
    • well, we all know why it worksmonospaced
    • to a certain demographic yes, but you can't rightly say the majority of his voters are stupid. they just didn't want HRC and their lives sucked = rust belt demsvero_vandal
    • I'd be very careful of jeopardizing the white union vote if I were the Democrats. they lose that, they are done for quite a long time. surprising to mevero_vandal
    • there it isFax_Benson
  • Bluejam1

    • pretty much answers why he's banging on about the electoral vote (still).Bluejam
    • Go Team Trump!utopian
  • allthethings1

    Trump is going on about voter fraud because it gets the media and the public totally focusing on this fake thing rather than on, oh, say, the rape of the environment and the gagging of scientists. He is a master manipulator, the ultimate con man. And he's showing everybody that the man who "can't be bought" is a rubber stamp of every right wing policy. Remember Bush, the "compassionate conservative," signing every far-right thing that Cheney put in front of him? This is 100 times worse...he has named a state news outlet (Fox), attacked the free press, will bring troops into Chicago to deal with the "carnage" there. Meanwhile all you idiots will be going on and on about the fake shit that he throws out there to get people thinking and talking about things that aren't real.

    The U.S. has proved with this election that we are not immune to authoritarianism. It happened there, it's happening here.

    • yes, there's some of that for surevero_vandal
    • They say if someone is always accusing their spouse of cheating they're cheating themselves! Trump has something to hide.

      Let's start with those tax returns.
    • The fat sack of shit just can't handle the fact that he lost the popular vote.hobgoblin
    • Friend of mine went ballistic over ABC news last night, called the station...five minutes on the fraud claim, 15 seconds on all the day's outrages. They're allallthethings
    • falling for it.allthethings
    • The problem with this theory is that he could spend all day tweeting out random shit and it would still apply... not sure if that makes Trump a genius or justyuekit
    • a narcissistic idiot. There was a story about how even in the White House he spends all day watching TV and reacts mainly to that, how he is covered etc.yuekit
  • allthethings0

    And I didn't even say anything about bombing Iran, stealing the oil in Iraq, getting into a shooting war with the Chinese. Or the Russians! Omfg, what a shit show.

    Meanwhile, people I know who voted GOP are saying, "Well, at least it wasn't Hillary." Unreal. Too real.

    • just watched the video posted at the end of previous page by moldero, the crazy statements about getting the oil, wowernexbcn
  • moldero1

    Thanks Obama

  • allthethings1


    The Banal Belligerence of Donald Trump

    I have tried to tread carefully with analogies between the Fascist ideologies of 1930s Europe and Trump. American democracy is resilient. But the first days of the Trump presidency — whose roots of course lie in far more than the American military debacles since 9/11 — pushed me over the top. The president is playing with fire.

    To say, as he did, that the elected representatives of American democracy are worthless and that the people are everything is to lay the foundations of totalitarianism. It is to say that democratic institutions are irrelevant and all that counts is the great leader and the masses he arouses. To speak of “American carnage” is to deploy the dangerous lexicon of blood, soil and nation. To boast of “a historic movement, the likes of the which the world has never seen before” is to demonstrate consuming megalomania. To declaim “America first” and again, “America first,” is to recall the darkest clarion calls of nationalist dictators. To exalt protectionism is to risk a return to a world of barriers and confrontation. To utter falsehood after falsehood, directly or through a spokesman, is to foster the disorientation that makes crowds susceptible to the delusions of strongmen.

    Trump’s outrageous claims have a purpose: to destroy rational thought. When Primo Levi arrived at Auschwitz he reached, in his thirst, for an icicle outside his window but a guard snatched it away. “Warum?” Levi asked (why?). To which the guard responded, “Hier ist kein warum” (here there is no why).

    As the great historian Fritz Stern observed, “This denial of ‘why’ was the authentic expression of all totalitarianism, revealing its deepest meaning, a negation of Western civilization.”

    • I'd perhaps counter that high-handed imposition of certain liberal values took away certain social strata's own right to ask "Why?" and Trump is their response.detritus
    • quite. There's too much of this kind of stuff and not enough proper analysis. How many evocative opinion pieces can people consume?Fax_Benson
    • he actually makes and misses the point in the same breathFax_Benson
    • Perhaps we libs were high-handed, but we didn't arrest journalists or curtail civil liberties.allthethings
    • The worst thing you can say is we shamed people out of being racist cunts in public.allthethings
    • "we didn't arrest journalists or curtail civil liberties..." you may want to look into the actions of the Obama Administration.IRNlun6
  • vero_vandal-6

    Here's another good one, including a ton of GOP haters.

    Then Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews laughing at his potential.

    • yawnlowimpakt
    • funny, those same GOP fuckers are now either running for cover or kissing Don's ass!!! funny how that all works, eh?vero_vandal
    • vero you are doing great at being obnoxious keep it upernexbcn
    • The final joke will be on his own supporters as he screws them over.yuekit
    • ^ sounds like the same thing with the last guy, can't remember his name.vero_vandal
    • cum_cloth_drakeutopian
  • hobgoblin3

    A few months ago I remember people from my area were going ballistic over a new proposed rail line in close proximity to their homes. Facebook, twitter, signs all around town to vote against the proposed rail.

    Fast-forward to yesterday and today: I'm now seeing "Why the Dakota Pipeline will be the safest in history" and "This will create so many jobs!" by the same people.

    It's funny, when something is being proposed in their backyard it's "Think of the environment, think of the implications, think of the possibility of 'what if' something should go wrong..."

    When something as equally, or arguably more devastating and destructive to the environment but it's in someone else's backyard it's "Think of the jobs this will create!"

    I couldn't be more disgusted in people right now.

    Oh, and the kicker is I also saw a HUGE round of applause for the Obama administration brining legislation to ban Horse soaring and today Trump puts the legislation on hold. Why? I doubt there's any money to be made by Trump and his cronies. Fucking crickets from the stupid. Not a damn one of them saying jack-shit about their lord and savior Trump sending the legislation back. You fuckers will get what you deserve.

    • I upvoted in spite of Horse soaring. Whatever that means, I agree utterly.allthethings
    • He's agreeing with himselfset
    • and upvoting himselfset
    • I didn't know what it was either. Some stupid thing shitty horse people do to their horses to train them to walk different.hobgoblin
  • set-4

    This is worth a laugh. His enthusiasm is hilarious. I'd love it if he were right but I think he might just end up eating his words and being disappointed, unfortunately. That is if he's genuine. I still haven't worked out if he's an actor on the side he's pretending to oppose, or not..

    • (but I think it's more likely that he is)set
    • photoshop set on to bubblehead Jones.utopian
    • If Alex Jones or Trump is an actor?yuekit
    • Jonesset
    • Just for the black and white half-wit numtpy's that infest this forum.... I don't support or follow Alex Jones, just because I posted this...set
    • I mean obviously he's acting and hamming it up for stuff like this. It's like watching professional wrestling.yuekit
    • That's not what I meant though, is it.set
    • Yeah who knows, but my guess would be he's mainly in it for the money. I mean half his show is an ad for Super Male Vitality pills lolyuekit
    • haha, yea, if I were to guess I'd say he probably believes what he's saying, but is also in it for the money, and has been given allowed to have the platform heset
    • ..has because cause he's trying to hamper knows that he's doing them a favour by causing the average person to see him and dismiss anything he talks aboutset
    • but who knows.set
    • Sorry that came out terribly. He's been allowed to become as popular as he is because it helps create ridicule around the subjects he talks about...set
    • report everything on Infowars facebook page as the fake news it is.moldero
    • ... where as if a mainstream media outlet spoke about them people would take it more seriously. He's hampering the cause he's trying to help. In my opinion.set
  • hobgoblin3

    Oh you sorry sacks of garbage in a dumpster fire. Too stupid to see the irony that literally everything Alex was against, Trump is now the poster boy for. Don't believe me? Remember when Obama was to declare martial law? Well, Trump just tweeted a threat to Chicago that he'll send in the FBI... for all intensive purposes that would = martial law in Chicago. How about Trump censoring scientists and the EPA. Do you know where else they do that? North Korea... yeah... it's called Communism. When the government censors news and it's own agencies that's called Communism. Member when Obama was supposed to impose Communism (or Socialism take your pick)? And what 4 days into his 'Presidency' he signs the legislation to pass the Dakota Pipeline nonsense and tells you it's all about creating jobs. No, it's about the government taking peoples land to make Big Oil richer. You people are the dumbest of the dumb. Trump will p*ss on your back and tell you it's raining and you'd all say "Oh boy what a wonderful rain it is today! So warm and salty even!"

    Alex Jones is a joke and anyone who follows him is too.

    • I agree for the most part but I have to ask.... Who are you even talking to?set
    • Most people here despise Trump and Alex Jones alike...set
    • That was too long to post in the comments above. Alex Jones and his followers. And omgjazxveroyuri and every other handle he has.hobgoblin
    • *intents and purposesContinuity
    • And you're also throwing the term 'communism' around a bit too liberally. What you're looking for is the word 'fascism'.Continuity
    • LOL intensive purposesset
    • He's talking to the people who spout the same nonsense Alex Jones spouts, here on QBN.monospaced
    • And one last nitpick: he's not been signing legislation. He's been signing executive orders, effectively ruling by decree in his first full week.Continuity
    • insensitive porpoisesFax_Benson
  • Fax_Benson0

  • yuekit0

    Vice did a documentary on Alex Jones a couple weeks ago that included this statistic...

    Of course it's good if the influence of mainstream media is being challenged, but not if they are being replaced with something worse.

    • disgustinghobgoblin
    • Tells you everything you need to know about how America reached this point.yuekit
    • Well whether he is or not, the people feel that Jones is telling them the truth, and that the mainstream news channels aren't.set
    • That's a good sign. I think Jones is probably a smear agent to help invest ridicule in the alternative media sphere, but there are still truths in his materialset
    • amongst the shite, of course. People want change, people want the truth, people are sick of the media propaganda and politicians lies. That's a good thing.set
    • One truth of Alex's please...hobgoblin
    • Is it the one that Hillary is a lizard?hobgoblin
    • Pizzagate? Death camps? Martial law? Black helicopters? Sharia law?hobgoblin
    • You're literally the last user on this entire website I'd be willing to attempt to get in to an intelligent discussion with.set
    • The Clintons are actual murderers? Hillary is an actual witch responsible for the Dallas shootings?hobgoblin
    • "the world is ending - buy your survival kit from ME"fadein11
    • Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered? Orlando, Sandy Hook, Boston, and Brussels, etc. were ‘false flags.’ Truths please?hobgoblin
    • Weather weapons the government uses to steer tornados?hobgoblin
    • Well done, you've been manipulated by Alex Jones' act in to ridiculing any information that isn't covered by the mainstream media. Have a word with yourself.set
    • set the feeling is mutual.hobgoblin
    • set why does he have to be either genuine or a government agent? Isn't it much more likely that he's just some guy who started a YouTube channel that he makes ayuekit
    • Here's the problem though set. Alex Jones believes it and pushes it off as real news. What's worse is his viewers believe it. At least you'll never hearhobgoblin
    • shitload of money off of, by marketing scam products to his gullible audience?yuekit
    • 98% of Alex's insane shit in the 'real' news. Is it all skewed? Of course it is depending on if you're watching Fox or MSNBC but comparing what Alex does tohobgoblin
    • He could totally be that, too, yuekit. Though I doubt he'd be given the opportunity to become as big as he is if that were the case. That's why I tend to..set
    • any reputable news source is a fucking joke.hobgoblin
    • ..think he's part of the agenda.set
    • I thought you didn't want to have a discussion with me either, hobgoblin. You seem to be trying awfully hard. I'm trying to talk with yuekit, would you mind..set
    • But please, from your computer somewhere in the UK, please tell me what it's like here in the US and what we get daily on TV. Please...hobgoblin
    • For a guy who doesn't follow Alex Jones you sure know an awful lot about him.hobgoblin
    • @set That's why I'm skeptical there really is an "agenda" on the level you're suggesting.yuekit
    • report everything on Infowars as the fake news it is.moldero
    • 1 point missed here, to quote you Set - "small brains" will believe anything and YouTube have enabled characters like him to rise. It's new media that hasfadein11
    • Of course there are people with agendas, but if they really controlled everything there's no way they would just allow Trump to stumble into the White Houseyuekit
    • given him such influence. He just happened to be in there at the start.fadein11
    • YouTube etc. *fadein11
    • and start shitting all over everything in sight. And same thing with someone like Jones becoming one of the biggest news sources.yuekit
    • A lot of these things are better explained by short term thinking, profit motive and incompetence...which if you think about it is even scarier.yuekit
    • I agree, I don't think any of it is by accident.set
    • ...but agenda 21 has been slowly, steadily and provably enforced over the best part of the last 30 years, and most of 'these things' are part of it.set
    • that's the problem with some of the 'alt' scene - too easy to just write off anything awkward as a mainstream plant / op.Fax_Benson
    • Sorry but "A lot of these things are better explained by short term thinking, profit motive and incompetence" is totally off the mark, sadly.set
    • So you're saying whoever is in charge wanted Hillary to lose? In spite of everyone saying the opposite the whole time?yuekit
    • That's the problem with theories like this, they can literally never be disproved. If Hillary was elected it's proof everything is rigged, but if Trump wasyuekit
    • I'm saying it makes no difference to them which one won, ultimately.set
    • elected it's proof of the same thing.yuekit
    • Obama just fell in-line and sadly I assume Trump will too.set
    • Well now that he's there he will end up giving Republicans and their aligned interests (big oil, Wall Street, Israel) a lot of what they wanted simply becauseyuekit
    • that's how power works in Washington. But that's different from saying they wanted Trump in there originally.yuekit
    • The GOP donors gave over $100 million to Jeb Bush's campaign which was a total failure because he was originally thought to be the front runner.yuekit
    • I don't claim to know what the plan was with this election, but I find it hard to believe someone who is going to utterly challenge the establishment wouldset
    • be given the chance to get anywhere near the front runners. The fact is no individual is going to change things for the better, it's the political system thatset
    • is the problem..set
    • Trump has said things that no other president or candidate has ever said before, which was refreshing, but ultimately I guess just a deliberate ploy.set
    • Obama hooked people with his change spiel, won and then changed nothing, just helped further agenda 21... and it looks like Trump will follow suit.set
  • hobgoblin3

    Steve Bannon registered to vote in two states despite Trump's cries of 'voter fraud'.

    lol. It just keeps getting better and better.

    • really?monospaced
    • Aye.
    • Yes. Yes he is. He's registered to vote in Florida and New York. He registered an apartment in Manhattan as his address shortly before the election.hobgoblin
    • He also remains registered to vote in Florida according to state records.hobgoblin
    • Google it. It's gaining steam.hobgoblin
    • Could be wrong, but i don't think it's illegal to be registered in 2 states, but def illegal to vote in 2. Still would love to see that backfire for Trump.bulletfactory
    • From Trump... "I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states,..."hobgoblin
    • @bullet: this is the crux of the story. On the one hand, Trump is alleging voter fraud (without a shred of evidence), and Bannon is practising the ...Continuity
    • ... very activity Trump is trying to convince people is 'fraudulent.'Continuity
    • Bannon is registered to vote in two states.

      Let that sink in how utterly moronic Trump is at the helm.
    • If he were registered in both states, there would be nothing to stop him from voting in both states.monospaced
    • that doesn't mean he VOTED in both states. FFS!vero_vandal
    • Agreed vero. But, seeing as how Trump's investigation will be looking into those registered to vote in two states (Bannon) Trump has egg on his face.hobgoblin
    • Ah, no, gobz. Bannon will be exempt. It will be framed as fake news that he is registered in both states, despite the obvious evidence. Watch.Continuity
  • hobgoblin3

    Four more journalists get felony charges after covering the inauguration unrest.

    Communism at work people!

    A documentary producer, a photojournalist, a live-streamer, and a freelance reporter facing up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine if convicted. That brings the total number of media workers facing up to 10 years in prison to six.

    Communism at it's best brought to you by Trump.

  • allthethings2
  • dbloc3

  • vero_vandal-2

    Trump says he’ll name Supreme Court nominee next week

    Man alive did this guy get FUCKED!

  • moldero1

    • Not sure I've seen that quote. Not very nice of him, but second statement is the furthest from the truth. Angry yes; idiots no.vero_vandal
    • you're the proof vero_vandalmoldero
    • No, vero... they (you included) really are idiots.BuddhaHat
    • only in your eyes, which makes you look quite silly. America First!vero_vandal
    • like omg, vero is just trolling, though we do have a couple real rightwing idiots heremoldero
    • yeah vero is pure trollBuddhaHat